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Unappreciative little shit!

christinen's picture

Sorry I just need to vent for a minute.. I'm laying in bed crying because DH did nothing for me today (mothers day). No I don't have bio kids but we have SD 50/50 and I do a LOT for that kid. I've been around since she was 1 (she's 5 now). SD did make me a card before she went to BM's and she even called today to say happy mothers day which surprised me, but I was hoping for some acknowledgement from DH today. I was so upset that I let DH know "FYI you should acknowledge the woman who takes care of your kid on mothers day." I am just SMH right now!!

ta5's picture

My kids biofather of 20 YEARS ONLY ONE TIME GOT ME A PRESENT. It felt like a normal day every mothers day. Then I got divorced~! My new husband has three daughters 2 grown one 50/50 every 7 days. Plus two of mine are still at home.

First he sent me flowers, chocolates and a bubble bath set

next HE TOOK ALL THE KIDS including my college daughter and they bought presents. They told me he let them get whatever they wanted.

next they all took me to outback steak house

presented me with all the presents. a ton!

THEN my older step daughters brought me a card and tulips!

you should expect recognition on mothers day and if they dont say something. Skids count ! Their father should make sure it happens!

I took it for 20 yrs and I am so lucky now. It was over the top.

sc12's picture

Before we had bio kids my husband only wished me a happy mothers day because he didnt want to make me feel bad that we didnt have him ever on mothers day and that he didnt want to rub it in my face that ss really isnt mine. He may have thought he was sparing your feelings from the reality of the situation. Yes you are their step mother but in the end if it came down to it have zero rights in the kids life. It sucks I know it because I feel for my ss the same I do for my bio sons. I love them and would do anything for them. And on top of that he is a man, they dont think. My husband will sit there the day before my birthday and say tomorrow is your birthday. Then on my birthday he will literally forget until he hears my phone going off all day and me saying thank you for the birthday wishes. Men dont think sentimentally like woman do. They have good intentions but they, for lack of a better word, suck sometimes.

christinen's picture

Yeah I mean I get that I am not "really" a mother and to be honest, I didn't think about whether or not DH was going to get me anything all day because I was busy with my mom, but then later last night my friend told me she got flowers from this guy she is seeing.. granted, she is a bio mom BUT the guy is NOT the kid's father, not her husband, heck not even her boyfriend, they are just dating and he got her mother's day flowers, but my own HUSBAND whose daughter I am RAISING could not acknowledge me on that day. It really hurt my feelings.

jumanji's picture

Well,ladies.... my ex NEVER got me anything for Mother's Day. As he put it - I wasn't his mother. Being the mother of his children was moot. My Mom used to take them to get me a gift/card.

So don't take it personally.

ta5's picture

and one more thing .. my husband said first thing happy mothers day even though your not my mother. I love you and thank you for being a step mom to my kids!

thebrokenrecordmachine's picture

Hi Christine,
I am sorry to hear that your Husband didnt aknnowledge you on Mothers Day. For all intensive purposes, you should have been recognized. I know you have said that your SD stresses you out, that is understandable. But from what you've mentioned in the past, you are the only stable role model she has. I am glad she recognized thisand i'm sure that made you feel good when she called.

I am going to play devils advocate here,because I myself tend to over analyze things lol and I like understanding peoples motives/true intentions. Anyways, maybe and this is just a pure hypothesis, when you have mentioned to him, having SD over every week stresses you out. Maybe he mistook it as, you offending his daughter(which I know you werent) and he is retaliating by not saying, "Happy Mothers Day."
Since you mentioned before, you were stressed. Dont worry, Im not beating you up.
I have seen my own father do this to my mother, when my mom would over criticize. (They should have split up sooner)but thats another story.
Sorry im at work, if thats incoherent.

Anyways, to summarize, he should have said something to you. I would definitely bring this up to him, that it was hurtful. Are you sure you want to have a kid with someone like that behaves this way? Hopefully, he will change.
Best of luck chrisine, Biological Parent or not, children are hard to raise.

christinen's picture

That could be it. I did bring it up to him and I actually flat out asked him if we had a kid together if he would have done something for me for Mother's Day. He said yes he would have. Then I told him that he really should acknowledge the woman who is raising his kid on Mother's Day. Hell, the skid is only 5 and she thought to acknowledge me but my husband didn't? I know men are different with things like this but sheesh! I understand I am not really her mother, and I wouldn't expect anyone else to wish me a happy Mother's Day (even though all my friends did, BUT I did kind of expect something from my husband just because of everything I have done for the kid.. I have raised her.. I do everything for her.. Yes she stresses me out and aggravates me but I still do what I can for her and it irks me that I was not acknowledged on the ONE DAY of the year that is meant to acknowledge the Mother's in your life (whether they be bio or step).

Well thank you all for letting me vent! I am so glad that day only happens once a year!

2ndMom71's picture

I didn't get anything either sweetheart ... no worries ... I have a 19 year old Son from my first marriage and he had issues with his vehicle on Mother's Day so I did not get to see my own child... But we did go see the soon to be mother in law (my mother is deceased) His children are 9 and 5 yrs old and not capable of going out and getting anything for their own mother so I actually got her a card along with my mother in law... it was very hard to do considering my own Mother had passed and the very thought of reading cards was horrific for me... then to spend a day that honors Mothers and not have your's ..can't see your own child ..and then not be acknowledged really hurt me to the core as well . Bless your heart can be overwhelming when you feel unappreciated. HUGS !