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Update on Walking Away

Calypso1977's picture

Fiance was having major anxiety about dealing with SD13 and her never ending crap this weekend. We were fairly certain that she would refuse visitation, cops would be called to document the contempt, etc.

So he canceled the weekend with her.

But he only canceled AFTER they talked on the phone for well over an hour. I didnt hear the conversation but essentially he laid everything out for her about how he is sick of her attitude, the battles, etc. I had shared with him all of your responses from the other day. I made him read every one. I really think they resonated with him!

He asked her what her problem is with sleeping over, and he asked her if she has any other friends whose parents are divorced. She does, but the little liar actually said "none of them have to sleep over at their dads houses". Bullshit! He told her that was BS too! He then said your friend X goes with her father all the time! And she said "that's different, he lives out of state so she has to". Um, he lives on Cape Cod. Last time i checked Cape Cod was still part of Massachusetts. Moron.

Long story short, he told SD that he's taking the rest of the month away from her. He told her if she wants to call or text he will engage with her but that he's not reaching out to her. He told her that if she misses him then he will see her on his first regular visit day in September.

I dont think he's going to cave this time. I also dont think she's going to call or text him either. Not sure how he will handle the full out rejection. But he did sleep a solid 9 hours after he had that call with her - something he has not been able to do in a long, long time.

We'll see what happens but i am in heaven knowing i wont have to see her for 3 weeks. Im also working on a new job opportunity for myself which if i get it means i will never have to be around for weekday visitation due to the hours and commute. That will make us both happier since i wont have to see SD and i wont have to ask him to take her somewhere other than our home (which he never wants to do anyway) on visit days.

frustratedstepdad's picture

Awesome! Remember to "reward" your fiance for finally seeing the light. A nice cooked dinner and some pornographic sex...LOL. Like another poster on here said. "What gets rewarded, gets repeated."

picklebreath's picture

May my man's balls swing so pendulously! You two are an inspiration, and I love that you worked together to make a stand. It will be for everyone's good in the long run. /fistpump

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Fantastic! He's budding new balls! How great is that?!

WTG DH of Calypso! Demand respect and show people how you expect to be treated.
