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WE did it - FINALLY after 10+ YEARS..........

hbell0428's picture

This weekend I tore apart SD14 room after 2 years of letting her stink and nastyness ruin my home - I DID NOT snoop - I just organized her clothes washed her sheets.....cleaned!

She was not home for the weekend.......during this time we discovered she stole from her mothers friend (she told us her mom bought it for her) I found 7 things of my childrens from clothes to bags to makeup. I found 3 things of my makeup; my underwear :jawdrop: My pants all in her room!!!!!!!!!!!

When she returned on Sunday DH and I where united for ONCE!
We confronted her - she actually looked at us like we were crazy. Never aplogized never even blinked. Then she began to yell and scream at the top of her lungs!
We both kind of sat there......stunned :? She started screaming that she wanted her mother and she hated us and so forth. (we explained to her her mother couldn't take her right now due to things like this)......Her BM talked to her and even told her no! SD is not going to be able to run the show -= now that our house has caught on to her games; she wants to leave. She has always played both sides. We have given her everything; she doensn't even do chores!
During this she went to her room and started to pack - she wanted to run away.......My bios where there and it was just too much for them to see.......MIL came to get her for the night just so she would settle down; I have NEVER seen her like this!!
After she left I went to her room and after all my hard work she tore it apart; I mean everything!!
So with DH standing right there......I finished the job; I dumped out all her drawers.....and left a note that it better be the way it was by the time I get home!!

During all this I managed to keep my cool - I only screamed once when she said she hated me and I wasn't her mother; I returned........."No, I am not, but I am the one hear for you - doing whatever you want; and I will not be disrespected in my home any longer"

I am thankful her BM was on our side and said that we have all given in to her for so long it's now time for tough love!! And she will be given nothing until she realizes that we are all sick of her lies, stealing and munipulation.

Auteur's picture

Good for you! You hit a nerve there! SHe probably thought you'd never get wise to her and she could manipulate for ever!!

Jsmom's picture

Do not clean up that mess. Go get a box and pack it up. She has to earn it back. My Dad did this one time to me and it left an impact and now my closet is always clean. You have made huge progress here, don't undo it and clean for her.

Good job, so nice to hear that BM is working with you. If ours had we would still have a relationship with SD.

herewegoagain's picture

Good for you and your DH! By the way, my mom would've thrown EVERYTHING out by now. No earning a darn thing. No if you behave you get it back or we'll buy it for you again. It would just be "too freaking bad you were such a little witch...that should teach you a lesson!" lol

dragonfly5's picture

Wow a victory for you and her dad got to see her at her "best". Good for you. I am sorry for your kids, it must have been difficult for them to see this chaos.

The line has been drawn in the sand and there is a new sheriff in town.

Gotta luv it!

Doubletakex3's picture

Awesome that all three of you are united (you, DH & BM). Hopefully, SD will magically mature and see that her game is over.

giveitago's picture

Totally awesome! My hat goes off to you both.
Sad that it has to wait until daddy (Dig A Deep Ditch for Yourself buddy) sees it for himself before he does anything about it though. Finally we got some results too.