Well...$100 and DH wedding ring missing...where did they go....SS?????
To get to the point. DH's wedding band is missing for the 3rd day now (cannot see why SS would take it and think that DH just lost it). But DH has been mentioning that he swore he had more cash then he has....$100.00 more as a matter of fact! Hmmmmmmmmmm? SS just came back from a 4 day vacation with his mom and family and the money was missing before he left. MAybe I am wrong! Hmmmmmmmm??????????
(No subject)
Of course SS took it for his
Of course SS took it for his holiday!! And I'll bet he'll blame WINDEE for taking it. These entitled skids have brass balls the size of Jupiter.
I would be very upset that he
I would be very upset that he buying him a video game system. I mean how many do they need??? Really? If you have $100 missing how can you afford to buy a game system anyway???
I think I'd battle that one first b/c he has $100 missing and now spending money that you don't have b/c he is upset about $100 missing sound strange to me? I wouldn't say anything about ss taking the money but I damn sure would tell dh that if $100 is missing that he doesn't need to spend money on something that is not needed!