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Who's BM ?

Indigo's picture

Just had to post this link to a situation in NY. A mom threatened to blow up the school when her daughter failed an exam. I swear there are some posters on this board who may have this woman as their BM or her sister! Ha.

Indigo's picture

LOL. I'm a volunteer recreational sport head coach and I've been fairly lucky with my parents, but I've seen some outlandish behavior on other teams. I am very glad that I am not a teacher.

bearcub25's picture

When my DD played Frosh basketball, there were a few games they had to show the games tapes on mute. One Mother trashed all the other girls on the team so loudly, they didn't want the girls to hear it.

My kids are 30 and 25. Maybe I just don't remember it, but the parents today take it to a new level. I go to my Gsons games and I can't believe some of these parents. They think their kid is the next Michael Jordon or Tom Brady. These kids are 11, who knows if they will even make the team sport in high school.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

I do not know anything about this woman or her daughter's reasons for failing a Regents exam, but i can tell you FOR SURE: schools in NYC are such that it is a minor miracle more parents do not go ballistic and threaten to blow them up. I am drawing on a decade of professional experience when i say that.

Ineptitude wrapped in inefficiency covered by indifference seldom paves the way to academic excellence.
The student in question might have a learning disability but the system as a whole is plagued by teaching inability.