Concerned - BM of neighbors is in mental hospital - SD is taking care of kids
This is about a family that I have been worried about for going on 5 years. About every month DFS is out here, called by the school for the kids not going to school. Since then they have been doing house checks and found the living conditions REALLY BAD.....I cannot even describe them it would take to long. DFS was telling BM that she might lose the kids due to educational negelect and the way they live. These children have missed over 30 school days since the begining of school. BF lives 4 hours away. Grandparents (mothers) live 2 miles away. The SF has issues of his own and is unable to deal with them, you can hear the yelling and screaming, which is how I knew BM was gone. If a Biological parent is in the hospital, mental, should the kids not be with their bio dad???? This seems very strange to me and I am pretty sure that Bio dad does not know the half of what is going on. What is your take on this?????