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help with Texas child support...please - if you have a case in Texas-online tool - please help!

herewegoagain's picture

I just checked my husband's account and it states the following on the online tool for Texas...

Your case is currently in the assessment process. This case is being reviewed to determine the next action.
Keep us informed of changes in home and work addresses, telephone numbers and employers for yourself and the other parent.

It never used to say this, and I am wondering if the witch has done something...or if this is just standard on the site now...

PLEASE if you have a case in Texas and an access the online tool, I would truly appreciate if you could tell me if your case also shows this or if it's just that my DH's case has this now...

MamaTracy's picture

We are the NCP and are in Texas. We haven't had that one yet. Now the Attorney Generals Office did screw up once. We got sent a letter stating that my husband was behind in child support by 10,000. We were both pissed about that one. His child support is very current. Turns out they had two accounts under my husband's name. Took us a few weeks to fix that one. I would call them and find out what is going on for sure. These exwives tend to be very sneaky when it comes to the kids and money. The biggest problem we have is PAS. And the police won't do anything to help. Like it would kill them to make a report for our files. If you would like to talk and exchange stories or anything let me know. You can find me on facebook under Tracy Castleberry Schmidt. Or email is [email protected]. It's always great to talk to other NCP's for advice and such.

herewegoagain's picture

Thank you so much for your response...I was waiting to tell DH, because I know it would stress him out...but I told him after reading this. I am just so sick and tired of this woman...and the state of Texas. That woman is just crazy and will do anything she can to make our lives miserable. My husband is not making as much as he used to, but we know Texas doesn't care. He has contacted them on two occasions to try to lower CS, as his salary has been 1/3 to 1/2 of what it used to, since he works on commission and both times they told him that he had to wait 6 that he is finally about to get a commission, I have a feeling we'll be up the creek once again...mind you, we've been living off my 401K right now, as his take home is only 1,600USD a month!!! I don't want to stress out at this point, but if they ask him to pay even more, I think I will have to tell him that we are LEAVING THE COUNTRY...that's it! I can no longer continue to support his ex and daughter, while we do without and while I totally loose my 401K that I saved for 19yrs of work...

Sebbie's picture

I would rather be hated for who I am, then loved for who I am not.

but in Georgia and Florida, the assessment stage means that there may be an arrearage owed, that the states CSE is reviewing, sending out letters to the NCP in regards to payments and arrearage to establish a payment agreement. The next phase, and the one that should concern you is Enforcement. That stage is where drivers license suspensions, garnishments ect. take place, up to contempt charges. My advise, contact CSE yourself and find out what exactly they are doing in regards to the case at this time.

Tdwandall's picture


I'm a stepmother of 2 children and my husband and I have a 5 year old together...
I fully understand the need for child support as I was a child who didn't receive any support from my dad... However I truly feel as if my daughter doesn't get the same opportunities as the other two whom I love and treat no differently than my own child... In fact I think they are treated better... I just want to lay it out there and get some feedback! First off my husbands ex wife has point blank told me that child support is not what is suppose to be used for anything in specific and that Is just a percentage that she is entitled to because she has his children.:/ but honestly aside from the 700 we pay her a month in support we also pay 289 a month for outstanding health insurance, we provide dental and vision insurance (which is not court ordered) as well as we pay for 1/2 of EVERYTHING! We pay half of all extra activities and school clothes, half of his sons auto insurance and vehicle... So in a sense I feel that we pay for everything... Not only do we pay everything stated above but we also give my stepson 70 a week for gas/running money... My husband has gotten a promotion and she would be given an increase in support but no one wanted to go back to court but I feel now it's way out of hand... Oh and we live in Houston and they live in Tyler 4 hours away so we do all of the driving to get them for visitation... I know she is suppose to do some of the driving as well but again we don't enforce this... Just this last week I was given some information to lead me to believe that she is getting food stamps And Medicare for the kids as well as the kids are recieving free lunches at school bc she must be lying about her income (hairstylist)... We have a decent relationship and I haven't rocked the boat for the sake of the kids, but I'm really starting to feel my baby is doing without because we are giving her the farm so to speak...