MA child support - 18 yo any experience?
hi, my H has a soon to be 18 yo son who plans to stay living with BM after he graduates HS and then start a one year certificate auto mechanic school. Does anyone have experience with MA laws and kids going to school after HS but not really college? The laws have changed for CS and I am pushing hard for my husband to call his attorney. We already pay full CS and annoying SD19 lives full time in our home
any help is appreciated
According to Google, you pay
According to Google, you pay until 18 or a bit longer if they are still in high school.
Why is he paying for SD19? Even in NY, which goes to 21, he wouldn't have to pay for her, because she lives with him.
It appears that the kid is stil in HS
I agree, if the kid moved back in with him, he should have filed for a change.
My googling pulled up that MA can require divorced parents to contribute to post secondary education (see page 11 of link below), including room and board. Does not limit to college, so I think would inlcude auto school.
Tech school, Job Corps, and
Tech school, Job Corps, and many other things can still qualify as a CAS Child Attending School. Generally the support goes directly to the child rather than the parent. The calculations are different than regular CS.
What if 18 yo does not go to
What if 18 yo does not go to school and decides to take full time job BUT stay living with BM? Then child support continues till 21?!
i need to get my husband to call an attorney
If Skid is 18+ and is not in
If Skid is 18+ and is not in school.... I doubt that DH is liable for CS.
Time to cut the $ and let Skid and BM figure out out without your marrital money.