Oct 4th court date... BM just keeps sending letter after letter.....???
We have a court date for Oct 4th. BM has of course printed out all her own paperwork etc. She wrote her sad sob story about how she can't provide for her children on X amount of money. Not one time did she address the REASON we are taking her to court. We are taking her to court due to her contempt on letting DH see his kids PER their CO! We have texts and emails stating that he isn't going to get them and if he calls she will be on the other line listening. She wrote the court a letter stating how she is in dire straights trying to make ends meat. And how she and HER children are barely staying afloat and now she has to come up with gas money to come here for a court date. And how it is putting terrible strain on her life. She starts school this week and is a junior in College (lie, she is still taking basic classes to be able to begin her real reason why she went back) She neglects to say to the judge that she shares a home with her BF and has for six years. She neglects to tell the judge that she got a ONCE in a lifetime scholarship for all her schooling. Instead she puts in the letter she has thousands in grants etc for her to be able to go back to school. Not one thing was about the kids. Not one thing was about the kids seeing DH. It was a letter simply based on her financial funds. So she asked the judge to please compile all the court dates into one date to help her with the cost of coming here for the court. She wants to defer the Oct 4th date to Oct 25th. So she may come up with the money to be able to come down here. Since she is just starting a new school year etc. And her kids have terrible strain due to what DH is doing to her and them.
Funny we have SEVERAL texts and SEVERAL emails stating how WONDERFUL her life is with her BF and how they are making a life for themselves and how they have excelled while DH is in financial disaster and how they have come up in the world and DH is just going backwards. Her emails praise how great their life is and now wonderful things are going bla bla bla yet her letter to the judge states they are just about starving in her home and she just doesn't know how they will make ends meat..... I will add for somebody who thinks she is so freaken smart she had several missed spelled words in her letter to a JUDGE.
She closed her letter stating that she is begging the Legal Aide office to please take on her case and that she needs time to hear back from them.
When i went to legal aid for help when I went through my divorce with my ex husband I was told they didn't take family court cases in our state. They did however send me to an attorney and he gave me some legal advice on what papers I needed to fill out and file but that's about all I got. So I have to wonder if they will take her case. She has sent a paper or letter every single day to us (what ever she mails to the court she makes a copy of and sends us) for the past two weeks. So every single whine she gives the courts she makes sure we get a copy of. Crazy ass bitch. Now we know what to expect when we go to court. What all her issues are. What she is firing at us with. Funny thing is it's all about medical bills etc that she has paid that he hasn't. Which is a lie but the other funny is in their divorce papers she took ALL the medical bills from all the places she keeps bitching about and he took the credit cards. So seriously she is going in guns loaded with he didn't help me pay those bills but yet their papers say those were hers to pay? Like their house. In the papers it states her and her BF got the house. But yet she is writing the courts saying my DH let it go into foreclosure? Is she really this stupid? I am so glad we have all the payment history of all she is saying he didn't pay. Not to mention the calander of all the times she did stupid shit or is saying lies etc about us. One would think the courts would be getting pretty tired of her hand written letters begging them for prayers and to postpone things because SHE has school. Never mind the kids and their school. Because as usual it's all about her and money.
Sounds like Oct 4th will be
Sounds like Oct 4th will be very entertaining. Take some popcorn and a Coke and settle in for the fun. Take her idiot ass apart and update us on how it goes.
I look forward to the entertainment.
Good luck.
Depending on when she
Depending on when she actually sent the letter, if the judge doesnt get the letter and enter it into court with an answer then the previous courtdate will still be held. If she doesnt show up he can warrant her to show cause on why she didnt show up or go against her with a default judgement. Usually though, because we know how stupid the court systems are these days, then the judge will just enter into docket that petitioner/respondent, whichever one she is, didnt appear and set the courtdate for another day, giving her another chance to show up. Take all the stuff you have on her. Make your husband look over it making sure he knows what everything is. I mean you say you have alot on her but chances are you wont even be allowed in the courtroom unless you are a witness. Usually they will call you into testify and then make you leave the courtroom again. Family court is not an open court. Make sure that when BM says her bullshit that DH knows exactly what paperwork to shove in her face.
She can't just send letters
She can't just send letters to a judge. He isn't getting them if she hasn't filed them as her response.
Anyone pertaining to the case
Anyone pertaining to the case or has correspondance for the judge can file it. However it is up to the judge if the correspondance is aknowledged and put in the docket.
^^^^ The is a difference
The is a difference between submitting something to the case file and just writing the judge a letter.