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Question about custody...

The Triangle's picture

The short of it is that in November we DH and myself went for full custody of ss 8. We lost and it stayed 50/50. SS does attend school in our district now and BM has now moved 3 hours away. She see ss e.o.w. (fri-sunday eveing) BM was to be paying cs and is to be moving back 6/15 (after beauty school ends)
6/15 is in 3 weeks and BM has made no progress on making her move back. She does not pay for ss as a matter of fact she still goes by the court agreement and receives cs from us. Now, we have a written agreement that states all of the changes that was not administered through the court BUT the court is making us honor it and not her! She can not get in trouble for any of her actions and we cannot complain because we signed the paper! WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? Anyone????????? :jawdrop:

stepmama2one's picture

Why is child support still being paid to her when your dh has an order stating she is suppose to be paying him??