crazy stepdaughter..
ive a 20 yo stepdaughter, she is husband's adopted daughter from his ex. he married her mom when she was 6, then theyve a daughter together whom she is so jealous of.then after a year, husband discovered he jas another daughter from previous relationship, made adopted daughter more jealous, marriage ended, btw, adopted daughter biodad left them when she was 3 mos old. three years after separation, I met husband, we got married immediately, my mistake, had 2 kids in three years of marriage. now, adopted daughter wants out babies to the poiint of saying always when she visits, she will have custody when we die.even say that she had dream her mom got custody of my
she wants my kids to call her
she wants my kids to call her mom
She really sounds like a real
She really sounds like a real 'sickie'. Stay away from her and do not allow her to be near your kids. Also, speciafy in writing who will be taking care of your kids if you or DH die. This is truly a living nightmare. Yuck!!! Good luck to you.
Maybe start bringing up all
Maybe start bringing up all the great things YOU are going to do when SHE dies. (go on cruises, have a TON more babies, you get the picture).
Rude, at the least. Alarming, at the worst.
Really this is a person you
Really this is a person you need to totally remove from your life and especially from your children's lives. Your children DO NOT need to have a relationship with this piece of shit. No good will come of it.
If your DH must see her then he should do it totally away from the rest of the family. Do not allow her in your home EVER EVER EVER. Please protect your children from this obviously sick individual.
ok.. updates..sd20 called
ok.. updates..sd20 called husband and asked if she can tale our 2yo son to baltimore, shes from pa, we live in aouthern md, 3 hours away, its because husband soster who still refer to bm as sis in law is coming to visit bm and like, hell no! thank God husband agrees or were gonna have a wwIII at home.
tonight, sd20 text me and asked my fave color, I was like.. why?she just sent smiley.. kissing ass? sorry but you cant bribe me to let you take my kids even for a day!