I read this blog below on disengaging. It does not reply to adult Skids. Could someone please give me feedback as to revise this for Adult skids. I think the big problem is usually about money. Am I wrong? I was raised old school. It was simple...if what nice things...work for them.
I am ok to being giving. If you help adult skids, who use poor decisions on managing money, then you just open up a can of worms. I am I wrong? So when they really could use help...illness, lost job...then you are looking at big bucks...to help. The point is...History will repeat itself.
Well Im not sure if all
Well Im not sure if all Bratty ADULT Steps are like the ones here. But these ADULT ones thinks its daddys place to support them for the rest of there lives. He will also. Anything they want they call daddy. I think its daddys fault. Do I have a say in this matter no. He is the most defensive person when it comes to his ADULT BRATS. The best thing I did when it comes to HIS SPOILED ADULT BRATS is. I stay clear of it. When he talks about them to me I don't really lisen. I don't care. I don't bring them up nor do I care to. He wants to bitch about the money situation so bid. I look at it like your fault. Don't think he has ever used the word NO to his little entitled ADULT BRATS. They could hurt someone right in front of him and he would deny they did anything. Does that tell you anything. They have lied, do drugs , steal from him and he knows it but says now I want to ask you something did you lie to me no daddy I would never do that. Check this out he thinks they are telling the truth give me a break. Sounds like I have a lot of anger in me huh yep. I can thank his ADULT ass*oles and him for that. I have bent over backwards for him and his KIDS so far I could have broken my back. Not anymore. why I DONT CARE. He made them the way they are so buddy you live with it and when you become BROKE you will have no one to blame but yourself swallow that when father of the year.
Too bad it is not the skids'
Too bad it is not the skids' fault. If you spoil and pamper a child all their lives, they most likely will continue to expect it ad nauseum. It is the parent's duty to put their foot down and say NO MORE. Not the step-parent but the bio. Otherwise, it is just enabling their loser lifestyle as well as teaching them that you do not trust them enough to fix their OWN problems.
So far SD has not asked for
So far SD has not asked for money from me, although I know DH put money in her bank account for years while she was making far more than he was. I honestly think DH still sees himself as the hero with her - NOT me. I see him as stupid when it comes to SD. That doesn't show much respect but if you give and give, than get nothing - absolutely nothing in return, it doesn't make one look too bright. I don't have anything to do with SD and have no plans to either. If DH wants to continue to play the 'hero' game he can with his own money.
As another poster wrote, SD was told she was the smartest, best person in the world. This made her feel entitled to put people down and hold her nose up. But DH and BM have done her no favors. She can not keep friends or a job for very long.