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I am feeling absolutely overwhelmed and sad over this Twit stuff right now and could use a good shoulder and a cry

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Sorry, I am home alone right now and just suddenly feel overwhelmed and sad with tears over this carp. I don't want to call my daughter and burden her with my marriage problems because she is just that, my daughter. And I don't want to, well, I just need a shoulder to cry on shall we say.

With all that has happened this year with Twit and H, his heart problems, et. al, and throwing him out I just feel overwhelmed. I am sure this is normal, but it is tough when you feel so. H is not only my husband but my best friend and now I can't share with him my despair because it is about his daughter, his Twit.

I do know that after being around Twit last Sunday at the auction, I can't stand to hear any more twattle about how she delights in doing people in, getting ahead, making a buck at other people's expense, and how great she is. I know, and have posted that I believe her to be deranged, manipulative (though not with me because I see through her), grandiose, cunning, crafty, sneaky, malicious and mean as well as the biggest liar I have ever encountered in my whole life.

I don't know if I ever could trust this Twit or even want to be around her as I abhore all she is. How can one have any type of friendship (not that that would happen) or even acquaintanceship with someone that constantly tells lies and expects you to believe them even when you catch her in the whoppers. It, IMO, would seem to be impossible.

And I don't know how H can deal with all the tales she tells. Even as she was prattling Sunday with a whole lot of whoppers, he never called her on any of her lies or even contradicted her. He just let her ramble and cackle with glee about what a nasty person she was. This surprises me as H is a very honest and ethical person. Not so Twit.

I am trying to work things out through conselling, but well, it is a ponderous process. Maybe this sadness is just part of the ups and downs of dealing with things. Whatever, I just feel so lonely, and uncared for at this time.

Sorry, tears fall as I even type this.

hereiam's picture

I am so sorry you are going through this. I know it is his daughter but he needs to wake up to her true self. I can't believe he is letting this adult come between the two of you, daughter or not.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Hi fightincrazytrain - I think it has to do with the drama of dealing with a sicko SD. And I mean a real SICKO! This is no fantasy. I, in my 60+ years have never run into any one like her.

Yes, I am just a bundle of feelings, good and bad and that is what is bringing on these feelings and crying jag.

You ask if Twit has any long term friends. That answer is NO. In fact, she has no friends other than her pot and pan "team", and then only as long as they make her money. Otherwise she classifies them as LOSERS. H and I use to hear this all the time from her. Heck, even her husband's best friend's wife doesn't want anything to do with her. Her husband is welcome to come around and visit them, but leave the Twitty at home. AND, Twit brags about this. When I once asked her why her response was that she didn't know and it was the other woman's problem. Go figure.

Going to do a nice big hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and indulge. Take the dog for a walk later after the mosquitoes settle down (they are the absolute worse at Twilight).

sandye21's picture

SDM, Just hang in there sweetie! You've handled this whole thing wonderfully - better than I ever would. You are mourning the relationship you had with DH - especially the demise of hopes and dreams. I just hope in the end your DH will truly see the light, tell Twit to stay away from you and give you the support you deserve. But I've found that many times out of dispair comes a valuable learning experience and a better outcome than expected.

When you told DH to stay with Twit you exercized your right to be treated with dignity. This was just the first step. You have given him so many chances - trying to save the marriage through counselling, etc. You have done your best, and you have done it intelligently. Now it is time to start thinking about you. (((BIG HUGS)))

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

You think so Sandye? I guess I just don't understand why H would ever put up with all those lies and the viciousness she displays. They way she cackles with glee when she takes advantage of someone, gets the best of them, etc. SHE didn't let them get the best of her, SHE told them, SHE put them in their place. I guess I just don't understand where she is coming from, what planet, but I wish the space ship would come and take her back }:)

FWIW, once, when my DD was in junior high school, I told her to watch the way her friends treated other people and take notice if it was not nice; because sooner or later they will get around to you. Sadly, she found out about that particular "friend" the hard way, but she remembered the lesson.

In this case, Twit is definitely one I would put miles between me and her, miles.

emotionaly beat up's picture

The sadness you feel I think is you finally accepting the reality and perhaps hopelessness of this situation. But I think once you move through the sadness you will find yourself in a brighter more peaceful place. This may just be the beginning of the end of this Twit drama for you. You saw something on Sunday that has hit you hard. I agree with everything sandy said. I know as hard as this is for you, you have found a new strength and a sense of self worth that will rightfully not allow you to put up with this nonsense from dh and twit anymore. Twit will continue this as long as daddy allows it. Your husbands silence when sd openly lies or brags about hurting people, putting it over people, cheating people, is sending her the clear message, she is right and daddy agrees with her. His silence is participating in, condoning and encouraging her. Sorry, I don't mean or want to hurt you by saying that, but I know it does. For sd to change, her father needs to. For him to change he has to let go of his need to control sd. He needs to allow her to be a 50 year old, married woman with kids, and stop hanging on to he idea she is his 5 year old little princess who needs her daddy. He needs to accept he is not the man in her life now, well he shouldn't be, she has a husband. Can he do that. You know the answer.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Ah, dear EBU, you are so correct. What I saw Sunday that hit me so hard was Twit spewing her lies and nastiness and H just letting her go on and on. It almost seemed like he was approved of her nasty behavior by not commenting on it...just letting her cackle on.

I know H is an honest, good man. He is the kind of guy that would never dream of going in the exit door instead of the enter door at the store. If he were on the Titanic, he would be telling everyone in line for the lifeboat: "after you". He is almost manical about not incurring debt and paying our bills on time. He is not prone to exaggeration or lying--not in his nature. He is a good, simple guy. The kind of guy that worked hard, kept a fact with the same company for 50 years though he moved up the ladder over those years. Always paid his child support etc. That is why his having such a.....a, shudder, Twit doesn't quite jell.

As to where Twit gets her training, probably from the BM she hates. She was raised by the BM until she was 17 and then went to live with her Father because she couldn't get along with the BM. As Twit always says what a liar, conniver, schemer, etc. her BM is, I guess that apple didn't fall far from the tree and that is probably why she doesn't get along with her and hates her. Imagine, two liars trying to deal with each other....Yow! I can just imagine! Two peas in a pod.

twoviewpoints's picture

I can certainly relate to having people in one's life that you just want to look at and say "do you really think that I am that stupid to believe all the crap that falls out of your mouth".

My mother spent 22yrs dealing with a lady (Mom's SO's daughter) who I swear could be your Twit's lost twin. And I, myself have a Son-in-law that lies and is so self importantly full of BS that most people flee from him by about the third if not second meeting of him. And my DD32? She married the guy (cringe) and she, I guess, loves him.

I don't have to see SIL every often, but if I did, I don't know how I would go ten minutes without screaming 'shut-up, just close your ignorant lying mouth for once in your life, zip it'. It took me a long time to let it roll off and be totally disengaged from the blabbering on the few occasions I have to see him it's like I see his mouth moving, but nothing it coming out. I've simply learned to mentally turn him silent.

Hugs to you. You're not alone. That bowl of Ben n Jerry's someone mentioned above sounds good.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

And isn't itamazing when you confront some of that carp how they start spewing more carp to try to defend their position....that YOU are the one that doesn't know anything? There is no reasoning with these kind of liars. I also think they dislike those that they know can see through them and question some of their carp.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Well firstly, can you really believe twits version of her mothers personality.

Secondly, she would prefer to be with her dad because he would've been a pushover, mum would have been awake up to the games she played. May even have played them better. It was far easier to take advantage of dads nature then mums. Perhaps this is why she couldn't get on with mum. Mum called her out on her crap, mum saw through her.

Thirdly and most importantly, dh let you down again on Sunday. It appears he has learnt nothing, still doing the head in the sand thing, waiting for it all to resolve itself. Not being prepared to take the necessary steps himself. He betrayed you yet again,he knew what she was doing, he knew how you felt, did he up and say, no auction is worth this lets go. Did he say to her twit be quiet SDM is trying to concentrate. Did he tell her you had plans, so no thanks we won't all go out and eat, no you had to sit there, and you had to tell her you wouldn't be going out with them to pick up the tab. Sunday must have absolutely crushed you under a mountain of hopelessness and disappointment. I am so sorry.

Finally, no matter if BM held a gun to twits head and trained her to be like this. It is up to her father to tell her he will not accept this behaviour. He has responsibility in this too. Far greater responsibility than BM because he is the parent twit is gravitating towards. But he has seen from bms experience, don't allow twit to do what she wants when she wants and she will cut you out. So he tows twits line, he does what twit wants, instead of what a loving father would do, put the welfare of his child ahead of his selfish need to be number one man in her life, teach her social,skills, manners and respect.

Sorry SDM. Your husband is the foundation on which twit has built her life, her rudeness, greed, narcissism, selfishness and complete disregard for others. He continues to be. Without his support, she would collapse and need to find someone else to prop her narcissism up. Dh doesn't want that. He wants her to,depend on him.

Kes's picture

Forgive me, I am not familiar with your back story, but I have read all the above - and you have my sympathy. I do feel the previous post from emotionaly beat up was extremely insightful. I hope you feel better soon - it sounds as if you have done everything you can to improve matters and have now had to let go.

I do think that you tend to see DH as somewhat of a saint - and his behaviour in allowing SD to become such an obnoxious apology for a human being, and never trying to correct her - would suggest that he isn't. Like ebu said - he has put his own needs first.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

I am sorry to hear you are sad. some days are difficult, especially after an encounter like you had. You are on the right road and I hope your DH wakes up before its too late.

I also had a couple of uncomfortable encounters recently, felt sad, frustrated, and hurt all over again. It takes me at least a week to recover from these episodes.

Give yourself some time and pamper yourself. You WILL feel strong again real soon. Big hugs to you, you are brave and strong! Smile

Towanda's picture

I am sorry you had such a bad night she's driving! Hugs!

Now, if she is personality disordered, 50 plus years, do you really think anything her daddeee says to her now is going to make her shut up? You and I both know that with a personality disorder that if you confront them with their errors, they go on a rampage and become more obnoxious, lie, make vile comments, become hysterical. They twist everything back around and make you look like the real reason for their woes.

DH is never going to fix anything now. He couldn't . The best couselors in the world can't fix them. He knows she is a piece of work.

I think if he gets it through his head that if she ever goes near you again and attacks you personally that he better defend you or you are gone for good that would be fine. I wouldn't expect him to call her out in a public place for her lies and obnoxious behavior because it will backfire anyway. She is Personality Disordered and he is not Dr. Phil.

Most of them are never ever ever cured.

Distance is the best advice. She isn't normal!!!!!! Her brain is disordered.
He might have been thinking, "well my wife kicked me out, I better not piss off daughter or I am going to have no place to stay".

You may just have to stand in a hot, uncomfortable spot at an auction just to not have to listen to here anymore.

Which is worse? You being miserable this whole weekend because you had to listen to her dumb ass garbage lying mouth or standing somewhere else at an auction? Just stay the hell away from her.

I hope you are feeling better today and can do something pleasurable. You soooooo deserve it!

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Hi Towanda - Boy, you must have confronted Twit on one of her tales because you hit her reactions right on the head! That is what happened the few times I did try to reason with her or talk to her about how I felt about things....all of a sudden it was ME that had the problem and SHE was the one being put upon. This was way back years back. The shock of her venom made me recoil from dealing with her and having to put up with her carp. And, as I have posted, she just gets worse and worse.

Yes, I could have stood at the auction, but my legs, old bat that I am, aren't what they use to be. I am somewhat unsteady on them and I do use a cane. AND, I had our seats reserved long before Twit came around. I am just not sure how she wrangled to be right next to us as I thought someone else had them earlier. And I agree, I thought about leaving but leaving would give her the satisfaction of getting to me so I just ignored. You know, I probably should have beat her over the head a few times with the cane and she might, just might, have got the message. }:) Sigh, of course I don't do things like that, but one can dream.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Ahh, but you didn't just ignore her. It ate at you, it brought up bad memories and old feelings. It created a sense of hopelessness and frustration in you. That's not ignoring her. She is toxic for you, you have to stay away from her. You cannot stay in the fight with her for dh. Look at stepping back and out as making yourself the winner. Your prize, confidence, self esteem and PEACE. The losers are dh and twit. They get to live in this never ending dysfunctional relationship. You get to get out of it. You are the winner. Toowonda is absolutely right in her assessment of people with personality disorders, and she is absolute right in saying at 50 twit is never going to change. She cannot, your husband it seems will not. The only person in this triangle with a snowballs chance in hell of getting out of this with their sanity, is you. The only person who has a chance of winning is you. Leave the losers to destroy each other. Don't let them take you down anymore.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

EBU, she annoyed me just like a kid screaming and yelling would annoy one. Except for age this probably is a similarity. That is why I stuck H in between her and I. Tough to disengage (mentally) from someone that is talking right in your ear incessively. I guess one thing I don't understand about Twit is why she feels this incessant need to lie about things that don't matter? Case in point, she was talking to H about how one of her kids wants to go to college but doesn't have the $$ right now. H suggested he go to the local jr. college for some of the basic course while he worked and saved up some $$. Twit went into a triade about how the credits at the jr. college don't transfer to the state universities or ANY universities...blah, blah, blah. And she knows this as a fact because one of her friends.... H and I know that is totally untrue, in fact the jr. college is encouraging people to take course there that are guaranteed to transfer to any of the colleges and universities in this state. Why lie about it and make a big issue out of it, how bad the jr. college is, IHO. The only reason it is bad is because her one son was court ordered to attend classes there a few years ago and didn't bother showing up for half the classes or finishing the course. Thus getting incompletes, which don't transfer anywhere.

Lying about something is bad enough, but lying about what is really nothing and doesn't matter is way beyond normal in my opinion.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Because she cannot help it. She has a personality disorder. Part of that is pathological lying. Part of that is craving the centre of attention. They will talk over everyone and say the most stupid things. Things we all know to be untrue. But they get away with it because everyone is afraid to challenge them. You know if you say anything you are in for an outburst of rage. This starts from a much younger age, and it is who they become. Stupid liars, lying for the sake of lying.

She will never be cured. She is almost 50. This is who she is now. It is a real shame your husband is unable to accept and acknowledge this and stop arguing with you over it.

My husbands daughter is exactly the same. Lie, talk rubbish, makes herself look like an idiot. No one, no one says a word. When I would point out something she said was incorrect, you know what. She would literally scream at me, WELL I DIDN'T KNOW. So after loudly talking at all of us absolute rubbish, when challenged that's her response. It turned around to her being a victim, you picking on her for nothing. The way she would jump down your throat for pointing out what she was saying was factually incorrect was bizarre, I have no idea to this day how she could, with her tone, turn her stupidity into her being a victim, and me being the aggressor. But then again, being the victim is something they play well, something they believe they are, so I guess convincing when they do this stuff, because they truly believe it. It's all part and parcel of their personality disorder. Whether they are Sociopaths, whether it is narcissism, or Borderline Personality Disorder. Victim Status is their badge of honour and they all lie.

Her BS about the college and her son needing $, well, she's done nothing wrong to or by you as far as she's concerned, she would be hinting for you to hand over money, perhaps mortgage your house, whatever to pay for her sons college. Because, another part of the disorder - they have no shame.

My SIL told me the Princess of Evil was holding court at FILs house. No one could speak or get a word in. She went on and on about herself and her child and how perfect they are. Then said her plan was to go back to work part time, this woman is a nurse. She told the family that as she had been off on maternity leave she was watching All Saints to keep up with the latest medical techniques. All Saints was a fictional drama set in a hospital, and had been off air for over two years anyway, she was actually watching re runs on pay tv and telling people this was her keeping up with latest medical techniques. She also advised her brother to watch another tv show Cops because he wanted to be a policeman. SHE WAS SERIOUS. Needless to say, he was dumb enough to do it. No, he didn't become a police officer. He is mid thirties, lived with mum till she died, then when mum died he and the Princess moved in with her boyfriend where he still lives to this day. None of my husbands children have ever lived alone. They are incapable, but that doesn't stop them telling everyone else how to live theirs.

sandye21's picture

EBU, I couldn't help but laugh out loud at the thought of watching a Day-time fictional drama to be a nurse or a policeman. Wouldn't we be in a world of hurt if we had to depend on their 'experience and training'in fields which deal with life and death every day?!! LOL LOL It sounds like your SD watches too much TV.

It demonstrates how people with personality disorders often lack any link with reality, have only their interests at forefront, and will openly lie with no shame to get what they want. The odd thing is - these are also the prime charcteristics of a sociopath.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Sandye - Agree with you. We certainly don't want EBU's SD nursing us with her "up-to-date" nursing skills.

You summed it up oh so well.

BTW, thanks to you too, for all the great insight and comments. It makes one know that what one is dealing with isn't normal and to think about things, what I want, expect etc. while working through this difficult situation and time in my life.

I guess one can say we have group therapy going on here.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

You hit the nail on the head, again, about how these people react. With Twit, if you confront her not only don't you know a darn thing because she has FRIENDS (when in reality she has no friends) who have had the experience and thus it is true. Da, ya can't reason with stupidity IMHO. I'm surprise she isn't embarrassed with the lies and the rationale she gives for things...people see right through her.

I wondered if she feels so inadequate, so inferior and insecure that is why she does build herself up. Like having a massive inferiority complex so she always has to be smarter, better, more informed, and KNOWS everything. I have also wondered if she is just jealous of me because I am who I am. Basically, I can handle most, note I said most, twitsh*t she throws out, but she is always digging and looking for the Achilles heel, and we all have one. Normal people don't actively go out looking to upstage, outdo, or do in other people, we just enjoy them for what they are and what they offer. Friendship is NOT a competition to anihilation. Nor should family be a competition. Sure, we are all somewhat competitive, but we don't get nasty and cruel when we lose a game of cards, a round of golf, etc. Heck, the next time out we may be the winner.

What you described about your Princess telling people she is keeping up with her medical tecniques by watching a silly tv show blows me away! The fact that she expects people to believe it shocks the begesus out of me. I certainly don't want her anywhere around me when I need a nurse if this is what she things education is.

Thank you for your comments and insight. Makes me think about things from various points of view, which is a good thing.

Oh, you did note that her one son was court ordered to attend this jr. college for a semester in hopes of straightening him out. He was caught with drugs in his car on high school property (when he was a senior in high school). Twit's reaction? What are the neighbors going to think, my pot and pan customers, etc. She was going to go drown herself in the river because of what he did. Note, none of her reaction had anything to do with what her son had done and how things would affect him and his future, only hers. How he let her down, and on and on.

Know what, this young man is finding his way, has gotten away from the drugs. Interestingly, he is somewhat a loner but manages to find time to stop by once in a while and visit with old G'ma. I listen to him, don't lecture but tell those fables (like Aesoep did) and he seems to be working through things. I did tell him the same thing I told my DD years back about watching how your friends treat others because eventually they will get around to you. His comment was that he was going to remember that because he had experienced it. In fact, Twit was very displeased last Christmas Eve when they were leaving and this young man came back in the house, gave me a BIG hug and loudly said, "I Love you G'Ma". (BTW, I'm his stepG'ma) This from a young man who is reserved, quiet, doesn't show a lot of emotion, etc. Twit was not amused. She looks at her children as HER property.

oldone's picture

Anyone want to be a surgeon? Youtube has a whole bunch of surgery videos.

Not as informative as watching soap operas but a lot better than spending all those years in med school and residency. }:) }:) }:)

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Does that mean if I watch old Wonder Woman reruns I too can be a superhero with super powers? And fill out that outfit like she does? (that in itself would be great }:) ) Quick, I gotta find that tv clicker so I can see when she is on. Smile

emotionaly beat up's picture

Thanks old one. But at 61 I am too old to be stuffed looking at a new career. Anyway, I'm too busy watching re runs of Americas next top model. Just a couple of episodes in, I've lost 10kgs and am now 6 ft 1 instead of 5'2

emotionaly beat up's picture

How mean you all are by the way, not wanting the princess of darkness to nurse you if you were ill. }:)

I have more.

The dark haired 5ft tall quite, well very plain princess of evil and Italian decent loudly announces to boyfriend in front of all, if I have a girl, it will be pretty like me, I swear if I could post a photo to prove what I'm saying I would. She has the biggest stick out ears I have ever seen, and a very long horse shaped face, hidden under she'd say makeup, I'd say spackfilla. And she draws her hair up to a ponytail on one side to draw even more attention to these areas. She sees nothing wrong. She looks in the mirror and sees beauty.

She continues. It will have long legs like me. Her legs are short and thick.

Then as if we went all struggling to keep our mouths shut, she says to boyfriend, also Italian descent and dark haired. I wonder if it will have dark hair like you, or be blonde like me.

F#*#* me dead. She has dryed out bleached to death dry and brittle blonde hair because she has been dying it since she was 15. But she is naturally dark. Here she is Florence Nightingale reincarnated, miss, I know everything, I am super intelligent, and what. She's forgotten she's naturally dark, or she believes if you dye your hair blonde, you get blonde babies. Frig. No wonder she almost drove me insane.

SDM, I don't think they do this because they have low self esteem. I think they do this because they have NO self esteem. They have such a low opinion of themselves they hate themselves and others because they perceive others as being better than them, so they work flat out trying to prove us wrong. They are sick. They have mental health issues and no one can help them because they have convinced themselves they're ok. It's just everyone else is jealous of them and is trying to tear them down. If you suggest they have a problem, they attack, because they perceive you just said that because you are jealous of them.

Oh, by the way, nurse spawn of Satan says there's no such thing as depression, people just use thar as an excuse so they can kill people. So if any of you are depressed, I can pass on her phone number and she can tell you herself, depression doesn't exist.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Wow, EBU, she is really dillusional isn't she. Man, I am glad I am here in the states instead of in England in case I need nursing care. Very scarey. I believe narcistics see their image differently from what it is. Rather like the bulimic that is rail thin who looks in the mirror and sees a fat person, these folk see beauty, or perfection, where there is none. Not all of us were born to be cover girl models, but we make the best of what God gave us. And, I know it is a cliché, but it is true, it is one's personality rather than ones looks. There was a woman, when I was first starting out in the workforce, who was facially pretty unattractive but had a great figure. The guys in the office at first made comments like, she would be great if you put a bag over her get the drift. They were unkind to her. I took the time to know her and found she was an absolute WONDERFUL person! When others in the office finally stated to know her they found that she had charm, was smart, warm and a great person! So whatever one looks like, it is what one IS that really matters. Obviously your SD lacks in that as well. Let's cross our fingers for the baby.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Well if you need nursing care, Australia is the place to be wary about SDM, not England. I am in Melbourne. It's quite odd. I don't know about other countries but here you need the lowest possible entry score to get into university to do nursing. A three year course sees you graduate as a 1st division nurse. Mind you it took her four years to get through this 3 year course. Teaching requires a higher entry score and is a 4 year course. I've never understood that. You can even do av14 month tertiary education course at TAFE's now and become a second division nurse with credentials to administer medication. WTF. That is how idiots like her get through. I think to be a Veterinarian is a 5 year course. Yet nurses skip by on the minimum. It doesn't give them anywhere enough time to weed out the idiots.

Now I take offence to your comment, not all of us were born to be cover girl models. 3 episodes in to Americas Next Top Model and I am looking forward to a modelling agency stopping me at the shops and asking me to be on the cover of vogue. You need to watch more TV. Smile

Seriously, she does have issues. What I cannot understand is, why the hospital she works at has never picked it up.

She like your monster, talks about everyone. Makes comments about people she doesn't even know. One of our leading surgeons in brain cancer here died from it. They were showing scenes with him and his family on a current affairs show. They were laughing and smiling etc., she very nastily says, their not happy, families don't act like that, they're just acting for the cameras. Reality, HER family are and never have been like that, so her REALITY is how it is for all of us, just ask her. That is the reason she and people like her can never be cured. They cannot see things outside themselves. She cannot look at a happy family and aspire to have that in her life. She thinks that happy families do not exist. That the only reason she didn't have one is because they are not real. My DH is like that too. If it is a thought in his head, then that's how it is.

One night she was watching TV here. An animal show. This dog was sick and the young couple had taken it to the vet. The woman was crying. Madam pipes up and says, those two can't have kids. People who love their dogs can't have kids.

She has been working as a recovery nurse for 7 years now and is still at the same level 7 years later. Still on the lowest rate of pay for that level. She doesn't even see that she should be able to run recover by now. What she sees are people who move on and advance their careers do so because they suck up to superiors. She takes every single sick and family leave day she is entitled to, will not work one extra shift if asked. Does the bare minimum to keep her job. Brags about that, and laughs at the ones who put in and work hard, who don't use all their sick leave, who will work extra shifts and public holidays, and when as I said these people advance their careers or are the same grade as her, but get higher pay. It's not because of her. It's because they are sucks.

She can never change, not now. Dh will never change his personality. The antidepressants calm him down though. So while his personality remains unchanged, the medication causes him not to be so fired up and angry all the time. I guess it helps with his anxiety and not feeling depressed all the time which would of course make him a happier person. But without the medication. He'd be right back to square 1.

I know for a fact that 2 of my husbands three children exhibited signs of mental health issues as kids. The oldest boy was particularly bad. He was severely obsessive compulsive. Had to shower every time he opened his bowels, couldn't go to the toilet unless he could shower after. What did his parents do. NOTHING. She, the princess of evil, has apparently being throwing these narcissistic rages since she was a little girl. What did her parents do. Made sure her brothers did whatever she wanted so she wouldn't get mad. As did they. At some point she moved on from narcissism and became a sociopath. While I can feel very sorry for these kids, and can see, they and dh also, have a mental health problem that runs in the family, and their appalling upbringing exaggerated it. I will no longer be one of their victims thanks. Tried that for 8 years. Didn't like it much. Won't be trying it ever again. No man is worth that. No man.

HisOtherHalf's picture

Ug. Not looking forward to that. My heart goes out to you. I've got a twit SD of my own, but yours makes her look like an angel. Oh how looks can be deceiving! Can't remember where I read "he who speaks first loses" which is relevant to my sd. She's kind of opposite of yours. Quiet, but still evil. Can you just look at her and smile, then pay her a compliment , then change the subject to Oh what great weather we've been having, while squeezing DH's hand gently and smiling sweetly. I learned all the sweet stuff from my SD. She hates it when I use it against her. Biggrin