Hi im a first time poster! Thank you for this forum! I look forward to reading and learning from each of you!
I'm not married to my current partner of 3 years, we moved in 2 years ago i have 3 minor children, he has 2 adult children 18 and 21( w/ grandbaby 1.5 yrs old)
Long story short, the 18year old lives with us fulltime always has, he has never said or used my name.
He will not address me by name. Not to myself, my 3 kids, my boyfriend no one.
His friend who has been coming to our house for 2 years did not know my name when i asked him!
My "step" son is not very social at all, very gamey!
Does anyone have any explainations as to why he refuses to use my name?
He's an asshole, plain and
He's an asshole, plain and simple.
Because he's a little asshole
Because he's a little asshole and no one (as in, his father) has called him on it and/or taught him about basic respect? At that age, there is no justifiable excuse. Does he call other people by name, people he's met since you've been there in particular? Does he call your children by their names? He may be trying to push buttons, but I would think he would have given up by now. It's possible he's trying hard to not acknowledge your existence. What does his dad say about it, surely he notices?
I'd not acknowledge him when he speaks to me, when possible. When he repeats himself, say, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were talking to me." Of course, that's only if his father continues to refuse to parent him properly and discuss it with him.
I'm guessing he does this
I'm guessing he does this because he's allowed to do it. Would you be ok with anyone else treating you this way?
heh heh. He's probably a bit
heh heh. He's probably a bit whiffy by now.
Teenagers are whacko to start
Teenagers are whacko to start and products of divorces are worse. He's probably imagining that you don't exist and by not using your name you'll eventually leave all of this just being a speed bump in his road of life.
I assume he'll be graduating in a few weeks. When alone ask him where he plans on living after graduation. Nothing else, just a simple question, which he'll avoid answering but it'll be fun to watch the gears start turning.
If he is a nasty brat kind of
If he is a nasty brat kind of kid then I would say that this is a form of the silent treatment. If he does not acknowledge you then maybe you might just go away.
If he is the ackward and unsure kind of kid then I would think that he does not know what to call you, how you fit into his life, and if you are going to stay. All really big questions for an 18 year old. 18 year old's today are much less mature than they were 30 years ago so do coping with life can be hard for them.
Either way, I would ask the kid to go out for coffee/soda/tea/whatever with you - just the 2 of you and have a conversation. Talk about the hard stuff if you can. How blending isn't easy for the adults and sometimes we learn as we go. Ask him what he thinks and what he feels. If you are lucky you might start a relationship with him. As some point ask him what he would like to call you.
If he is the nasty brat then you have a better understanding that the relationship wont go very far.
I was thinking the same.
I was thinking the same. Teenage years are so awkward. Esp with divorce and living with new people. He may have mistakenly thought you wanted him to call him mom or something. It may be a sign of wanting to ignore you too. It's hard to know with teenagers.
I think asking him something non threatening could help the conversation roll. At least it will make him aware that you noticed though now he might feel more awkward starting.
Maybe you could wear a nametag around the house so he'll get the hint
Hi I have called him out
I have called him out politely, i have simply said i have never heard you use my name or say my name! To which he responds really? Huh!
He doesnt address anyone when he's speaking he just blurts. Unless his sister is here he will use her name when speaking to her.
He does not call his dad "Dad" unless its in a third person.
He is very close to his mother she moved a province away 4 years ago. the daughter has moved out there to be with her (she lives in her own apt) but she doesnt work nor does she plan too. We fo think he is planning on moving out as well, when we ask he avoids or lies or pats us on the head. If i blantantly ask him where he plans on living after graduation he will appease or lie to me with absolutely no remorse.
over the years i have tried to be involved, interested and help with him and her anyway I can, but i am beginning to think nothing i do matters in his mind.
^^^THIS. Agree.
^^^THIS. Agree.
Its pretty bad when i can
Its pretty bad when i can agree with everyones comments :/
i agree its a passive aggressive behaviour indefinately! As well as I have often pondered the thought that i dont exist to him! Same as his father! i have done so much for these skids and yet they cannot even wish me a simple happy birthday or even say that to any if their step siblings! but expect everything for the new baby and themselves!
Now i sound like a suck haha!
Now i sound like a suck haha! I dont mesn to be and inshould clarify, i have learned to do things that make me happy and because i want too and choose too! If they like it and say thank you(which i would prob pass out from shock) then thats A bonus. Otherwise i just go about my days.
True! Humour is great however
True! Humour is great however if i did that which i have done with him in similar situations. If i did the whole singing thing he will just look at me a blank look on his face and walk away down to his room.
Im really annoyed today as i have just discovered he was in our room and took his dads guitar out of our room while i was at work!!!......
He wont even acknowledge it and he will try to sneak it back in before his dad gets home....
Would his dad mind about
Would his dad mind about that?
Omg! LMAO! Too funny
Omg! LMAO! Too funny
(No subject)
Bwhaaaaaa haaaaaa ohhh how
Bwhaaaaaa haaaaaa ohhh how much we think alike!!! Hahaha i have had those thoughts
Its freakin weird!!
Do you address him by his
Do you address him by his name? If so, stop. He's being a bully. Give him a bit of his own medicine.
Agreed! Don't use his name.
Agreed! Don't use his name. Just say "Hey you, nut bug. Come over here!" LOL I can't remember who here came up with the term "nut bug" but I love it!
Yes sounds good! I have just
Yes sounds good! I have just never met anyone who does that!! He never uses anyones name! Unless its in the 3rd person!
Friggin rude and i agree passive aggressive
Yes sounds good! I have just
Yes sounds good! I have just never met anyone who does that!! He never uses anyones name! Unless its in the 3rd person!
Friggin rude and i agree passive aggressive
He is a toxic disrespectrul
He is a toxic disrespectrul asshole. That pretty much explains it. He needs instant clarity from his dad IMHO. Immediately grow up and treat his father's partner and her children with respect or leave ... NOW! Do not pass go, do not collect $200. No tolerance and any violation invokes immediate eviction.
My dad let my brother and I know in no uncertain terms that our mother was his wife and we would not treat his bride with anything but impeccable respect or we would suffer the consequences. Mom gave us the same message regarding dad.
Good luck.
Hi guys thanks for all your
Hi guys thanks for all your comments! His Dad has on many occassions told him in a very grown up way how to treat people and his girlfriend, but now i think we have just given up. The mother just poisons him and is just a rude no boundaries type person as well.
Fingers crossed he moves out soon
And sees how the real world treats his kind
Yes, this is my two. They
Yes, this is my two. They only will speak if spoken to directly, and no I have never heard either of them utter my or my daughter's name either. I don't think it changes, but if he knows it bothers you and he is doing it intentionally, you give him a victory.
Some days, I ignore them. Some days, I make an effort, but no matter what I do it is wrong in everyone's eyes, sad.
I feel the same as you. All I want is common courtesy. I am not looking tone their parent or their pal.
Is there any possibility that
Is there any possibility that he has some form of Aspergers? I'm just trying to come up with a logical explanation. My father's ex-wife (they were married for 11 months) has a son who has it. He was born at least 10 years after their divorce (they do have a daughter together; my half-sister). Since the poor kid has no father (he is the product of a one night stand with a stranger) my father took the job of being his dad and calls him and treats him like he's his biological son. He really loves my father and calls him dad. Anyways, this kid can only interact with others through the use of the xbox. Video games are his only interest (I was told by a medical professional that it can be common for people with Aspergers/autism to be very focused on one hobby; his being the xbox). Other than that, he is extremely awkward, cannot look people in the eyes, is very inappropriate in his social skills and cannot interact as a normal 16 year old does. He will blurt out the most rude and strange comments and he doesn't see how they are inappropriate. I don't know, it sounds as if your SS is a passive-aggressive ass but I do know that individuals who are afflicted with this condition can act this way and therefore can be perceived by others as rude. I'm probably wrong but just felt like throwing this idea out there. My husband always says that I try to find logic in everything as I am a very black and white thinker.
A couple years ago DH invited
A couple years ago DH invited 2 SS to our church euchre tournament; you would think no problem, right? Well, I was the one responsible for totalling each euchre players scores for the night. Right in my face, someone referred me as SS stepmom right in front of SSs. And I responded accordingly to what happened a couple weeks earlier by the same SSs - right in front of DH and me - "I don't know - I'm only DH's wife!" Kodak moment of mouths wide opened!
I strongly feel a name is not important; respect is!
And if you can't get the proper name nor the respect, then you need to decide what's more important to YOU!!!
ME - I'm a bitch!
Hi everyone first i just want
Hi everyone first i just want to say how greatful i am to of found this site. It is such a relief to get others advice and to hear others going through the same frustrations.
When i posted i wanted to see if others thought the same as me and i
Believe now my ss is truly just being passive aggressive.
Heres my biggest dilemma to date that i am seeking input/advice with.
I live with my boyfriend. I have 3 minor aged children from a previous marriage.
My boyfriend has 2 children and a grandson.
His daughter never acknowledges me unless her dad has put her up to it.
She is a heavy drug user/drinker she does not live with us.
The 17yr old does, he does not work, he has a car and free reign of the house.
My mother was terminally ill with cancer, we flew to stay with her for 2 weeks the ss did not want to go so he was the only one who stayed home. When we arrived back home money was gone from my nightstand. My boyfriend addressed ss but he has yet to repay me.
I decided to stand by my boyfriend to help him attend ss grad. I rec'd a call that my mom had passed.
Ss never acknowledged nor did he want to attend my moms funeral, when we came home i found half a joint.
Boyfriend gave him shit and told ss not to smoke dope around here. Im on the fence as i habe encountered dope smoking here at the house before when sd has visited.
How do you know when its time to move out?
"How do you know when its
"How do you know when its time to move out?" If your BF does not straighten things out in a few weeks, let him know you are moving out until he does. When is SS graduating? If it's next year, that's too long to wait. The dope thing is serious, and your DH is placing he and you in legal jeopardy.
He just graduated from
He just graduated from highschool last week.
Thank you, i think the dope thing is very serious as i am still not divorced and my ex is very abusive and vindictive and i am afraid of custody issues.
Any suggestions on how to get the message across that this is serious without sounding like im "beating down" on his kid?
The problem is not DH's kid
The problem is not DH's kid as much as it is him and his fear or reluctance to address his son's serious issues. And these issues, if not addressed now have the potential for dire consequences for DH and you. Is SS 18 yet? If so DH needs to practice a bit of 'tough love' with him. Have you expressed your concern to DH about how his lack of action creates a possible custody conflict? There is no need to 'beat down' on his kid. DH needs to know he is shirking his responsibilities.