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This Really BUG'S me!

Lady's picture

This is what really bugs me. Sk's complain to their dad about coming to their house to spend time with them.Well,Dh two son;s work for him and they see him everyday.Dh has a really nice office that his son's go to everyday when they want to go there.Dh office is practially in SS back door.The other ss lives 5 minutes away from office. If they really wanted DH to his grandkids then why dont they tell their wives to simply walk out their backdoor and take the grandkids to the office. But no they tell DH you have to come to our house to see your grandkids but they always have to add to their sentence come alone cause your wifey in not welcome here. So Dh dont go to their house because of that nasty remark and DH DIL's are little demond's . They wouldnt spit on DH if he was on fire.They talk about him like trash and DH knows it.When it comes to wanting something EXPENSIVE then they will KISS HIS ASS and when they get what they want its back to them saying he is a no good low down scum. This is why my DH dont go to their house even if his office is that close to their house. Never in my life have I ever seen people like these people.

Orange County Ca's picture

So your husband won't see his grandkids because he won't visit without you being along. I admire his loyality to you.

Encourage him to talk to his children to see how he can see the grandkids outside of the home. "Like as if you like your job here maybe we can work something out".