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Ryan O'Neal talks about his parenting and his kids

Anon2009's picture

I think we all can agree that Ryan was a less-than-stellar father at times, but I agree with his comments. His kids are adults now and Tatum should stop blaming everyone else for her behavior and take a look at herself.

My grandparents didn't have the best childhoods. They grew up in the Depression. They both lost their moms (at ages 4 and 11, respectively). Never once did they pin their mistakes on anyone else. They took responsibility for themselves. A lot of us didn't have picture-perfect childhoods either but at some point it's best to work through that and take responsibility for one's own actions.

aggravated1's picture

Ummm, I am pretty sure that is what he is saying, that he was a terrible father. Are you reading something different? :?

aggravated1's picture

Oh, please. :sick:
Every murderer in prison uses that same "I had an unhappy childhood" excuse. I guess you have more sympathy for his crap kids because they are celebrities. The whole my parents suck so therefore I suck idea is nothing new.

And obviously you don't follow the headlines. Tatum was arrested AGAIN for drugs. I guess, at 49 years old, that is still daddy's fault.

Anon2009's picture

"As far as I am concerned Anon, they are all seriously messed up in the head adults and don't deserve an ounce of consideration with the exception of a really good psychiatrist and/or drug counselor."

Well said!

Towanda's picture

I love that song too!

Sad part is, besides the fact my SD's mother died, they had a dream life with their dad!

So many more have suffered so much more from abuse both sexually, physically, verbally, have poverty,have life threatening illnesses themselves, have alcoholic parents, psychotic family members, congenital illnesses with their children and somehow THEY seem to function as normal, decent human beings! My father and my mother were both good examples of this! Never once would you know they had horrible childhoods. They grew up and were fine, outstanding adults! I salute those who pull their boot straps and decide to live not pout!

karenemoy's picture

I have a stepson who is a heroin addict. His father was always there for him and we made sacrifices for him for many years. SS22 pulls the BS he was abandoned - blah - blah - blah. SS acts like he was abandoned on a doorstep somewhere.

At some point you have to take responsibiltiy for you actions and stop blaming everyone around.

Most Evil's picture

I have some sympathy for Ryan and none really for Tatum, based on all I have read. I hate how they blame Ryan for all their problems, that is completely bullsh*t imo. Everyone wants to crucify him for every little word he says, my god, why??? typical blame daddy for everything!!

My dad was an alcoholic, I am not. Get your shit together and grow up!!!