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SD 22 has left my marriage in ruins

forgotten wife's picture

my husband says he wants a divorce. for years, i've taken out my frustrations on him about his kids. i did all the work when it came to their visits; cooking, meal planning, grocery shopping, cleaning up after them, etc. he was (from what i've read on here) a disney dad or had guilty daddy syndrome. it's been so hard. he has two sons and a daughter. their mother kick each one out as the child support stopped. first we took in one son (19 at the time) for two years and then, the daughter (also 19 at the time). the son left at 21 to live with his girlfriend and the left the daughter. she was always my favorite when they were small but as an adult, she was moody, disrespectful, sullen, ungrateful, and just overall, hard to live with. i really started to hate her. she would entertain her boyfriend (cook meals for him with all food from our pantry and frige), she would let girlfriends come to our house to get ready for date when she wasn't there (really, it was her dad who allowed this), she let one girlfriend live with her in our house while the girl was having problems with her mom...

it all sounds petty now but i just wanted to live without his kids and have a marriage and it never happened. now he says he doesn't want to be married to me because of how i treated him. he says he loves me very, very much and i love him the same. i think he's scared that his daughter and i would never be able to get along again. i'm so scared and sad. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

FeuilleMorte's picture

Sorry, but I need a lot more info. He said, according to you, "he doesn't want to be married to me because of how i treated him".

So how is this related to your stepchildren?

Are you sure you're not blaming them for other problems in your marriage?

forgotten wife's picture

no, i accept the blame for how i treated him. i refused to be as involved with him as we were in our earlier years of marriage. i took out my frustrations about his kids on him. that's how i see it related. i always felt our marriage was not as important to him as how much his kids liked him. he was not consistant with their responsibilities and left all the work of caring for them up to me without me being allowed to expect anything from them (all they had to do at our house was brush their teeth every morning, make their beds, and pick up their clothes and towels off the floor). he said that was too strict.
what i'm blaming the problems of our marriage on is: being a stepmother and not knowing what a difficult job it would be, being bitter about all the "unfairness" of having to live with his adult kids, never feeling as if our marriage was as important as his kids, etc.

asheeha's picture

ok...but is he taking any of the blame? does he recognize that he never considered your feelings or put your wishes above his kids?

is he willing to try to make this marriage work? he says he loves you very much so does he want to do what is necessary to have a happy marriage? and that doesn't mean you get to be blamed for everything.

don't be scared, ask him what he wants to do. you will be fine, you will live through it.

FeuilleMorte's picture

I'm just saying, you guys are all ignoring the elephant in the room, and you know what I'm talking about.

If you have a good sexual relationship, a lot of this other stuff can be dealt with. Why isn't this ever mentioned?

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

It's not mentioned because once you start to lose respect and love for your DH sex is not very high on the list.

momagainfor4's picture

I told my so. I'm a mom. That's how I roll. All the time. I'm a mom regardless of who's kid is doing what.
If my kid is screwing up, I'm going to say something. If you're kid is screwing up, I'm going to say something.

My kids are all basically grown. None live with us.
He only has his sd12 eow or so. Regardless, he's mentioned to me here and there that I'm being negative or I'm only pointing out the bad stuff she does or that I over react when she does something that is not that big of a deal.

I'm not sure what to say but counseling is always a good place to start.
Good luck!

forgotten wife's picture

i just asked him and he thinks he would not be happy, that i will never do things with him and go places with him (that's his major concern, according to him, and his "love language" is "time together"). i asked him, "what if i did want to go with you and do things with you and didn't make you feel guilty for asking me?" he said he would be "euphoric"...
i think he has mixed emotions now but he's very stubborn. he really has not accepted his part in the spiral of our marriage and the elevation of his daughter. i know he was a big part of the problem with her attitude towards me while living with us for the past two years because, at one point, she pointed to him and told me firmly, "what's his, is mine!" and he let her walk out of the room! i told him to get her back in here because i could not take it. he let me do all the talking.
our sex life was great until about a year ago. i was so bitter about having his adult kids in the house, having to be quiet, fully dressed all the time, etc., that i withheld. i know bad but i was so-o angry.
what's funny is that now that he's said he wants a divorce, we're at it like rabbits! i'm so confused.

asheeha's picture

is he willing to at least try to make this marriage work or is it over for him? going at it like rabbits after he says he wants a divorce. i don't understand that. are you hoping to keep him by having sex with him all the time?

ESMe's picture

This is exactly what I fear is going to happen to me! While she lived with us....she use to say she just wished the place would burn to the ground. Now that she is out, and I am remodeling......she's pissed!

Poodle's picture

You both really love each other. The skids are gone. Get some therapy? Sounds like it's worth hanging onto but some searching questions will have to be asked of each other and a lot of resentments gone over.

forgotten wife's picture

thank you, poodle. i suggested therapy. we went to marriage counseling back about our fifth year of marriage...about the kids and how we deal with them. the counselor advised my husband that the marriage has to be the most important thing; that the kids would be gone and we needed to nurture the marriage.
i guess my husband didn't like that because when i suggested counseling recently, he said, "we tried that and we came from it with me having to do everything." so, i think he just doesn't want to hear about anything that he may be doing to contribute to our problems.

forgotten wife's picture

asheeha, i just saw your post. maybe you're right? maybe i am? but he initiates, too. we do enjoy each other but it's not feeling like love making, only like sex. and it's so sad to admit that.

asheeha's picture

i'm really sorry to hear this. Sad

i would say stop having sex with him and just become fabulous without him. go get a life outside of him.

what a jerk...

Poodle's picture

But it sounds too complex and mixed up to stay in the marriage and not get some sort of help. How about you sell it to him by saying the therapy will be addressing different things this time, considering kids now out of equation?

FeuilleMorte's picture

Poodle's making really good points, you guys have a chance to rebuild...are you willing?

LizzieA's picture

What do you want? Maybe some time apart wouldn't be a bad thing. Get counseling on your own to get YOUR head on straight. Don't like that he felt burdened by therapist's suggestions when in reality YOU were doing all the work! Your reaction was normal, when a woman is overworked and resentful, her sexual desire disappears....

Figure out what you want, how you feel, what you want out of a relationship and if this guy can give it to you! Take back your power.

forgotten wife's picture

thank you for not giving up on me, poodle. that's a good suggestion. i'll be talking to him tonight and this weekend. i'll look for an opportunity. thank you all for looking into my problem here. i value all of your responses.

forgotten wife's picture

lizzieA, thank you. i am in counseling because i know it will make me a better person. i've decided to not carry around resentment and bitterness because, in the end, i'm the one who suffers the most from it; from the pain and from the results of it in my relationships.
i have wondered if he is right for me. some days i think i will be just fine without him. other days, i'm a wreck. i have not spoken to his kids since december. i think he confided in his daughter about our marital problems (emotional incest?).
we've been married for 15 years. the kids are now gone. it's hard to give all that up. i'm also retired now and i was looking forward to these years. i think part of it is i'm scared.

jennaspace's picture

My sd lived with us for only a few months and it was really stressful. What he probably doesn't realize is that he may have reacted the same way if the situation was reversed.

You finally have your skids living with you behind you. I've had it both ways and it makes a huge difference once they are actually not in the house. This will be even more true in about 5 yrs when they are settled.

It would be so sad if you divorced now. He needs empathy.

Living with skids (at least for me) was kind of like having a colicky newborn. You're always on edge, the constant stress gets to you and you get in a state of regular agitation. He probably attributed this to your personality.

Your agitated state will wear off. You need time to heal with each other. It'd be a shame if he bow'd out now.

forgotten wife's picture

also, i just want to say that i love women! can you imagine men doing this? we are all so helpful to our sisters! thank you all!!

forgotten wife's picture

jennaspace, everything you said is so right on! i have never been without them until now and i am much happier than i've been for years! it would be such a shame to lose what we could have now. we've waited so long for it.
any ideas on how to approach the step daughter issue? i think she would love for us to continue to not speak or be in each other's presence. of course, she's not thinking of her father's life alone; only her own success in getting rid of me...

forgotten wife's picture

i talked to my husband this morning about the stress that living with his ss22 had been on me for the past two years. i explained to him that we had a wonderful relationship prior to her moving in with us and that she had always been my favorite of his three children. i also explained that my intolerance for her was mostly due to her attitude towards me (not speaking to me when she entered a room i was in, being sullen and moody, and just generally making me feel as if she wanted me to leave my own house to make her life better).

his thought? maybe i should have done more with her when she was younger, like, get our nails done together or go to movies together.
keep in mind, we had the kids eow and 2-3 weeks in the summer for vacations, all that time with them doing things together. i worked full time and still did all the child care for his kids while he was their playmate. as their DAD, he didn't even do things with them other than the scheduled visits! am i crazy to think that this is a ridiculous double standard and that he is still trying to impose on me the mantle of "mother" to them?

sometimes i just can't believe it. i am responsible for her bad behavior. can i make her responsible for mine?? is this blame-the-victim mentality universal in bio-dads?

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Yes! It is an issue with the bio dads - blame the victim. Today, after having horrific fights the past few days DH brought upstairs from it' rightful place in our wallunit a very sentimental item from his deceased mom. It is a stuffed duck toy that quacks - very cute. His mom used to play with our bs when he was a baby with it - DH thinks I should take it over to SD"s house for her daughter cuz grandma would like to see it passed on. This would be some sort of peace offering in his mind i guess. Me - the victim - should make a peace offering - especially with such a dear sentimental item from our son's short time with his grandma. OMG - these bio dads need a thorough head examination - maybe there really is something missing in their brain. :jawdrop:

sandye21's picture

This guy just won't quit with the manipulation games, will he?!!! Stand firm, 20Year. He wants you to submit to he and SD. You do not owe her or him anything. I wonder what would happen if you just refuse to fight with him? When he brings soemthing up, don't even respond?

forgotten wife's picture

thank you 20years and boot,
more from the looney, my husband told me that sd22 and ss24 invited him to bm's (who has not remarried because no man will have her) 50th "birthday bash"! not me, of course! and they wonder why we hate them? he didn't go because he thought it was "inappropriate", thank God! but why do they think their sm's have no feelings and no needs? they are just totally insensitive!
my sd22 told me that she couldn't understand why i couldn't live for two years, full time, with her as an adult when her mother lived with her for 20 years. well, if i had been allowed to slap her face when she backtalked as a child like her mother did or jump on her an pin her to the ground an threaten to kill her or whip her with a belt when she disobeyed, as bm did, then maybe i could live with her as an adult, too! and she forgets that bm kicked her out and i am the one who took her in! if they want to compare us, compare it all, for God's sake!

forgotten wife's picture

oh, and 20years: the toy duck should go to YOUR son's children. THAT would be passing it on!

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Sorry to get off topic here for a min. but the toy duck thing caught me so off guard I just agreed that perhaps Dh's Granddaughter should have it. But I feel sad to give it up now especially under the circumstances. I feel like I am being silly and childish now over a toy duck.

forgotten wife's picture

thanks, draco. i think you're on to something there. he's finding it hard to let the "children" go. they have lives of their own now and when they don't come around for holidays, it's so easy for him to blame it on them being uncomfortable around me, rather on just them doing things they want to do. husband spent thanksgiving at his mother's while i was at my sister's (in another state). only one of his children showed up as the other two either had to work or went to a girlfriend's house. yet, he did not blame it on them being uncomfortable around his mother! there's such a double standard with the bio dad's thinking! it's almost as if they are brain damaged!
on the plus side, he and i are talking and trying to be kind to each other in our communications. he's admitted to some of his daughter's shortcomings and some of the things he could have handled better in the past. he's also going on "dates" with me and we're having good times with just the two of us so maybe there's hope. he won't see a therapist together now. i think he knows there would be problems he would have to address and he's not ready to face them. maybe baby steps...we'll see.
all i know is i will no longer accept blame for his kids' behavior, only my own. i'm trying to detach as much as possible from them. i won't point our their crap, either, unless it comes at me as blame. he will have to figure that out himself.

karendow's picture

I included my sd in activities when I first met her and we had some great times. But of course when the "honeymoon phase" between sm and sd wears off and some discipline comes into play, everything gets sour. I had to come to the sad realization that she was very selfish and immature and I didn't enjoy spending time with her. She was not raised by me and a teenager when I met her and it was real hard. When this happened, SO thought I was leaving her out of everything. If we had a bad time of something I would try to talk to her and tell her I was sorry if things didn't go well between us and try to smooth things over. She had alot of things to be sorry about and never could say those two words "im sorry" too. She wasn't a talker and in fact she was somewhat self rightous in her attitude. We were never close after the first couple of years and that was just that. I kept trying to remember that the relationship goal was her father and I, and not her, but he sincerely believes that the woman in his life should accept his kids, be loving and tolerant no matter what. Please......we can't even tolerate our own bilological children all the time!!. But when you 're all living in the same house that doesn't work. The woman needs power also to exercise discipline and if the SO doesn't have faith in his woman to do the right thing, then he shouldn't be with her. This is often times more of a problem of the man being able to give away some of his power to the stepmom to show the kids they are a team.

It is a shame now that you are older not to reap the benefits of each other in a relationship. Give him the book stepmonster to read and he will understand that you are not the only one on the face of this earth to have difficulty relating to a stepchild. Your man should get some education on stepfamilies so he can look back and realize how difficult your job was....we're all in the same boat!!!!! My relationship didn't make it but I hope your's does.....I wish I found this website alot sooner but I didn't go looking for help till it was over!

forgotten wife's picture

thanks, karen. i did give him stepmonster and he's reading it! i loved it! i felt so validated. it was an awakening for me to realize that this is a common theme for stepmothers; fathers who make it hard for us to like their children (in particular, their daughters)!

i'm sorry your relationship didn't make it. mine's still up in the air. but he is reading a website i sent him for a marriage retreat to help us get through this. he hasn't commited to it, yet, but at least he's looking at it. and he reads the books i give him...

i have some hope but i'm out getting a life of my own in case we don't make it. i will be happy, with or without him and his daughter.

thanks for looking in!