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SSIL does not support his wife's (DH's daughter's) treatment towards me

Disillusioned's picture

So as mentioned in my earlier posts about DH's daughter and sister, this time when DH's daughter was making a point to exclude me, couldn't have been more pleased when not only DH, but SSIL too, stood up for me!

DH's daughter says to SSIL, nice and loud for me to hear too "SSIL, can you show MY DAD the picture of SGS" "SSIL, let MY DAD choose the pictures he wants to keep of SGS"

So far SSIL had not responded to her, when DH's daughter says again "SSIL, did you show MY DAD the pictures of SGS, so he can choose the ones he likes" SSIL spoke up nice and loud and in the same tone said "yes I did and DH is waiting for Disillusioned to see the pictures too and help pick the ones they like"

Love it!!

I was quick to say HOW NICE that was of DH

Not one word from DH's daughter

I was in the kitchen at the time doing the task I was given to do by DH's sister so mentioned that DH would have to wait until I finished a dish I was watching. SSIL says "I can do that for you Disillusioned, no problem, go have a look at the pictures"

Big smile on my face

Then when DH and I were going through the pictures, I was asking DH if he was allowed to take any ones that he liked. SSIL says to me in the kindest and warmest tone, "Disillusioned, pick any ones you like at all. Just not duplicates of the same picture (so FIL and DH's sisters could have copies too)

I'm grateful my SSIL is such a class act. He clearly doesn't buy in to DH's daughter's treatment of me, and has always treated me like family, refers to me as his mother-in-law (no step in that at all) and for all the PASing DH's daughter does against me with SGS, my SSIL makes up for it by encouraging a relationship between SGS and I

To me it speaks volumes that SSIL openly does not support DH's daughter - his own wife's - treatment of me

Wonder if that actually registers with her?

still learning's picture

That's great! Step family relations can be pleasant as your SSIL is demonstrating. A little respect goes a long ways. Hopefully he'll stay a "real man" and not cave to his wife's behavior.

Disillusioned's picture

I'm glad to hear that skeeter! You have been through so much with your SD and SGD, nice to have that support from your SSIL!

Rags's picture

Congratulations. Though it does beg the question how or why a guy with character ended up with a wife of no character?