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Step Free Thanksgiving!

ETexasMom's picture

My MDD is home from college and was asking who all was coming for Thanksgiving. When I told her I didn't know if the steps were coming because I text SS and told him what time we were having it and to let his sisters know and the only response was he didn't know what everyone's plan for Thanksgiving yet. So my DD decided to text and flat out ask if they were coming.

His response was "we already made other plans" she text back "okay" he responded "I'm sorry miss you, don't hate me ok". So odd but I'm so thankful they aren't coming! I haven't seen SDs since last Thanksgiving and have no desire to change that. I knew they were't going to be happy we changed the time to 3pm instead of 7pm. Usually everyone goes everywhere else first then here. Well my sister and my oldest both work for CPS and are on call Thanksgiving. My sister till noon and my daughter at 6pm so we had to change time this year. I'm way more worried about having a time that's good for those who are only going to one meal instead of those visiting two other houses first.

I'll admit I did start to crack in my disengaging and almost reached out to OSD thank god I didn't! I'm still not happy with SS after his rude text when DH went to DS's army graduation. I will not miss watching MSD chase DH around while he tries to watch football with the guys or the SDs rude loud talking during the prayer.

CANYOUHELP's picture

You did the right thing, enjoy your step-free Thanksgiving. The one time TG Dinner people---their schedules definitely come first!