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The usual ranting

Newimprvmodel's picture

I still need to rant. Even though I don't see husband's kids(thank goodness) they still are present in my life. DH got a call from one last night of course at dinner time and for some reason he needs to give her a blow by blow account of his life, mine included. It's really something. It almost sounds like the old days of being in the confessional with the priest. Lol. She has him trained well. He asked me why our taxes were lower this year while on the call. Yes he told her about paying our taxes this week. WTF???  I told him in a voice she would hear.  "That is for you and I to discuss in private."  He got off the phone quickly. 
Another rant. The in law that visits with his kids that pee in my guest beds is coming for his annual visit. Every year after the visit he sends  large photos framed of course of my DH and his kids while at our house.  I'm nowhere in any of the photos. Im just the party planner. The one who buys the tickets to the stadium the kids museums. The one who cooks and bakes the whole weekend. I told DH I  am still cooking dinner. He's the party planner this week. And oh yeah I have industrial strength plastic coverings for my mattresses. 

CLove's picture

Well I am so glad you are not any longer the wife appliance that does the cruise directing. I used to do that stuff too, when SD18PPSDN was much younger, back when it was still fun.

Mr/Ms Pee Pee Pants - have you ever called them out on that (privately?).

Winterglow's picture

Make sure that your DH understands that he's the one who will be doing the laundry. How old are these kids anyway?

MorningMia's picture

I'd get a sudden case if "the blue flu."  Cough cough....owww, my head hurts. I hope it's not COVID! 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

You're nicer than I am. I wouldn't do so much as heat up a poptart in the toaster. Those effers can do airbnb.

I hope you recover soon from covid... Wink

Newimprvmodel's picture

I love to bake and cook.  And both DH and I are overweight.  I can't justify doing it anymore. So when I have an audience I can't help myself to try out some new recipes. Real story: when my kids were younger say 11-12 yrs old they said why can't they have a mom that just makes chicken and meatloaf??? Lol. 

Rags's picture

I would haul the progenators of the pee spawn into the room the pee spawn sleep in and have them strip, wash the sheets, sanitize the rubber matress liner, and remake the beds. Every morning.  
