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Candle light dinner

Ughugh's picture

What do you do when you have just your bios? Isn't it so sweet to not have to put up some sort of front- either a fake niceness or a defensive front against their manipulations and nastiness?

Last night, my bios and I decorated for pumpkin season, had a nice roasted chicken dinner at candle light and talked and talked, then did homework and bedtime. Everyone slept all night in their own beds. No drama.

No more trash mouths. No more "Daddaeeee, I neeeeeed ... (insert latest iPhone, clothes, bla bla), "Dadddaeee, but WHYYYYY???", "I hate my life", "I wanna kill myself", "Daddaeeee, you are my slave", "Daddaeeee, Mommaaaaaa says you are (...) fat, useless, etc. nastiness", "I don't want to take a bath, I took one last year", "I don't want to clean my room unless you pay me money", "Daddeeee, can you sleep with me (so I can pee on your back LOL", "I don't likkeeeeee this food, I want baby food (or can you go to McDonald's RIGHT NOWWWWW"...

Oh and the list can go on and on and on...

Ughugh's picture

Amen, sista! Same here. My kids appreciate the company and the thought, the "intimacy" of the evening, while Spawn are not interested in anything unless they can steal the tab receipt and post it on FB to show off about how much I (used to) spend on their dinner...WHO DOES THATTTT???

Sound like you raised your son right. Kudos!

Ughugh's picture

LOL true! I like the worms thing.

My kid told me the other day "If the World came to an end, you would be the ONLY woman that survived, because you are the meanest toughest mother there ever was!" haha Damn right. And they are too.

Keep up the great job, you crack me up!

Rags's picture

As it should be in any quality family IMHO.

Good for you and your kids for being quality and intelligent human beings rather than toxic POS idiots.


My bride and the Skid and I have had this type relationship for 20+ years. We raised him together as our son since before he turned 2yo. We still do these things together now that he is 22. He still struggles with the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool but he is well experienced in keeping his interface and relationships with them separate from the relationships in his REAL life and family. He lives his personal and professional life much in the way his mom and I raised him. His 3 younger also out of wedlock Sperm Idiot spawned half sibs live what they know from being raised by the Sperm Clan. Sad, sad, sad.

Your kids will be fine. Your Skids .... probably not.

Ughugh's picture

Awwwww same here. My sons are kind and loving and DH is same. They get along well. We are Star Wars fans and SyFy fans. You guys should rent StarWars Robot Chicken, we crack up at that stuff Smile

stressedstep's picture

I love having alone time with my Bio.....SD7 feels she should be included at all times. I used to do all sorts of little things with my Bio, and then had to share them with SD7 because my OH "thought it would be nice, cos BM doesn't do stuff like that with her".....that's not my problem, talk to BM then.....the worst thing is, that I did involve her, and took those little things away from me and my Bio...however, I don't do it now....I pulled it back to me and Bio time and that's that.

Im not the replacement to SD7, she lives with her mom. Its not up to me to be the supply mother when the BM fails at so much....but its apparently what causes SD7 to be jealous of Bio.....she sees what Bio and me do, and expects the same, and because she doesn't, it p*sses her off. My answer is always the to your mom or ask your mom.....

Ughugh's picture

You could have written my story... Yep. Same here. Now I do nothing with my skids, except watch them while DH is out for a couple of hours, no more trips, time, money, presents, headaches...