Do I have to share SKID pics on MY FACEBOOK???
hurricane sandy got us, and we lost some of our power. Kids were bunking with us one night. My 2 slept on a mattress at the bottom of our bed. Skid slept on the floor next to his dad's side of the bed. I took a pic of my kids and posted it about our campout in momma's room. My MOTHER IN LAW writes 'theres a kid missing'.......Of course I replied, oh he's next to his dad , she replies "aah, smart boy" his fat fucking ass slept on a hard floor, my kids slept on a MATTRESS. What I felt like saying was "this is MY facebook page....for me to post WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT TO...if I want to post ONLY MY CHILDREN, that is well within my GOD GIVEN RIGHT"......course she babysits all the kids for us every once in a blue moon, and free is free.
Why should I be expected to put her dumbass grandson on MY fb page? Her SON can put HIS KID on HIS page....
Your MIL sees all her
Your MIL sees all her grandkids as HER grandkids. You do not see all the children as YOUR children. Meh, it is what it is.
I would have replied, "Nope, those are the only kids I have. Your other grandchild was asleep by his father."
Identitycrisis, aahhhhhh, IF
Identitycrisis, aahhhhhh, IF ONLY THERE WAS A BABY MOMMA
Part of my daily prayers are that she gets clean, gets a job, and comes for her spawn. however, the various neck and chest tattoos she has money for while never having paid a penny of child support probably put her in the 'barely employable' category. don't get me wrong tho, love MY ink, LOL
I have a huge chest tattoo
I have a huge chest tattoo and I have a job, and a pretty awesome one at that.
you go girl like i said, i
you go girl like i said, i love my ink....if you saw my skid's drug addict baby momma, you'd see why her ink looks super trashy. hubby has a bunch of tattoos, I have 5, but hers are like GANG related shit.....
I love tattoos! I don't have
I love tattoos! I don't have any but I love them on other people. They look good on some people but not on others. It depends if the person can pull it off!
she TOTALLY doesn't see my
she TOTALLY doesn't see my kids as her grandkids, hubby and i just got married in August....she won't ever SAY that, but it's obvious. just like my mom loves my 2 and simply 'takes care of' the skid. i'm not blind, that's obvious too. I love your reply, i should have written that, but my feelings for my skid remain hidden except for here on steptalk, my BFF, my mohter, and my one steptalk text buddy/friend. NOBODY else on EARTH knows the depths of my ill feelings towards this kid.....or if they do, they aint callin me out on it!
No, you don't have to post
No, you don't have to post skid photos on your FB. That's just silly.
Only time I want to see a pic of skid posted anywhere is on a his fat ass can get a one-way ticket off the face of the Earth...just saying }:)
LOVE IT! I don't want my
I don't want my skids stupid dumb faces on my FB wall! It will just be embarrassing for the skid because no one will 'like' it or comment because he has a face only a (BIO) mother could love.
My dh had yss as his
My dh had yss as his wallpaper too. Til I said "funny how your mom and I have the baby as ours" and "is there something wrong with showing off your new baby? ". Heard excuses but its changed now. Pissed me the hell off.
YUCKK!! My SO put a picture
YUCKK!! My SO put a picture of his stupid kid's smug face on my fridge so I have to look at that shit every time I go to the fridge. Maybe it will turn into a weight loss tool because when I go to get something to eat, I barf and then I dont want to eat anymore. Just trying to stay positive! But seriously when my SO is not home I accidentally on purpose turn the picture around.
How many of us stepmothers
How many of us stepmothers take pictures of our stepchild and want to look at them again and again and again. Not to mention show them off. Not me. We already deal with them enough as it is! For me it's just a painful reminder of something you don't want to deal with. Plus your facebook page is just that. YOUR F'N PAGE.. Mommy in Law will just have to deal...
your page, you do whatever
your page, you do whatever YOU want...if you have no RIGHTS over those kids, you have NO OBLIGATIONS.
The only time I have ever put
The only time I have ever put skids pictures on FB, I got a message from BM telling me to get the pictures of HER DAUGHTER off my page. So I don't think you can win in this category. If you post pics of only your kids, it looks (to some, like MIL) like you're leaving skid out but if you post pics of skid, you could run into a situation like mine where BM is not happy (not that we care if BM is happy but you know what I mean). I don't have kids of my own yet, but I am sure when I do I will be putting all kinds of pics of them up because they will be MY kids. Do what you want & screw MIL and BM & whoever else doesn't like it!
Yes! Totally agree! I'd have
Yes! Totally agree! I'd have just deleted MIL's post and ignore it. Your page, your rights. He can post those pics on HIS FB page if he wants.
I ONE TIME had ONE pic of my
I ONE TIME had ONE pic of my steps on FB. I took it down, because frankly, they drive me insane. You have NO obliigation at all to put up pics of your skids. Let grandma have a tizzy, that's her problem!!!
If my son's dad's GF or wife
If my son's dad's GF or wife put pictures of my son on her facebook page, I would be pissed. That is not your kid, you are not his mother and you have no business showing him off like he is your own.
And why are (some) MILs such bitches??????? The first time I met my SO's mom, she didn't say more than 2 words to me!!!! I am a great human being and good for her son and she makes no effort to get to know me. WHen we are at her house it's all about her snot-nosed grandkids. She acts like these damn boys walk on water. Well, they don't. They are ugly, bratty, annoying little fucks.
The BEST thing about step
The BEST thing about step twats, you aren't required to gush over the little bastards. My ST9 lives here full time and I do not include the twat on my FB page.
Pictures???? NEVER...bad
Pictures???? NEVER...bad enough seeing them in real life....definitely don't want them infringing on my pleasure time.
I don't even mention them unless some absolutely horrendous event has happened and then it's a cryptic mention anyways......too many judgmental know it alls in my life to even bother
My mom posts pics of my Skid
My mom posts pics of my Skid regularly when they are visiting. She posts them with comments like "Having lunch with MY handsome grandson." I think mom does the “MY” as a dig to the toxic Sperm GrandHag who has made it her mission since SS-22 was 2yo to drive it into the Skid’s head that “Those people are not your family.” The Skid is smart. He knows exactly who his REAL family is.
It really is no skin of anyone’s nose since the Skid is not connected with the Sperm Clan (except for the sister/illegitimate Sperm Idiot spawn #2). The sister likes and comments regularly when my mom posts pics of the Skid or when my wife or I tag the Skid in a post.
I do not understand why some people feel the need to force their perspective on others via the idiot box like your MIL seems to do.
I refuse to post pictures or
I refuse to post pictures or even mention the skids. For all intensive purposes, they do not exist in my virtual world!! My DH doesn't have a Facebook page so I don't worry about him seeing the fact that I don't talk about his kids and I am not friends with his family or friends. Just makes life easier.
No. You don't have to do
No. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do . Ever.