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dragonfly's picture

i was wondering if skids hate their step fathers as much as they hate us sms? my sd has had a wide variety of canditates to be her step fathers. i say candidates because bm is only poking here and there and never really stayed w/ one for more than a year. but one thing i know is that it is ok and mandatory for sd to call them dad but when she refers to me im her STEPMOM before anyone confuses me with her bio mom. my husband has been hurt by this several times. more than one time sd talked about bms boyfriend and refered to him as daddy (all boyfriends cause they don't go all the way. i wonder why?). less than a year ago sd was going to cheer at a basketball game and we went to see her. bm, grandma and boyfriend #4 or 5 (lost count) were there. when we get there bm does not say hi or hug dad instead she goes to bms boyfriend and hugs him right in front of dad. bf said nothing and was just holding her and ignoring us when we were right in front of them. sd looked like a cat when they are purring on your leg. sd was 7 years old and had spent much more time with dad then with all these different men. bm, grandma and my hd said nothing to her until i blew and called sd to me. i got very mad at her and asked her why she had not said hello or give a hug to her had? she said "I FORGOT".

my question is "why is it ok for sd to call bms boyfriends dad and not for her to call me mom? and why does sd seem to get along with all her participating step father figures and not me?

frustratedinMA's picture

We have the same problem sort of. My skids call their BM's husband Dad... They call their father Papa (caught them a couple of times calling him by his name when they THOUGHT no one could hear them..)

I am just called by my first name... I am often ignored or tolerated... They like their sdad WAYYYY better than they like me. Mind you.. the sdad and bm got married on the night I had my first date w/my dh... so.. the break up is NOT my fault.

dragonfly's picture

another question?

why is it ok for bio mom to make her life(if you can call that a life)and have as many partners as she wants and not ok for my husband to make his?

she has not been setting a good example for my sd by having boyfriend after boyfriend oh! and all have lived with her while they are dating.

no way is my husband a bad father or me a bad sm to deserve this kind of treatment from both bm and sd. where did we go wrong? by getting married the proper way through the church, having a nice reception after, having our own home and a nice relationship with people we meet. can someone explain? or are bms just not meant to be understood?

need2vent's picture

I think I mentioned this in a post quite a while ago ,that there actually is research showing male figures are more accepted in role of step parent and that the agression the SM's get and added stress is much higher.
I thought God was only punishing us for Eve's actions by making childbirth painful!
"We don't understand life anymore at 40 then at 20, but we know it and admit it" Jules Renard

Anne 8102's picture

My skids call their SF "Daddy." He has beaten their mother up in front of them, put her in the hospital, they've all had to flee the house when he went on a rampage, he's a substance abuser who has been in and out of treatment, he can't hold a job, he treats everyone like shit, one of the kids told me once that he'd hit her so hard on the leg while "spanking" her that it left a mark for several days, etc.

But my DH, the REAL daddy, the one who has bent over backwards to try to prove to them how much he loves them, gets nada. And me? Well, we used to have a pretty good relationship in the beginning, but their mom sort of went off the deep end when DH and I were expecting and nothing has been the same since. They used to love me. They used to be openly loving and affectionate with me. Then their mother started feeding them BS about us and now neither one of us can get them to return our calls. Go figure.

~ Anne ~

"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook

dragonfly's picture

why? someone explain why they like to be treated like dirt. does that mean that we have to be super evil so these kids can respect, love and call us mommy? not that we demand to all these things but at least the respect.

Sasha's picture

I've been wracking my brains trying to figure out the answer but all I can come up with is I don't know. My mother married my stepdad when I was about 8 years old. The stepkids never called him daddy, although he was more of a dad to us than our own father was. My stepdad was not warm or affectionate to us, but he cared enough to teach us right from wrong and made sure our basic needs were met. My own father never cared enough to make sure we at least had food to eat. Before my mom married my stepdad, things were so bad that mom went without food just so us kids could eat. My stepdad was accepted because he was mom's husband. Even at that young age we knew that the adults ran the show and gave our stepdad the respect he deserved.

I met my stepmother for the first time when I was 19. She was very sweet to me; in fact, she treated me with more love and affection than my own father did. I would never ever disrespect her, firstly because she was an adult and secondly because she was good to me. How could I possibly hate this woman? I never viewed her as someone I had to compete with where my dad was concerned. She was my dad's wife, I knew where her place was and I knew where my place was.

I guess it all just boils down to how I was raised. My mother taught us that we were to respect adults. Mom never bad-mouthed my father even though she had enough reason to but she never did. She would have knocked our teeth out if she ever heard us speaking to an adult the way some kids do today. I think any time a family breaks up, relationships become so polarized that kids often feel the need to "take sides" out of some warped sense of loyalty. Unfortunately they often take the side of the mother, and you know that kids will always love their mother no matter how bad or rotten she is. I also think that in a kid's mind, the parent who isn't there is the one that is responsible for the break up of the family, so anyone attached to that person is also viewed as responsible, meaning the stepmoms. It certainly doesn't help that some BM's reinforce this way of thinking, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Divorce is never an easy situation, regardless of who is responsible for the breakdown of the relationship. We know that women tend to display more emotions than do men, and sometimes the boundary between mom and kids becomes blurred. Moms will often rely on the kids for emotional support, where dads will generally try to keep the kids out of it. So then the kids end up hearing one side of the story (when they shouldn't be hearing it at all), automatically blame dad and whoever may be attached to dad as the cause of the break up, and well, you know what they say about shit rolling down hill.

Sasha's picture

We all know what kind of man Jimbo would be, too! A sweaty, smarmy, green-toothed, pot-bellied, whiskey-breath loser...ugh it just makes my skin crawl!

Anyway, my mom raised us the way she was raised, that children should be seen and not heard. We had what we needed, and if we got what we wanted we were grateful. Often times kids today are treated as though they are the center of the universe, are spoiled and overindulged, treated like mini-adults. They grow up with an attitude of entitlement and have no respect for adults or anyone in position of authority. Parents don't punish kids for bad behavior cause it will "hurt their self esteem." Too much PC BS if you ask me. Is it no wonder, then, that kids will do or say what they want and get away with it because they are not called on their behavior? What's going to happen to these kids 10 or 15 years down the road when they are out there in the real world? Parents who treat their children in this fashion are only setting them up for future failure.

dragonfly's picture

my mom says that when she was a kid my grandfather used to give them a straight look and they understood what needed to be done. if an adult went over to their house or if for some reason they would misbehave my grandfather did not have to say a word all he needed to do was look at them. if for some reason the kids would not understand my gradpas look then they would get a nice mom did not grow up to be a disfunctional person because of this on the contrary she has always been good to us and followed in my grandpas steps when it came to discipline with us. im very grateful that she did because im what im because of her and her rules.

last night my husband told my sd to take a shower and she ignored him completely and its was not like she did not hear him cause she was right in front of him. he said it again and she did the same until her had to raise his voice and she said "oh im tired". then my husband said i don't care just take a shower. her reply was "but i don't want to and it kept on going back and forth until i told him to stop doing that and just get her in the bathroom. same thing happened when she was told to brush her teeth. when i leave my husband to do these things sd will try to get away because that is her technique that works. back then she would have been belted and slapped right across the face but now these kids have more right then any adult and can do what they please with us.

things changed so much and not for good.

StressedinCanada's picture

This last post is right where I am now. SD neither listens or obeys what is told to her by either her dad or myself. We have yet to spank her in the 2 years thats she's been here. And all the talking, asking and even yelling is not working. My mom told me we need to put our foot down and disipline her the old fashioned way. She says it would only take a few smacks on the bum until she figured things out. I am not sure I could do it. DH seems to be shy in this area as well. But what are we to do? Let her tell us how we are to live and how she is to be? I am sooo lost.

Most Evil's picture

Hey, if I had my own kids I would swat them because I think you are right, it doesn't take but one or two to get the concept going. I know that is not PC but it worked for me and everyone I grew up with too, and I had a healthy respect for my mom because of it.

But if you are like me in a SM role and are not 'supposed' to punish, I find that withholding rewards works. And, getting in their face and explaining how it will be, either in person or on the phone, works too. Not physical, but verbal, has almost the same effect if anyone will do it. But it needs to be consistently done, the same messages given each time until they get it.

Then move on to the next issue, ha ha

"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil

dragonfly's picture

same here with dh being shy and ignorant about discip;line. i can't do a thing cause she's not my daughter and since im trying to be stress free i stay out of it but i hate to see my dh arguing his point with an 8 year old. there are times when i step in and since my sd is not used to loud and strict commands she will do what i say right away.

i remember one time my dh spanked her but i think that not even the wind got hurt. to her it was as he had done nothing. why are they so afraid? i don't think that this kind of punishment is harsh just as long as its kept under control.

jaded's picture

My 5 year old son (my 4th child, 3rd son) is very logical, independant, headstrong and will argue like crazy with us. We have given him a couple of swats on the butt and will threaten to do so again. If we hadnt he would rule the whole house and everyone in it!!! Believe me I dont like to do it but it sure changes his attitude pretty fast.

As far as sf vs sm I strongly believe that it all depends on the custodial parents attitude. In my case the bm has (since the birth of my son) systematically alienated the sds from their dad and myself. She even went so far as to get them to call her husband daddy and thier dad (my dh) by his first name!!! She also had their last name changed on their school records. Imagine my dhs shock when his daughters name was announced at her grade 8 grad!!! Myself, I dont exist at all - but when I did exist they called me by my first name.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Albert Einstein

LVmyBOXERS's picture

how the skids are with their sfather. They never talk about "the other house" so I honeslty have no idea. I think SD gets along with him well. I also think BM forced the issue, but who knows. Just knowing the discipline problems with SS and hearing from people who have seem them in public, I have a feeling SF is about as useless and clueless as BM. I wish I knew of a way to get info out of the kids but they always close up if we ask any questions at all. You can always tell SD is being very cautious when it comes to them talking about their mom. I guess they have a lot they need to be careful about saying. I know SD always used to defend her mom and everything. Even silly, stupid things. I guess if I had a mom like her I would have to do the same thing...