FDH disciplines my kids, but let's his kid get away with poor behavior, REALLY???
Last week, my son threw a toy in the dining room and broke one of my centerpieces. FDH took his pro mini hoop out of his bedroom for 2 days because of it. Ok, so far so good, right?.....
Well, his son (ss8) was bad in school yesterday and wouldn't do his work, and today told his aide that he 'hated her' and had a fit and threw a bunch of books off the table onto the floor......and do you know what daddy did with that?
Told him 'i don't like your behavior, and if you don't behave tomorrow, i'm taking the wii out of your room'......
My son it was one strike you're out, his son gets three........
completely up in arms tonight over this!!!!
YOU should take his Wii then.
YOU should take his Wii then. It is total BS that he lets his kid get away w/murder and punishes yours.
Been there done it. SO isn't
Been there done it. SO isn't too bad anymore but a while back this was the norm at my house. SO would get my kids in crap for everything, I always remind him to pick and choose his battles but he doesn't. My kid could do something, be punished then his kid could do the exact same thing and he'd give the kid a million warnings until I put my foot down and pointed out one time in front of his child that he was not being fair and letting his kids basically away with murder while mine were having their stuff taken away for petty issues. He agreed I was right and started to discipline his children more fairly, like with same punishments etc. He still slips every once in a while. Like with warning, I keep telling him, no warning, JUST DO IT! They know better, they have done the same shit before so they know what's going to happen, and by just giving a general warning shows the child that their father is nothing but a joke and will never follow through with the punishment to begin with.