first visit ends early.. I know this is normal for a first weekend I am just kinda sad
We had a fun weekend... most everything seemed to go great. We had a lot of fun things planned but a lot of time to just be together as a "family" and there was a lot of laughter and fun. My kids had a blast and SD11 seemed to as well. She was supposed to stay until Monday since she doesn't have school and I planned to give my bios and GSS back to their dad early tomorrow so SO and I could have some time with just us and SD11. Tonight, though, she decided she missed her mom and sisters and wanted to go home.. at 8:30pm. If this becomes a habitual thing it will not fly but for a first visit there is no need to ruffle feathers and make her not want to be here... I think she had fun so I'm not too worried just kinda sad b/c I didn't want her to go and was really wanting to spend some time with her tomorrow without my kids to bond a little more. It's okay, I know.. and completely normal... especially for a first weekend... just kinda down. I hope she'll want to come back weekend after next.