"I'm Awesome"
My SD12 who I dislike for various and valid reasons pops off spontaneously, "I'm awesome!!" or if you ask her something, anything, she answers, "Cause I'm awesome that's why." Or while we are eating dinner, she just blurt, "I'm Awesome".
It really bothers me that if it were BD13, I wouldn't think a thing of it or be annoyed by it.
The fact that I can't stand the sound of my SD's voice and can't stand it when she is present at all makes me just cringe-in fact sometimes I feel like I could just puke when she says it.
I don't say anything when she says it and neither does her dad, so I'm hoping that since she's getting zero response she will just stop. Otherwise, I will have to start wearing my ipod to the dinner table again.
I wish I weren't so bitter, but there has been A LOT that has happened-before I left my dh for a while and started counseling with him. Just a lot-sd has been a nightmare. She still is, but her tactics are no longer working since me and dh started counseling.
SD is gone for a 2 week visit with relatives right now, which is AWESOME!
It's a phase....I hope : )
It's a phase....I hope : ) Smile and nod. I would guess the less reaction you give, the quicker it will go away.
Hope so and THANKS!
Hope so and THANKS!
Enjoy your skid free 2 weeks
Enjoy your skid free 2 weeks
I am enjoying it for the most
I am enjoying it for the most part, but there's always the nagging reality that she will return:(
Good answer, except knowing
Good answer, except knowing my SD, she'd go, "No! I know I'm right!" And that would piss me off since she is always correcting people and is very argumentative and also she is a giant Know-it-all.
^^^^that was awesome!
Or: "So awesome you can't
Or: "So awesome you can't wipe your A$$(sad but true), So awesome you don't even shower regularly, so awesome I can hear you opening the bathroom drawers while your sitting on the shitter, so awesome you haven't figured out that I haven't kept my REAL toothbrush in the bathroom in YEARS, and so awesome you can't wash your potty fingers after you use the bathroom".
I completely understand. My
I completely understand. My SIL did this same crap only her statement of her greatness was "I'm spe----cial!" I wanted to :sick: :sick: :sick: every time she said that crap. We assumed guardianship of her when she was 17 after she graduated from HS when my ILs signed approval for her to graduate a year early. If any kid in the history of human life ever needed her Sr year of high school to mature it is my SIL.
To save money the geniuses of the Peoples Republic of Sperm Land decided to lower the graduation requirements. My SIL was in the class that started their Jr year under the new lower requirements. Those kids could opt to either graduate at the end of their Jr year or go on to Sr year based on parental approval. My DW and I did everything we could to convince my FIL and MIL to force her to take her Sr year.
Nope, my ILs told us that "we raise our children to be self reliant adults, to support themselves and to make their own decisions" and they sighed the parental approval to graduate the year early. My SIL was and remains mostly functionally illiterate. She is a math savant and is brilliant mathematically but other than that she and a rock could do well against each other in any intellectual competition.
As for raising their children to be self reliant adults who make their own decisions .... my ILs have declared bankruptcy multiple times, both of my BILs have declared bankruptcy, and my SIL and her DH have also. They all have multiple car repossessions and the creditors wait outside their home and their work, and call constantly. So much for raising your children to be self reliant quality decision making adults.
Except for my bride of course. She made her mistakes early (16 & Pregnant/Teen Mom) but when on to graduate with her HS class with honors, a dual major BS with honors, an MBA with honors and have a successful career as a CPA. Her financially retarded family drives her nucking futz.
So, rather than abandon my SIL to be the 7-11 night clerk with children by God knows how many children by the same number of fathers I recommended to DW that we assume guardianship when she graduated from HS, move her to our state and home where she would be part of our family. We would pay for college for her, a car, all of her expenses and in return she would do housekeeping, yard work and be home for the Skid when he got home from school. Day and lawn care was costing us about 500/mo so adding her support and college costs while not having to pay daycare and lawn care costs was not a huge stretch
So started my year of living with the queen of "I'm Spe---cial!" I wanted to puke for that whole year every time that disgusting crap left her lips.
She tried to skip class when she felt like it, tried to turn in 5th grade work on anything but math assignments, etc..... I finally had to start calling bullshit and rolling out the facts every time she pulled that special bullshit.
So I did. I put her college freshman papers next to my then 5th grad SS's papers (he was reading and writing at a HS Sr. level) and asked her what looked so special about her work?
My DW made her write, re-write, edit, edit, and edit some more. She finally started improving because we did not tolerate her "I'm Spe---cial!" crap.
She completed her freshman year of college with a 3.0 GPA. Her math grades were the life saver but she did get at least Cs in all classes including freshman English and other writing intensive courses.
After that year when she turned 18 she left to return to her hood looking BF where she did have an out of wedlock child before finally marrying him. She did stay in school until she had capped her school loans (~80K) and failed to keep an acceptable GPA. If she had stayed with us she would have graduated with a BSMgt and had a reasonable chance of a decent life. The only reason she even got in to college was because my DW as a legacy of that University and was able to wrangle a provisional probationary acceptance for SIL. She and her husband (who turned out to be a very good guy) lost their home, cars, etc... and SIL keeps getting fired for attendance issues, etc...
I still bare her ass by asking her "how being so spe---cial is working out for her" when we visit my IL clan when she pulls the spe---cial crap.
Evil }:) I know but if she is nothing special I am not letting her claim spe---cialness without giving her clarity on the facts.
Yes, I am the BIL/SIL from hell sometimes.
Yeah, you DO rock!
Yeah, you DO rock!
My SS20 went through a patch
My SS20 went through a patch of talking about tigers incessantly at dinner. We'd all be having a nice conversation about something non-tiger related and he'd butt in and start talking about them - a video he'd seen of tigers, a random fact etc. He came to stay for 3 weeks in a row when BM went on holiday and I was about to go clinically insane so I decided instead to make it into a secret game. Where I got a reward if he spoke of tigers 3x during dinner, less reward for 2x and a small one for 1x. So then I was HOPING for him to talk about tigers. Childish I know but was the only thing that got me through!
You are by far more creative
You are by far more creative than I will ever be. What kind of reward? I could really make something like this work for me-not just the "I'm Awesome" thing, but there are tons of other things I could use a reward for-maybe sweeten up the bitter SM I have become.
Oh my god, this? We'd all
Oh my god, this?
We'd all be having a nice conversation about something non-tiger related
is seriously giving me the giggles. Like, I'm going to have to step away from my desk because people are starting to give me funny looks.
Is your skid's name Calvin by any chance? That's the only thing that could make it funnier...
Kinda hard to imagine a nice
Kinda hard to imagine a nice conversation if it's non-tiger related, huh? lol
I totally missed the hilarity the first time I read this lol!!!
I stepped away from my desk
I stepped away from my desk to get it under control, but every time I read it I start snorting again.
Just having a nice, non-tiger related conversation....
I am laughing SO HARD at
I am laughing SO HARD at "non-tiger related conversation"
Rags and Gemini, I can't!
Oh, lets not forget, he's also the "Smartest one in class". Goes to the IP or IE or whatever that special class is, but states he gets the best grades. Thing is, I honestly don't believe he needs to be in the special ed class, I think he can make it in the regular classes. But of course since BM1 put him in 4 years ago SO states it's been a bitch to try to get him out. Can't make this shit up even if I tried. TBE at school AND strength AND boxing. I don't want to kill his boy ego, so I say nothing. I just sigh inside.
Oh, yeah. SD is in the
Oh, yeah. SD is in the "gifted" program. Where we live, it's just an enrichment program, but SD tells everyone that she's in ADVANCED classes. Bullsh*t. My daughter tested for the gifted program and scored what her teacher expected but with her ADD, they decided not to add her to the program. SO I'M CONSTANTLY HAVING TO HEAR ABOUT HOW SD IS SMARTER THAN MY DAUGHTER. Drives me crazy-I feel like telling my SD that while she may be academically talented, she is socially retarded. Furthermore, my BD is in her 4th year of piano lessons (which SD dropped out of because she sucked so bad) and is an amazing artist. (Really!) She is also a sweet, friendly, good person.But Sd and DH act like that doesn't count.
The one quarter that SD got 2 C's, it was the teacher's fault. You believe that sh*t?
Funny, where we live you have to do a math placement test to see if you go into pre-algebra or basic math. My daughter got into pre-algebra but AWESOME SD has been placed in basic math for the fall. Know what she said about that? It's because the algebra classes were too full and they pick the kids who get in in alphabetical order so she missed the cut because of her last name. Mmmm hmmm. Awesome.
Yeah! Awesome ferret face,
Yeah! Awesome ferret face, liar, thief, user, con-artist, pathetic b*tch mom!
I would do something like
I would do something like that. How's it go?
lol! or -
lol! or - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iJHaQuyUNA
Just maybe she is awesome in
Just maybe she is awesome in which case it would be a bad idea to get on the rough side of her. When she's grown and Dictator of the World she could make life tough for you.
So true.
So true.
YES!!!!! That WILL shut her
YES!!!!! That WILL shut her down!!
My skids will walk around
My skids will walk around singing 'I'm so awesome, I'm so great, everyone loves me, I'm gonna be famous!' or some shit like that.
Sure enough. Google: song
Sure enough. Google: song I'm so awesome
My SS went through similar
My SS went through similar phases like that.
First it was "I know". It was a reflexive response to everything. It was really irritating.
SS: "Drac0, what time is it?"
Me: "It's 12:30."
SS: "I know."
Me: ????
DW and I started calling him on it. "Well if you *know* why are you asking!?"
And then it was "Fail!".
SS: "What are we having for dinner?"
Me: "Pork chops."
SS: "EW! Fail!"
I called him on that too. Every time he uttered the word "Fail" I said, "SS, you shouldn't be talking about your grades like that."
If I had to deal with this,
If I had to deal with this, I'd give that kid an even more annoying answer EVERY time she said it: "Hi Awesome, I'm ncgal. Nice to meet you." Then I'd force her to shake my hand. Every. Time!
Show her how stupid and annoying it is. Maybe she'll stop just so you'll stop answering her that way!
I like it. And there's
I like it. And there's nothing 'mean' that they can go crying to daaaaadddy about either.