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It's time to take "MY SIDE"

firefly25's picture

BF and I have been in counseling for 2 months now with no changes towards dealing with SD(11). Back ground. I moved from out of state, pregnant, with my Son (14) to start our life together. BF has Daughter (11), two sons (8 and 6). It will be two years in March of us being "a family" and his daughter still ignores me completely and completely refuses to accept her baby sister (17 months). Today is our counceling session and I am no longer going to sit back and wait. I am sick and tired of being ignored and disrespected by his daughter. I will no longer accept being made to feel resented because we are in the house when its "their weekend". I have tried to talk about his daughter with him on how to involve her with the baby - I only get yes'd to death with no actions. I have to think about my Son who I moved away from his "father", and is invisable to BF and is not included with "his kids time".
I have made a decision to move back to our home town at the end of our lease next August if drastic changes are not happening! I don't even know who I am anymore and resent BF more and more. I just cannot justify staying in a house where my son and I are not happy. I know I am going to explode in our session today. I just cannot deal with feeling rejected, quilty and alone any longer.

alwaysanxious's picture

It sounds like you need to just go ahead and explode in your session. And enjoy it.

skylarksms's picture

I agree. That is what counseling is for. Especially if your issues aren't being addressed in counseling already...

firefly25's picture

BM has to agree to counseling first which she stated "she is fine when she is with me and that if you want to take her to counseling and she doesn't want to go I am not going to force her"! She will only feel like she is not normal and that something is wrong with her and BM will not make her do anything she doesn't want to do.
I suggested taking her to counseling on "his" weekend. Didn't happen - probably won't. There is NO genuine reason why she doesn't like me other than I am not her mother. Enough said. I understand it can be difficult to have to come to terms with decisions which are out of her control, however I cannot come to terms WHY BF coddles her when she acts up and ignores me. By doing that he is actually enabling her to continue, comforting her when there appears to be NO genuine reason why she doesn't like me her baby sister and is against the marriage. Its like giving affection when a child acts badly, same difference except she is dressing it as upset and daddy goes running, when actually he should be firm kindly address this with a nononsense attitude.

hismineandours's picture

My dh has done this for years. My ss13 also dislikes me-we've been blended for 12 years now. He started saying he didnt like me when he was about 6-he can openly admit at this point that he has no specific reason to dislike me-he just does. My dh ignored the problem for years until I finally had enough of it and said he had to do something about it or ss could no longer visit (actually I said this many many times before I finally made good on it) so currently ss is not visiting. I guess this seemed an easier option for dh than to actually MAKE him be respectful-ss does not wish to visit anyway so he's good with it-in fact stopped visiting before I even gave dh the final ultimatum.

I dont have any great advice for you-just wanted to say I know how you feel-the only advice I do have to offer is to NOT sit around and think it will get better-I sat around and thought that for 6-7 years and things only got worse.

Auteur's picture

I agree with the other posters. These things NEVER get better. Sounds like counseling is at a dead stand still and not doing much of anything to help the situation. I would put my gripes out on the table. If DH gets mad, so be it.

On the other hand, you may not want his "princess" interacting with the baby. Many of these entitled skids with adult spousal status have actually lashed out and HURT young children of their dad and SM's.

Check out this link and show it to the counselor and guilty daddy:

Especially point number FOUR!!

WhereDidIPutMyBroom's picture

I agree...PUT IT ALL OUT THERE!!!!....and don't feel bad about it. Counseling won't work if you just say what you think everyone elsae wants to hear. Trust me,....we are on round 2 of counceling..

Good Luck

cryingmama's picture

Lots of great posts for you to think about. Your DH probably feels guilty about not being with the mom at least for the kids sake. He needs to get over this. Also you sd might never want to be a part of your daughters life and that is her loss. you have no control over that and trying to force it probibly will not help. Have you talked to you husband about being one family, thats what my husband and i do and at least for child to child interations it works. Not for me of course , I'm still the one who stole their Dad even though it had been more than two years and their mom had a creepy boyfriend. Don't forget they have loyalty to biomom and unless she is super healthy and mature she isn't going to nurture a love for you or Baby. Good Luck , and if you are misrable and he isn't willing to try i would think serously of moving.

emotionaly beat up's picture

8 years of disrespect from my adult SD and not a word said to her by my husband no matter how much I told him my feelings were being hurt, I felt like an unwanted visitor in my own home. She would not even look at me, and I'm keeping this short, anyway despite several warnings it blew up when she gave birth to the ultimate weapon against daddy - her newborn baby daughter, and she took that blessed opportunity to not only pretend I wasn't in the room, but to turn her head and look at the hospital mattress while refusing to take a gift from my hands. There were a couple of phone incidents after that where she rang DH tryin to get him to go, to his credit there he said he wouldn't go without me and I wouldn't go because of the way she treated that was kinda good, but he said it to the wrong person, he said it to the boyfriend not the daughter. Anyway in August this year I said no more she could not come to my house. She doesn't come here anymore, but she does phone DH to keep her fangs in and wind him up every now and again. It still bugs me that he cannot see that he is the problem. Here I have said no more she is not to come here, and he gets on the phone to her and they chat like nothing has happened. So, still the same old story, what I felt, meant nothing then as it does now. He would rather have it this way than tell his daughter to grow up and show some respect for his wife.

She will be turning 30 in March. In 8 years neither she or her brothers have used my name. No need to I guess, because they never speak to me. It's not changing sorry. Make yourself and your son happy, just as BF and his daughter are making themselves happy. Leave before they drive you insane. By the way, you might be better off with SD not wanting anything to do with the baby, count your blessings there.'s picture

Sooooo many things going on here. I noticed people using the word "husband" but this is not the case. I feel that moving in without that commitment to one another, without that commitment to the kids, only makes things worse. What is going on is pretty typical. MOST kids don't want their parents remarrying. And the only thing parents can really do is say they need to suck it up because they have no say...which only makes matters worse. I understand how you feel about your son not being included with bf and his kids. There is this thing where a lot of nc fathers have to prove to their own kids that THEY are more important than someone else's kids. I don't even think they do it on purpose. It just is. It's like an instinct. (I mean, other than the fact that every parent feels that THEIR kids are more important, and their actions just show how they feel). I am more concerned that you put your feelings/needs above yours son's by removing him from his dad to make a "happy little family" with your bf. You didn't really put your son up there on your list, but now you expect your bf who hasn't known him for most of his life to put him up there with HIS kids? It looks like you did everything for your bf and he gave NOTHING, and now he can't even make the home life peaceful for you. It's time to do for YOU and your son. If things don't improve, get your own place. You might be surprised at how much better it is to date and have your own place when he has his kids.

firefly25's picture

Moving my SON away from his bio-father was the decision I made with a heavy heart. My EX has been in and out of jail over several years, child support would only be paid when it was garnished and when he didn't show up to visit his SON I covered for him time and time again.
Whatever kind of father he was - shitty or not....I made the decision to move because I thought this man was a strong role model for my son. I HAVE SUPPORTED MY SON BY MYSELF and have always ALWAYS considered every choice I made and how it would affect him. MY SON ALWAYS COMES FIRST.....YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME OR MY LIFE. I did everything for my family which includes my BOYFRIEND. Blending two families takes time and commited adults which don't need a piece of paper to make it work.

Oh and for getting married - its just not for everyone.