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stired_crazy's picture

Ok, so B.F is getting rebate check, was going to use the check for the cost of a lawyer,
He wanted to do that so he would not have to put a temp stop to C.P, as he would of had to do to get lawyer.

B.M and him DID file jointly, He gave her half of income tax check, plus paid property taxes for her, gave her the house and B.M calls up saying wheres her half of rebate check ok!

B.F told her what he planed on doing with it so they could get their divorce, she tells him "how dare he plans on keeping all the money that he is taking away from kids", B.F tells her no.. I wanted to do it this way so we could file and I could still keep paying C.P

She then says, I have dirt on ( which ..whatever)..this is someone that sits around claiming to have visions all day from God and does not even carry a 40 hour week job to support 5 kids( now 4 cause the one moved in with us.

She then proceeds to tell B.F she wants his address( so she can file and send papers..of course this will be done out of the half of that check that B.F is going to give her) and she claims how she promises to admitte to the judge that he pays C.P of a 1,000 every month so he dont get screwed " whatever",

Myself..I would take the 1,800 part for lawyer to file and give whats left over, He is also giving her another 500.00 on top of this for C.P today also, If he gave her this rebate check..she would get 300 per kid ok,, thats 1,300 PLUS another 5 today for C.P, He is only getting 2,100 back, that leaves him with NOTHING, and its his hard earned money to begin with.

I dont know what advice to give him, I told him to look out for his own a*s.. pay his lawyer and THEN give her whatever,
Because this B*TCH is gonna stick it to him real fast!

And the only way she can do this is by the money he gives her from the rebate check.

I told him ..its not like he is going to go to jail over it ya know.. so what if they add a payment on it to C.P, but I am thinking the judge will look at the favt that he has paid that property taxes for her!


I am so Mad and frusterated!

ColorMeGone2's picture

The judge can decide if she's owed any portion of the rebate, which I would doubt, considering all the extra money he's giving her. Is there a separation agreement filed with the court? If not, then she's still legally and in every other way his wife and, since she does not work, his dependent. If she had no income, then she paid no taxes. The original tax refund would be his and his alone. Of the rebate check, the most she would be entitled to would be her $600 portion. (Half of the $1200 given to married couples filing jointly.) But the rest of it would be his, barring any court order to the contrary.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

stired_crazy's picture

I can not believe this women Georgia!!!
I am SOOOO mad!
She thinks she is entiltles to EVERYTHING, then trys to manipulate him with kids he is taking away from her and the kids..

I contacted the attorneys office that we have a appoinment with Monday, He already gave him a free consulataion, I am waiting on him to call us back before My B.F goes dishing out the cash to this psycho b*tch( exscuse me.. I am just really pist).

Then proceeds to tell B.F how he is not letting her see SS that moved in with us( 1 out of 5).. The truth is he has not wanted to call her or go see her, They try to make him feel guilty and he is old enough to make his own choice, she said that she WANTS all entitlement to the kids " ALL", now I am worried about our SS being dragged in this mess, I am so upset!

" Life is like a jar or Jalapeno peppers, what you
do today could burn your a*s tomorrow."

ColorMeGone2's picture

"Even those who have little or no tax liability may qualify for a minimum payment of $300 ($600 if filing a joint return) if their tax return reflects $3,000 or more in qualifying income."

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

stired_crazy's picture

The check IS direct deposit and in his account

" Life is like a jar or Jalapeno peppers, what you
do today could burn your a*s tomorrow."

ColorMeGone2's picture

All she (or he, frankly) is entitled to is whatever is in the court order. Until there's an order, then it's the same as if you're legally, happily married... you make joint decisions, like any other husband and wife. If there's no court order, then that's why it is absolutely imperative that you use this money to retain a lawyer so that you can get something on file with the courts. It's going to be the only protection he has. She may end up getting some kind of spousal support awarded, she may end up getting a nice chunk of his change in CS, and she may even win an award of a portion of that rebate, but the only way he can protect himself from her, now and in the future, is by finalizing the divorce and getting his true and fair obligation spelled out in a court order. You can't do that without retaining an attorney. If he's the one providing 100% financial support to the kids, then that rebate (excluding her $600 share) should go to HIM, since they are HIS financial dependents. And he should definitely use that money to get a lawyer to resolve these issues once and for all.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

stired_crazy's picture

Georgia...I feel the same way..I mean.. I cant take this crap!
I know if he does not use his portion( all but the six) then he will never get it don, and then next year will come with filing taxes " Agin" and she will get half of that " agin" and it wont be enough.

I keep telling him how imparative this really is, Even my brother called and said this check is for people that work and pay in on taxes..not a free meal ticket for someone that does not want a 40 hour week check( she works here and there under table for cash).. My B.F is the 100% provider, and believe me.. she thinks she is entitled to his last breath I swear.

And for some reason she is making getting this divorce difficult, I would think if she really wanted it she would be like ok..thats cool,
My B.F is not out for blood, the lawyer was going to have a medeation because she can come to terms with NOTHING so nothing gets solved.

He does and has done more then his share and then some, she wants full control, she wants this money to file herself and have him served and I told him..dont do it..your screwing yourself..dont do it.

he is to honest and to fair to the point he ends up sabatoging himself, she threatnes him with bull crap to intimadate him, she told him.. well dont worry about having to pay me C.P because I am going down to file for food stamps and you will be paying them,

My B.F is like ok..I dont mind, he wants the kids taking care of, but she trys using stuff like that ya know, and just talking alot of trash.

" Life is like a jar or Jalapeno peppers, what you
do today could burn your a*s tomorrow."

ColorMeGone2's picture

He really needs to take the money and file. If she's owed any portion of it, let a judge decide it and then he can give it to her. No way should he give her the money and then trust her to file for the divorce. Why on earth would she?! She's getting a free ride. If she files for divorce, the money train stops and she has to get off. The worst thing he can do for himself right now is discuss ANYTHING with her. If it's not about what time to pick up/return the kids for visitation, then he should say absolutely nothing to her until he has consulted with an attorney. The best thing he can do for himself is retain a lawyer and protect himself. And really, he's protecting his children by doing this, as well.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)