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Skids meeting my parents and brother for first time

CBCharlotte's picture

My boyfriend's daughters, 14 and 10, will be meeting my parents and my brother (aged 22) at Easter. I have a great relationship with the girls and we have talked from time to time about my family. The 14 year old is very mature and prefers adult company....she can sit and carry on intelligent conversations with adults for hours. The 10 year old is more shy but warms up.

Any advice for meeting the first time? I think I'll have them call my parents "Mr. & Mrs. B", definitely not by their first names. When I first told my parents I was dating someone with kids, they weren't too pleased. When I would talk about my future with them they would say "They will NEVER be our grandkids" etc. They seemed to have warmed up to the idea of the kids since I've become so close with the girls, and they view them in a more positive light. My mom even told me she got them some Easter candy!

I want everything to be relaxed and as un-awkward as possible. I know my parents and brother are probably nervous as well...this is all new to them. Any advice or anecdotes would be appreciated!

Background: I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years. My parents know him fairly well. We are a May-December romance and I'm 26. Their bio-mom is great, and we have a great relationship.

Thanks and Happy Easter!

CBCharlotte's picture

Update: It went great! The kids took to my mom instantly and talked her ear off the whole day. The 14 year old was asking my brother about college (he graduates in a few weeks) and everyone had a great time. Later that evening, DH told me that SD14 told him how nice my family was and how much she liked spending time with them.

What a relief!