survival tips for 8 weeks of SD's grandparents staying with us...OMG
A tsunami can't be stopped...Yes, they stay in our house,coming from overseas.I am slowly waking up from my denial that this is gonna happen.They are nice people but because of the distance I only met them once before, so I am a bit worried.
SD is with us 50% off the time which is more than enough to my mind.
So my concerns are as follows:
What impact will having the GP here in our house for such a long time?
How much will SD get coddled and present overloaded whilst my children will of course not and worse than that will SD show off?(yes, she will, no doubt)
How will that be at all , in which drawer will the GP put my own kids and vice versa?
What will happen to us????And our routine???
Plus next week I am having some surgery and will be exhausted and not be able to move a lot (thanks god all kids are gone- I better hope that SO doesn't try to fetch SD from his ex at all that week since we have her the week before and after anyway)
I remember his parents to be helpful and supportive.
But I need your prayers, stepmoms!!!!!!!!!!!
okeeeyyyy, thanks, I admit
okeeeyyyy, thanks, I admit that I like to run the house and the rules etc a bit....but it will be chaotic, maybe ZI shall lean back and see what happens:))