What's in a name
What do your skids referrer to your parents and/or siblings as? With every new guy DM dates the kids call his parents "Grandmom/Granddad" and his siblings as "Aunt/Uncle". However, whenever I bring up the idea of the kids doing the same with my family DM throws the Mount Saint Helens of fits (mind you I've been married to DH for 5 years and DM's butty calls last only a year).
Sorry, BM. My skids mother.
Sorry, BM. My skids mother. I'm dyslexic so I got my "B" mixed up lol
My skids call my parents and
My skids call my parents and siblings by their names. I would not have it any other way. The skids are not well liked in my family due to behaviour. However, my brother's skid calls me aunty craving and I quite like it. We get on well.
I assumed BM.
I assumed BM.
Was he saying that the "Ms."
Was he saying that the "Ms." part was reflective of slaving owning? I live in the south and the "Ms./Mrs." is expected when address women.
Ms. Ditz, IMHO a child does
Ms. Ditz,
IMHO a child does not get to chose what they call an adult. I do not allow children to call me by my given name. They can call me Mr. (Last Name). That goes for my Skid too.
I am the first person SS-21 ever called Dad(dy), at his discretion, and I have been his dad since before he was 2yo. When the Sperm Clan would take exception to that he would occassionally come home from Sperm Land visitation and tell me that SpermGrandMa told him he could not call me dad. So, I gave him a choice. He could call me Dad as he always had or he could call me Mr. (Last Name).
He decided that Dad was what I am to him and he would continue calling me Dad.
Just like I was raised. In my opinion there is no tie between respectful behavior and slavery.
That is what my Skid refers to adults as if they are not family. As least that is what we required of him when he was in our home. When he was messing with me he would occassionally call me Grand Exalted Master of the Universe. I am fine with that.
When he would call me GEMOTU I would call him Minion.
SS is now 21. His mom and I
SS is now 21. His mom and I met when he was 15mos old and married a week before he turned 2yo. My niece is nearly 20 and she and her two younger brothers and my Skid were raised together. So, SS has been a part of the Rags clan for quite a while and no one that matters considers him anything but a Rags.
As for what the Sperm Clan thinks. Who gives a shit?
IMHO a name is what you make it. If you live a good life that adds to the stature of the family name then great. I would be proud to have SS take my family name. However, he is living a good life and is making the sadly toxic name he was saddled with by the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool a far better name than it was when he inherited it.
I am proud of him.
SS14 calls my family members
SS14 calls my family members by Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, etc. BM hates it but tough shit.
Oh, who cares? I'd rather my
Oh, who cares? I'd rather my skids don't call me Mom, my mom would cringe if they called her Grandma. Young people- first names. Old people- M'am or Sir. Ic they are under 8, they are little, so they make up names that usually stick.
BM used to do the same thing.
BM used to do the same thing. She was married to 3 different men in 6 years (she was never married to DH - THANK GOD!) and she had SS10 calling all her husbands "Daddy" and all their family members "Granny, Grandpa, Aunt" etc.
SS10 used to say things like "Well when Michael was my daddy…." "The other day I saw Granny May, she used to be my grandma…"
UGH! She has been dating some guy off & on for over 2 years now but thankfully she learned her lesson & doesn't ask SS10 to refer to her boyfriend or his family by anything but their first name.
I have been with DH for almost 7 years, married for over 2 yrs. SS10 started calling my family nicknames when DH & I bought house together (about 3 years into our relationship). He considers my family his and my family is very comfortable with that. And BM has never said anything.