Facial hair and teen daughter
My biokid is 13… and she is one hairy kid! She’s getting the dreaded moustache that the women in our family have to fight. When I was her age, my mom didn’t let me shave my legs, much less wax or bleach my upper lip (AND I had a unibrow! thankfully my kid has nice eyebrows)
What method do you think is best for a kid her age? Depilatory cream? wax? Bleach?
Do you have a place that does
Do you have a place that does threading where you are? Threading is great and lasts longer than waxing. She won't have any red splotchiness after either...
I've seen that in the mall...
I've seen that in the mall... that's a really good idea! (looks like it'd be less harsh/painful than waxing)
thank you!!
Laser therapy sounds like a
Laser therapy sounds like a great idea, if you can afford it. This way she will have a few treatments and then never have to deal with waxing/beaching etc ever again!
If you can't afford laser
If you can't afford laser treatments, when i was her age I used to bleach my upper lip. I didn't have a ton of hair, but it was dark - of course, got teased. Then as i got older I began waxing. Then I heard waxing can actually cause it to come in thicker -- so I just started shaving it off each morning when i do my morning showering. No one can even tell! Now I have a laser, in home, treatment, that I am doing, that I got through groupon, for $250 that I am using, and the hair is getting lighter and lighter. I am 42 now. Good luck!! It's a definite battle!
I just shave my girl-stache
I just shave my girl-stache lol glad to know theres others out there! I saw a commercial for this cream that magically makes it go away (probably hype) but who knows? maybe look into that?
ugh, don't shave. wax wax
ugh, don't shave.
wax wax wax.....if you can't afford more expensive treatment.
I use Smoothe Away on myself.
I use Smoothe Away on myself. I gets pimples from waxing my lip so I found this to be the best and DD10 who is extra hairy uses it on her legs.
Once a month I go to the
Once a month I go to the salon & get waxed. Hurts less than you'd expect, no lngrown hairs cuz they know what they're doing, & the longer you do it the less hair you get and the less often it needs done. It's nice quiet alone time for about half an hour.
Oh, Buffalo Gal how I wish
Oh, Buffalo Gal how I wish that were true
I am 43 years old and have been waxing since I was about twenty, I STILL have to wax my upper lip every two weeks
I missed my appt when I was on vacation and in the car ride home I noticed it in the mirror
Not just the regular re-growth I get, but a big ole Snidely Whiplash lookin’ whisker sticking out the side of my upper lip!
I am one hairy EYE-talian!

WAX WAX WAX. or thread, one
or thread, one or the other.
Laser should only be used on adults and only by qualified technicians. Be very careful of groupon deals.
Laser on the face is very dodgy- any sun exposure can begin hyperpigmentation- that's permanent brown marks where the laser has touched. For ECHO above- make sure she wears a heavy duty sunscreen every time she's in the sun.
What about the NoNo shaver? I
What about the NoNo shaver? I see it advertising on tv & they claim that its not suppose to hurt & if I understood correctly, hair thins in time after using it. I'm thinking about getting one.
Hi Echo, what is esthetician?