Too late for a baby book but how about a family Journel
After all the stuff we have gone thru with step parenting and step grand parenting it is too late for a Babybook for most, but how about a family journal this would have all the things we as step parents have observed and contribuited too. list as follow's
Boo-Boos you have kissed
School Events you attend
Extra clothes, school stuff you buy.
Events you miss.
refer to your self in the journal as whatever the step child calls you like dads wife did today.
lack of your spouce because they are working and you have the kids.
The vacation you can not afford because of CS.
My point as the children grow and are told that you never did anything for them, you have the memorie and the proof, sometime the brain washing from the BM or BD take place after the children are older and/or not need as much, I have been so used. I have heard "you don't live here" your not my boss, your not my mom, as we married and they grew older, your just his wife, what makes her think she is intilted to that, here are good ones, As I have worked thru to now,
it's not her money
it's not her house
what is she buying now?, The Queen, Who does she think she is? lol....why is dad too broke to help us he always did before. Don't invite her, just ingnore her, meet my dads wife, what made you get us 'THIS" for christmas, im not sitting next to her.
Later in life when I die I can truly say, "Your Not My kid"
What you do for that family, my not mean much to them, but I appreciate you trying to help some child become a productive adult in life, Thanks KTL
Great idea
Great idea
Love it!!!
Hope this helps someone
Hope someone will respond to
Hope someone will respond to this, Thanks KTL
Glad you checked this out
Glad you checked this out lol