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this is for cantkeepdoingthis

Calypso1977's picture

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Don't you just love the people that scream that this is so wrong to do to your child? Really? With kids acting the way they do this day and age, they need some shock value. Could be could have just gone in with industrial trash backs and thrown everything away? I know there are many of us who will agree that is what our parents would have done to us, or their parents to them!

just.his.wife's picture

What I find amusing is the fact that people PARENTING their children is NEWSWORTHY! Huge write ups in the news. Videos and pictures going viral, hundreds of thousands of likes and followers...

That just tells you how many people are NOT doing it. For a mom or dad to lay down the law these days is SOOOO freaking rare that literally it is worthy of making the evening, if not national, news.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh...couldn't agree more! How dare these parents parent, right? Or...LOOK!! Shhhh...everyone quiet...this is a very rare sight! What we have here is a PARENT! Many people believe they are extinct, but every now and then, one will emerge...LOL! Don't make any noise, or they may run back off into the suburbs!!! Bwahahahaha!

bearcub25's picture

I will never say DH and I were perfect, wonderful parents.

Our kids are smart, we could take them to a nice resort for vacation, we could take them out in public and not have embarassment. Sad that is a rare thing nowadays.

thinkthrice's picture

I used to get this all.the.time with my bios. I now go out of my way to congratulate parents of well behaved children!

Calypso1977's picture

i do too! sadly, its so rare today that kids behave and have manners. and i dont get it because most of the parents today were raised to behave and have manners. yet, they think things like discipline and rules are cruel and unusual punishment.

Orange County Ca's picture

I'll have to do that 'compliment a good acting child' thing. Encouraging the parent to keep doing what they're doing in the face of other parents who seem to fear disciplining children especially in public.

Calypso1977's picture

i find it see a parent smile back with a grateful look on their face makes me warm and fuzzy.