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But Daddeeeeeeeeee...I NEED new clothes!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I'm expecting that to be the cry here really, really soon. HHB recently posted some pictures on social media, and, oh my word...the girl has gained some pounds! I'm beginning to think that her eating disorders while living here were more of a hunger strike because I refused to buy junk food! Now, that she has plenty of junk food at her reach all the time...yikes! I know I've mentioned that BM went from a size 2 to "the only clothing that fits is men's XXL sweats and pjs" over the last several years. Don't get me wrong...I have nothing against bigger girls. However, I have made a career out of getting people healthy! I don't care what your size is, as long as you aren't out of breath walking from the car to the front door of the store, your blood pressure is normal, and you aren't giving yourself diabetes! I'm about people being healthy, which HHB is not! She wan't healthy while living here...always tired, would sleep the whole day every day if you let her, ate nothing but sugar and saturated fats...girl can't even sit, she has to lay down all the time. Her hair is thinning, her skin has a jaundice-like look to it, and now she is gaining weight and carrying it all in the gut...the worst place to carry it! Don't know what that girl is going to do when I drop her from my health plan in 2 years! Oh yeah...that's right...she is allergic to work like her mother! She will probably sit around collecting government benefits!

Seriously...a summer job would do this girl good, in more ways than one! First, she would have money for those new clothes that should be coming from the child support (I'll be damned if I'm going to let DH buy her any clothing...that IS what the child support is for) AND she will have to actually get off of her back side. And seeing that most fast food or retail jobs require you to be on your feet most of the time, plus plus plus!

Ninji's picture

Skids hadn't even been out of school for a full week and SD was already asking when I was taking her shopping for school clothes. I know that's an exciting part of going back to school, but geez, it seems to never end with kids and want want want.

Stepped in what momma's picture

One of my skids is about 60 lbs overweight and no one cares. It is amazing to me, I understand wanting them to have a healthy body image but obese at the age of 13?? Not if it was my kid and wasn't medically related to anything. All he does is eat shit food and play video games. No physical activity at all. He even had a kid at school call him a fat ass. SO was impressed that fat kid stuck up for himself but never mind the fact that you have the "fat ass" kid.
I used to care but now that I am disengaged I just feel sorry for him.

Ninji's picture

My SS9 weighs 130lbs. SO keeps telling him that he will have a "growth spurt and even out"...OK, I guess sitting on your butt all day watching TV, playing video games and eating is ok because at some point you will groooooow and become skinny.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

In my opinion, it is a form of child abuse if parents let their kids get away with eating nothing but crap food, and the kid is obese. Of course, with so many of these kids, you look at the parents, and it is the exact same story. It's one of the reasons I do my grocery shopping when I do these days...EARLY Saturday morning. I get out of bed at 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday just to go do my grocery shopping! The store is screaming kids, the rude people aren't out of bed yet. What I don't have to see at that hour is the family with the shopping cart full of crap food...sugary cereals, chips, cookies, sugary drinks, white bread, all those frozen goodies (Hot Pockets, pizza rolls, frozen pizza, etc.), some 3-4 different kinds of Hostess items, etc. Not a single vegetable in that cart, or fresh meat..but they have some $200+ worth of groceries in there, and it is ALL crap! Mom and dad are both extremely overweight, and the kids are there themselves, or on their way there. What is worse is when mom is in one of those scooters...not because she had a disability, but because she is so overweight that she cannot take walking that much to do her shopping. Kid is pushing the cart, and mom is instructing them what crap to get off the shelf.

At this point, I don't feel sorry for HHB. I have tried to teach her how to eat healthy...she can't say that she doesn't know. When all the kids were younger, and HHB would happen to be over for a visit, my bios would try to get her to go outside with them. No...she was too tired, it was too hot...every excuse in the book. My bios would go outside and disappear for hours playing in the woods, while HHB was plopped in front of the TV in the A/C.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Holy cow! When BS20 left for college, he was 195 lbs at 5'10"...and he is in the gym all the time and is a beast. He has put on more muscle, and still has only gone up to 210 lbs, because he has leaned down even more. 190 at age 13 and 5'4"...yikes!

Stepped in what momma's picture

My SO and I eat healthy but if you put healthy food in front of his skids they won't eat. Not eating what I cooked is what lead me to disengaging. Now I come home and cook for SO while the skids prepare their meals in the kitchen at the same time so I can monitor and instruct them on cooking but they get pizzas, hotdogs, chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, etc... all crap bought and approved by SO. Mind boggling to me.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yeah...over the years, DH would hardly ever make HHB eat what was put in front of her. "She isn't used to that kind of food! She eats mac&cheese and chicken nuggets at mom's." So, you aren't going to try to instill some kind of healthy eating habits in the child? All the way up to the day she moved out last December, if HHB didn't want to eat what was fixed, he would let her have a sandwich instead.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I've learned kids will eat what you teach them to eat. Yeah, there will be some things they won't like...we all have individual taste buds. My bios like broccoli and spinach, but not cauliflower. BS20 loves seafood...BD24 not so much. But in the end, their choices are still on the healthier side. I will not forget when they were really little. A friend of mine took them to the store, and told them to get whatever snack and drink they wanted. She expected them to come up to the counter with some chips or candy and a soda. Both my bios showed up to the counter with milk and a piece of fruit (BD24 had an apple, BS20 had an orange). She asked them if they were sure that is what they really wanted, and they both affirmed that they really, really wanted their choices. When she brought them back to me, she told me my kids were broken, because they didn't want junk food. I told her that is just what they are used to having. I didn't keep things like cookies, cupcakes, Twinkies, candy, soda, etc. in the house. Dessert was typically a piece of fruit or some applesauce, and there was always milk and juice available for them to drink. Because that is what they were used to, that is what they wanted. As adults, neither of them are even into sweets and junk now. Go into BD24's apartment, and you will still find apples and oranges...all the time! They are a staple in her kitchen.

Stepped in what momma's picture

I wish I could get SO to man up and make them eat properly. Their mother is overweight and feeds them whatever they can get in a drive thru.

Last night something came up about Taco Bell, the girl skid was saying how it is her favorite. I haven't eaten at a Taco Bell in about 9 years, that isn't even real food. I just don't understand how people plan to have kids then have them and don't have the time to feed them properly.