enjoying an awesome skid free week
it was SO NICE to go home and have the place to myself last night without SD flopping around.
we do have a family event on sunday so ill have to deal with her then. but at least ill have buffers and for the most part we will be out of the house.
she now has her braces on too. i wonder how many gazillion selfies she'll take with her metal mouth.
Skid-free time is always
Skid-free time is always amazing! It has been so quiet and stress free around here. It also appears that DH has finally stopped trying to contact HHB...hasn't heard from her since she cancelled on him Friday, and he has only tried once in that time to contact her (which she, of course, ignored). I can see when I log into the phone account, HHB must finally be in school...her never-ending texting has started around 7ish in the morning the last couple of days, where it didn't start until around noon all last week (when BM and SF had one excuse after another for not getting her enrolled in school...lost birth certificate, couldn't find lease, etc.). I'm hoping her new color guard squad has her SOOOOOOO busy with winter guard that she couldn't possibly have time to come over to our house! HHB is usually good about coming up with reasons to not see DH...has been doing it all her life before she moved in with us (had this party, or this sleepover, or this dance, or this activity...or just didn't feel like it)! Of course, it will be interesting to see if she can even stay in guard with her grades, as she is literally texting non-stop all day now that she no longer has to follow dad's rule of "no texting during school".
I don't know if DH is still planning on taking HHB to a dental appointment next week for a cleaning. I wouldn't be surprised if BM tells DH to cancel...that she will just take HHB to the dentist her mom works for. She will probably get that dentist to say that HHB MUST have braces...that it is a requirement rather than cosmetic (when ours has already said several years ago it is only for cosmetics AND wait until her wisdom teeth come in). She will then AGAIN try to get DH to pay for half...problem here is that DH stands firm against BM if she uses this dentist, because the dentist is not on the insurance! DH has told BM multiple times...use a provider that takes the insurance, or she is on her own. She threatens to take the issue to court, he says go for it...he is sure he can get the judge to agree with him, and she never follows through. IF the girl ever does get braces, I can easily see her taking a billion selfies of her "mouth jewelry"! As it is, the girl got these glasses from somewhere...black nerdy frames with non-corrective lenses in them. She has been taking a billion selfies of herself in those...oh, and the septum ring that is SUPPOSEDLY a fake...not a real piercing, but one of those clip ons (that is what she claimed when DH asked her about it on the phone over a week ago). Remember when braces and glasses were NOT a fashion statement? When kids actually didn't want them because they might get made fun of? Oh how times have changed!
My personal favorite is the
My personal favorite is the skanky tongue sticking out selfie my soon-to-be-pregnant SD13 likes to take:)
Oh, HHB does those, too!
Oh, HHB does those, too! Tongue selfies, duck face, peace sign, and the boob selfie (where the focus is on the boobs, and you barely see the bottom of their face).
"soon-to-be-pregnant SD13"
Ahhh...another BRILLIANT BM!
Ahhh...another BRILLIANT BM! Don't you often look at DH and wonder to yourself, "What the hell was he thinking? At least he upgraded with me!" LOL I think my DH was just thinking with his OTHER...yeah. I mean, BM was pretty back in the days, and she was obviously easy (I mean, she was sleeping around on DH for goodness sake). If you could see BM now, you would think, "Dude dodged a bullet when he divorced that one!"
they all suck.
they all suck.
Priceless!!! I could just see
Priceless!!! I could just see the look on Fungus' face with the steam coming out of her ears!
I took off HHB's night time
I took off HHB's night time phone restrictions today. If DH asks, I plan on telling him, "Well, I figure if she is out doing whatever she whats and gets herself in a bind, she needs to be able to call whoever she thinks can help...I mean, you don't want to have to get up at all hours all the time for the stupidity, right! Not to mention, it is useless...as she uses Kik to talk to most of the people she knows anyway, and the restrictions don't block that on BM's wifi!"
Ugh! DH just told me that HHB
Ugh! DH just told me that HHB MIGHT be coming over this weekend! Nooooooooo! Cancel, cancel, cancel!!! We are supposed to have friends over tomorrow, and the last thing I want to deal with is HHB in the middle of it all good by on and on and on to all our ADULT friends about how great and wonderful she is in her new color guard!
As a precaution, need to take some meat down from the freezer just in case. I have resolved that if and when HHB comes over, there will be as little eating out as possible!!! Don't want her to enjoy herself here, and not about spending any more to feed her than I have to.
Think I will plan some kind of stew to feed my friends tomorrow. I'm training two of them up at the gym, so I know they will appreciate something healthy. I also know the other friends have resolved to eat healthier! Yeah...I think I'll make my chicken stew! It's one of the things HHB doesn't like...says she doesn't like green chilies or peppers. Oooo, and a veggie plate for snacks/appetizers!
And IF she comes this weekend, I triple dog dare her to ask for the more expensive sandwich and a hot chocolate at Starbucks! She would try it...she's feeling pretty high on her horse these days and probably thinks DH will get it for her to kiss up! I'll shoot that down real quick! Tea and the $3 sandwich...that's it!
Especially after what I found today? Oh, it's on, baby!
SUPPOSEDLY, DH is picking up
SUPPOSEDLY, DH is picking up HHB tonight after work, but he is taking her back to BM's before our friends get here. When DH talked to her again last night, HHB supposedly said she had so much homework that she needed to be back home really early!! **cough, cough, bullsh*t** She has sooooooo much homework that she was on the phone non-stop last night until after 1 a.m. (had to check this morning after being told that). Of course, I doubt she knows we are having friends over, or she just may try to go ahead and stay and make DH take her home at like 10 p.m. or something, because, you know, she just can't go to church! Yeah, I could hear DH with that crap last night, too. "But that means you will miss church again! You really need to go to church. Go with grandma." Doesn't he get it? This girl doesn't want to go to church (as much as this girl really NEEDS Jesus)! Let it go!!!
I'm still praying she cancels on him before the day is over! She is awesome at last-minute cancellations! CANCEL, CANCEL, CANCEL! But I'm prepared...took some meat down from the fridge. I know DH is going to call after picking her up and ask what food he should bring home, and she will be all excited to think she is getting a treat only for me to say, "Nothing. I already have dinner on the stove!" Her only option outside of what I'm fixing will be a can of Spaghetti-O's...LOL! Since she has been gone, I haven't bought any sandwich stuff (outside of DH's stuff, which she is not all allowed to have, and we actually hide the stuff away), no cereal...nothing that she would possibly eat! She just has the cans left over from before she left! Pretty much, I'm sending my messages that she is no longer welcome in this home...and if she is here, she is ONLY a visitor! If I could get away with totally gutting that room, I so would! Unfortunately, DH would never allow it.
I'm thinking I may have some work to do this evening. Then, I have my grocery shopping in the morning. I'm trying to think of all I can to not be around HHB...if I didn't like her before, I REALLY don't like her now!
You know, as I was making my
You know, as I was making my lunch in my clean kitchen, thinking I needed to add disinfectant to my shopping list for tomorrow, as I will need to totally wipe down my kitchen and the guest bathroom when HHB leaves, a thought came to me. I wouldn't be surprised if HHB asks for stuff for guard while she has DH's audience! I mean, how could DH say no to her face, right? With the little car incident, that is less money BM has to spend on HHB. Will need to be sure to remind DH to stand firm that we will not be providing these extras...they need to come from the child support, or HHB needs to get a job!
After this visit, I think I'm going to suggest to DH that he have a date night at Wendy's or Chick-fil-a in the future, rather than HHB coming over. I'm sure this is how this "less than 24 hour" visit will go:
1) Tonight, HHB will sit out on the couch on her phone all night claiming she really is watching what she and DH decided to watch. Then, she will disappear to her room, and be on the phone until all hours.
2) In the morning, HHB will not get up until after I return from the grocery store around 10-11 a.m., as this is when DH will finally make her get out of bed for breakfast. She will pack her things, and then head home (we hope that DH doesn't try to convince her to stay longer and hang out while we have friends over).
I mean, what is the use of the visit? He would be much better off just doing a dinner date at a fast food joint...then I don't have to see, hear, or smell her!
Chicken (of course...usually
Chicken (of course...usually get a rotisserie from the store so I don't have to cook the chicken ahead of time)
Chicken broth
Cream of Chicken soup
Bell Peppers
Cookwell & Company's Texas Two-Step Green Chile Stew Mix (not sure if you can find it elsewhere in the world outside of the grocery chain in Texas)
Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste. If you want it hotter, add some jalapenos.
When I serve it, top it off with cheese and tortilla strips or chips. You can also add some sour cream to final serve, if you like.
Dinner is on the
Dinner is on the stove...spaghetti for tonight. It is cheap, I had the stuff in the house, and it's easy after a long day of work. You may think, "But kids like spaghetti!" Yeah, if it's not canned spaghetti, HHB doesn't like it all that much. Guess not enough salt and sugar for her taste...since all junk food has a butt load of both, guess that is what she is accustomed to. Oh, the disappointment! She will think, "Oh boy...Chick-fil-a!" DH will call to ask if I want him to pick it up on his way home, and I'll say, "No, I've got spaghetti on the stove." Awww...no french fries, chicken nuggets, and soda for the princess! She will have to drink water, because...well, DH has no tea made and, since no one in this house drinks any cow's milk, I don't buy it any more! There's almond milk...oh, yeah...that's unsweetened! There also isn't any chocolate or ice cream in the house...sad face!
Am I evil, or what?
HHB is not coming!! Can't say I'm surprised. DH sounds down about it, but he should have seen it coming. "Well, they are making her catch up on all that work from last week when they didn't get her enrolled in school, so she has a lot of homework." Really? I told him that is why she is texting all day through school, and why she is up to all hours on her phone...texting constantly the whole time. I told him flat out I think she is avoiding coming over here! "I have to believe she is telling me the truth, otherwise, I will be mad at her all the time, and we will never have a relationship!" OMG!! Where's that link again....