So for the second time in 3 years my SD13 has sent her father to the hospital. Last time was for chest pains this time a potential ulcer.
this kid is killing him. her bullshit and passive aggressiveness is too much for him. he's falling apart and im worried sick about him.
he's home and resting but we spent all day at the urgent care clinic yesterday and he has follow up this week.
all the while im trying to keep myself together and take care of him and take care of our home. I feel like we will never have the life that I thought we could have, and that things will never again be like they were in the beginning when it was just us. the 14 months we spent without SD around was heaven. I wish every day she would die, and that's horrible. But im truly afraid that my fiancé is going to be the one to die and she's gonna put him in the grave, without an ounce of remorse.
Only your husband can change
Only your husband can change this. Try buying a book from on raising teenage girls and give him some light reading while he recovers.
Ulcers have been proven to be caused by germs, an infection, although stress can cause a weakened immune system which allows germs to have their way.
Hope your fiance gets well
Hope your fiance gets well soon. Sad enough, he has to realize how this toxic relation is effecting him and take steps to make sure SD stops doing this kind of crap to him.
Calypso, maybe some anxiety
Calypso, maybe some anxiety meds will help? I took DH to the ER because he thought he was having a heart attack. Everything he was telling me, I was fairly certain it was a panic attack but of course I drove him to ER! Turns out it WAS a panic attack. The doctor was awesome and told him his own brother ended up in the emergency room THREE TIMES - all panic attacks - and that DH should go see his doctor asap about meds and do things to relieve the stress in his life if he didn't want it to turn into a REAL heart attack. DH has been on the meds for almost a year and he is back to the man I fell in love with and not stressed all the time. Hope everything works out! ~hugs~
he's been working with a
he's been working with a counselor lately. im encouraging him to go on anxiety meds. not sure he will do it tho.
he's doing better now...but not all symptoms have gone away.
I am so sorry this is
I am so sorry this is happening to you guys.
Your FDH is going to have to put up an emotional wall when it comes to his daughter and her antics. It doesn't mean he doesn't love her or that they cannot have a relationship in the future but for right now, he needs to detach.
I'm glad to hear he's doing
I'm glad to hear he's doing better, Calypso. I think with the start of school, we are all losing our minds! Too much going on at once for everyone.....
~ Moon