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Is it too much to ask?

pete1972's picture

My partner and I are having terrible rows over her teenage daughter. It seems I can't say anything at all about her without it being taken wrongly. I've just been asked how I can hate someone so much??? Do you want to know why I apparently hate her so much? I suggested that she did some chores around the house to help out and contribute financially now that she has started work.... How does that turn in to hate?
I can't seem to say anything at all... If I talk to her I'm told I'm being condesending, if I don't talk to her I'm creating an atmosphere, if I talk to her mum (my partner) about her I get accused of hating her!! Am I asking too much for a 16 year old to give some help and respect around the house?
It's now come to them moving out... My OH has told me that she can't live with this hatred anymore and that we should go our separate ways!!!! I'm sorely tempted to tell her to go but I do love her and would hate to be without her...
Any thoughts?

fedupstepdad's picture

Yeah...tell her to leave! If she believes that your requests for help and chores is hate then I'd HATE to know what her definition of LOVE is. I have the EXACT same problem, although SD is 11. You are not asking too much in my opinion and your OH should only know what real hatred and cruelty is towards her kid. If you really want to work it out I'd suggest that you get counseling for yourselves first and then with Skid. It may sound weird but sometimes when a "professional" says the same thing you have been saying for years, it makes the OH say "Hmmm maybe you are right." Know this though, if the OH has it in her mind that you hate her kid and she can't stand the hatred anymore and thinks you should go separate ways, then its probably pretty severe and she's in protect mode and may be too late. Remember that will ALWAYS be her daughter and in her mind she will be doing whats best for HER even if that means leaving you. Good Luck!

Totalybogus's picture

Well, I agree that a 16 year old should be doing chores around the house, but I disagree that she should be paying board. She is still a minor. I'm sure your OH is receiving child support so that in and of itself is contributing to your househould.

You probably should just sit down and have a candid conversation with your OH and come to an agreement about the chores. Then, let her mother enforce it. This way you get say in your home, but don't have to be the bad guy.

fedupstepdad's picture

Will probably still be seen as the bad guy Totaly because if Mom hasn't enforced chores or responsibility before then her daughter will have to think it's because of win situation IMO

pete1972's picture

Thanks for the replies guys. My OH isn't receiving any sort of benefits now because her daughter is working.. I think in the UK once the child leaves school then the Dad no longer has to pay child support? I could be wrong. Keep asking my OH to look in to it to be sure...
As for having a candid conversation with my OH - been there, done that, got nowhere... Everytime we talk about her daughter we end up arguing. The daughter can do no wrong... I've spoken to friends and family who know our situation and they all agree with me so I can't understand why my OH can't see it???
Don't know what to do. Am sorely tempted to tell them just to leave in the hope that my OH will realise how much she loves me and come back but it's a big gamble... she's VERY stubborn. And yes I realise that the daughter will ALWAYS come before me. If the OH ever has to choose I know where I stand, she's made that very clear on numerous occasions...

Totalybogus's picture

That is very sad that you feel like you SHOULD come second. I'm of the mind that no matter what number marriage you're on...(lol) the marriage comes first.

If your OH is not listening to you and you have tried to discuss your feelings, then I guess there really isn't much else to do but to draw the line in the sand. If she's stubborn enough to bite her nose off despite her face, then you are probably better off without her.

buttercup123's picture

Counseling? Seems like you and your partner have communicaation issues. She thinks you are hating on her child and you think the kid should have to step up. I don't think what you are asking for is unreasonable. Do you want to be with a woman that can't or won't listen to you and won't listen to constructive criticism? How does that bode for dealing with other issues down the road?

illinillinois's picture

Funny...I'm in the same boat. I just got asked why don't I like answer is that I LIKE her very much, I just have no RESPECT for her. She does nothing, has no hobbies, makes bad grades, is overweight, is bitchy, sneaky, has stolen from me...yet I try and try to help her. Just like you, if I mention that she needs to do chores, or go find a job, or GOD FORBID study, I'm told by her mother that I need to butt out, who do I think I am, what do I know about raising a teenage girl, etc. I pay her cell phone bill, pay the cable bill, pay the water bill, pay the mortgage, have bought her clothes, sports equipment (that she never uses), I've paid her school fees when her mom's been short...and yet, I get asked by her mom why I don't like her??? Would I do any of those things if I didn't want her to have a better life? It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

grayskies's picture

i think the bio parents take it as an attack on their parenting skills if we steps suggest the skids help around the house. my dh for sure has said "why do you think i'm a bad parent?" when i talk to him about getting ss16 to help out with chores, etc. its hard for all of us to step back and see that we're coming from two different ways WE were raised and its just that we see parenting a little differently. until the bios see this as a team effort, that both of us are involved now in parenting, its gonna be lose/lose. its sad-these could be good opportunities for the kids to have not one, but two good parents in their lives if the bios would only let down a little guard and accept some advice or engage in some simple family planning to make the house run more smoothly. i'm going through the same thing right now and i thought we were doing pretty well. skid stuff will never stop happening-you have to roll with it TOGETHER....its not happening for me right now, but i sure wish it was. only way its going to work is a partnership- i see that clearly now. i wish you the best-i know how hard it is. hang in there!

DoingItAgain's picture

I also agree with Totallybogus. A 16 yr old should not have to contribute to the household financially (with the exception if said child has quit school), regardless of whether mom is getting child support or not. Hopefully mom is instilling other responsibilities and good money management skills and the child is saving or at least spending on transportation and/or car ins.

Sorry, but I have no good advice for the rest. Hopefully, you can come up with some creative way to approach the subject with your OH so that she doesn't feel the need to be defensive. Somehow you need to let her know this is not personal (to her daughter) but I difference in parenting styles maybe.

Good luck.

Constantly_guilty's picture

It sounds like Pete is saying that the SD is no longer in school (he lives in the UK and am assuming graduation ages are a bit different there) and because the girl is no longer in school she is now working.

I completely agree that she should be participating around the house. I also agree that at some point she should contribute financially to the household if she is not going to school and she is working full time. But perhaps if you set out a timeline for these activities with your OH? Instead of demanding it all start happening now. Perhaps you can suggest a few things that SD can do to participate in the household that are smaller with financial contribution coming 6 months down the road (that way she has time to work and save too). But in the interim maybe she could just contribute to the grocery bill?

Richberg's picture

I can relate and totally agree that there is NOTHING wrong with having the kid be involved with house hold chores , I am the Step person in this house hold and I say step person because we are not Married , " will NEVER do that again " anyway , my GF's daughters are the most laziest kids I know and I make comments about having them help around the house , Hell they are the ones who create most of the messes in the home anyway , then the GF complains how she has to pick up after them all the time and Bla Bla Bla , well I say have them help clean up or get on them about Not making such a mess in the first place , she then tells me , " they are kids and kids do that kind of stuff " then we get into an argument about how her parenting skills and it becomes a different argument rather than the original reason for the argument ..

If you Love her enough to make it work , then the two of you need to be on the same page with rules that the two of you can be on the same page with , if Not , save yourself from current and future agony because there will be more issues and get larger and larger .. Then these issues will always get re-brought up in future arguments .. cause there will be more ..