It's a miracle
SD15's phone works now. All this drama for not. I bet she is so disappointed that she doesn't need a new phone now.
I think I finally got it thru to DH that I am truly done with SD. She is not worth my generosity and time until she shows me she deserves it. DH can continue to take her disrespectful behaviour. I want nothing to do with it.
How did the phone
How did the phone miraculously fix itself?
Evidently the phone wouldn't
Evidently the phone wouldn't charge and it appears that there was something in the charging port that was not allowing the phone to charge.
Sparkly ass unicorn fart!!
Sparkly ass unicorn fart!!
You can't fix stupid. If
You can't fix stupid. If they would just put the phone down for a single minute....
Isn't it amazing how that
Isn't it amazing how that stuff seems to work itself out.
SS17 broke his one month old Iphone6 (took a hammer to it from what it looks like because daddy wouldn't replace it when the screen had a small crack) I know he thought DH would replace it if it didn't work at ALL! Even our local cell phone expert said there was no way in hell that phone got broke by dropping it. It had to me smashed with a blunt object like a hammer. He had to borrow a much older phone to get him through until his was replaced. costs us an additional $150.00 to replace the damn phone that DH is STILL paying for. I refused to pay to fix it unless I got to keep it. DH told SS17 if he wanted it fixed for himself he would have to pay for it. I was stunned.
So, not another word has been said from SS17 about the phone. He is using the old borrowed phone.
Of course,,,he also hasn't text, called or said Crap to his DH since that time. Thats ok since he only called or came over when he wanted money anyway. SO its a Win-WIn!!
It didn't work until she was
It didn't work until she was told she wouldn't get a new one...then the gremlins magically disappeared! Gotta love that! Just like HHB last summer when she tried to pull that she NEEDED new shorts while she still lived with us! I told her, "How about you do ALL of your laundry, first. We got you several pair of shorts at the end of last summer that you barely wore...there is no way you need new ones!" When it came down to the fact that we weren't going to just run and buy her new clothes, it was amazing how many pair of shorts she "found" in her room that were wearable!
These entitled brats think they need new stuff all the time! I mean, how many of them have actually been made to wear a pair of jeans or shoes until they actually wore out? How many have to make a phone last an entire 2 years? How many wear the same coat for more than 1 winter? We parents do it all the time!