New height of laziness
I've been reading about how a lot of you have issues with teen skids not being sanitary. Well, Skidiot is no exception. Lately it has come to my attention that Skidiot claims her under garments are missing. Just regular every day underwear. So she has daddy buy her more. I'm pretty sure that she has thrown them out due to nasty bodily fluid stains. I've seen the nasties laying around, and wouldn't begin to get close to them. I think Skidiot has decided to do disposable underwear as opposed to wiping her butt, and staying clean.
Daddy is duped again.
I find it so interesting how skids put so much time into deceit, instead of putting that energy into something productive.
Have any of your skids pulled the disposable underwear scheme yet?
That's awesome Rilka! The
That's awesome Rilka! The problem here is daddy doesn't enforce anything. I personally, don't understand how a parent can let something like this go. When you know your kid is not using toilet paper, a parent needs to be a parent, like your DH did.
All I can say is, after reading all the posts on here, I can see why we have kids with such a low mentality. Parents are not doing their's plain and simple.
Sally, good for you! I don't contribute to the needs of this child. That is up to her parents. I guess he'd rather keep buying underwear, that put the effort into actual parenting. Oh well, it's not my kid that's going around with a stinky butt. :sick:
LOL Sally that is a riot.
LOL Sally that is a riot. Gotta wipe that crack once in's really not that difficult!
Not, maybe DH should buy Skidiot packs of TP every time she asks for new underwear.
SD13 asked for new underwear over a month ago. We were in Macy's recently and I remembered that she needed it, so I asked her if she would like some nice cotton Jockey undies. She pissed and moaned. I brought it up to DH again last night, it came up in conversation, about how she needs to be nicer and grateful when we take her shopping for new things. DH asked if she had a problem that day because we were in the women's department? She wouldn't answer. I told her that no matter which sex she identifies with in her head and in her heart, her body is female. I told her she could not wear tightie whities for underwear, but that women's underwear comes in all styles. She could try the "boy cut" undies that are so popular.
DH and I got nowhere with her. She can wear her too small little girl undies until she can be more appreciative. Oh, and there is about a 1/2 ounce of gel in her shower. It's by Philosophy, the kind that is shampoo and body wash all in one. All of the other bottles are conditioner or are empty. No soap to be found.
I am doing a "Sally" and keeping quiet to see if she asks for any soap or shampoo. The dog shampoo is still in there. It smells pretty good, too!
~ Moon
They haven't gone that far
They haven't gone that far but each of my skids, both girls, only own one bra..yep one bra and they wear it all week and maybe wash it once a week. I don't know about other women, but I find this nasty..especially during the summer months. We all sweat and alot of us sweat under our breasts..(i do anyways lol) and that sweat gets all over the bra..yet they wear it and only wash it once a week..Ive even asked them why they don't own at least 2 or 3 bras..i usually get the "i don't know"'s not that their BM refuses to buy them (she's got money) and my 20 year old skid has her own job so I know she can afford another bra...i'm sure those things stink...i don't think this plays into the laziness thing (even though they are quite lazy) but it is unsanitary in my opinion.
I'm shocked that SheSloth
I'm shocked that SheSloth hasn't pulled that yet. She hasn't done laundry in 2 months, so she has to be out of underwear. She also doesn't use TP (roll in the hall bathroom hasn't changed in over a month now...not going down any lower, and no new rolls put in there). Oh yeah...SheSloth has gotten to wearing lacy thongs, which she KNOWS that DH will not buy her. I'm willing to bet she will come home from BM's this weekend with new thongs, because she probably told dear mom that she NEEDS underwear (when truth is, she doesn't want to do laundry), and she will have the step dad take her on a mall trip. A mall trip usually means SheSloth being handed money, and left to shop herself, and then step-dad will swing by and pick her up.
As for the bra situation...SheSloth has 2 sports bras and at least 4 regular bras (I know this because I was involved in their purchase just this past summer right before school started). Remember, she hasn't done laundry in 2 months. I've seen her wearing nothing but the sports bras (yes, you can tell what bra she wears with her clothing choices). I happen to see one of the sports bras on the floor a couple of weeks ago. It started out pink, but it was turning gray. And that was a couple of weeks ago, and I know it still hasn't been washed.
I'm shocked by all the kids
I'm shocked by all the kids who find it to much work to wipe their asses. WTH??
HAHAHA I just logged on to
HAHAHA I just logged on to say this same exact thing. It has to be uncomfortable, doesnt it? Like all slippery and slimey? hahahahahaha
Could come in handy to grease
Could come in handy to grease the pole that's in their future.
I know that was gross... :sick:
You'd think with their heads
You'd think with their heads jammed so far up there, they would smell something by
I would think itchy! I know
I would think itchy! I know if I'm at an amusement park and get on a ride that splashes water on you, or if I sweat too much...yeah, not comfortable. Could only imagine if "stuff" is left on certain parts!
All this lazy talk reminds
All this lazy talk reminds me...last night SheSloth yells out from her room, "Someone call my phone! I put it down somewhere and can't find it!" Keep in mind, she had been in her room from the moment she got home (and she was texting away on it when she walked in there), and there are truly not that many places to put her phone down in her room. She just didn't want to take any time to look for it among the piles of crap! And of course, instead of telling her to just look for it, DH calls the phone for her to help her find it! I just shook my head at him, "Seriously? How do you lose your phone when you never left your bedroom?"
My sd14 has a nasty habit of
My sd14 has a nasty habit of barelt washing her undies out after her she bled everywhere and then hanging the still dripping.....yes it is not just water....on the towel rack. It's lovely.
My sd14 has a nasty habit of
My sd14 has a nasty habit of barelt washing her undies out after her she bled everywhere and then hanging the still dripping.....yes it is not just water....on the towel rack. It's lovely.
SD13 decided to only shower
SD13 decided to only shower Tuesday and Friday this week. Then announced tonight that she was going to shower before her field trip tomorrow, so she would be nice and clean.
Like she wanted a gold star or something. DH and I just looked at her. Like having a damn 7yo in my house.
I would give the world to see
I would give the world to see SKIDIOT dealt with in the proper way. There's nothing more disgusting than to see a father cower down to his kid. SKIDIOT was told to do something, by daddy. As usual, because he shows absolutely no authority, she didn't do it. Two hours later he notices it's not done. Tells SKIDIOT again. When she decides it's time, she finally did it. Then he has to spell out the next chore, which she knows, but won't do unless she's told. She did part of that chore, and left it unfinished. Daddy finished it for her.
It's so frustrating to watch a man be such a mouse. So fearful to teach the kid anything because it might upset her.
In my situation, I put all the blame on the parents. Neither one can enforce anything. You can't tell me this kid was taught how to properly wipe her rear, and keep herself from smelling like rotted fish! Lazy parenting from daddy dear, and mommy. Neither one has any interest in the child's future. It's a roll of the dice. Why do people have kids if you're not willing to put the time, and effort into molding them into functioning adults? It's done out of love, so what's the deal? Do they not lover her, and just tolerate her? Sometimes I think so. She's nothing but a pawn to them. A contest of seeing who can make the spoiled brat love them more. It's asinine.
In the meantime, here's this useless, lazy, disrespectful, entitled, smelly, manipulative kid who will never learn responsibility, and never be able to make it in the adult world. To top it off you can't get daddy to believe stepping up, and being a real parent is actually good for his kid.
Rant over...