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Oh, I forgot about court!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Seems that HHB has been down at the animal shelter doing her community service. I thought we were done hearing from HHB for a while, and then she calls DH yesterday from BM's phone (because she appears to be grounded from's a guess because there is no activity on it...she could have shattered it being she got an iPhone 4 for her birthday). Oh yeah....she still needs to take that class at the court house that was ordered! Oh, and DH has to take her and then drive down there later to pick her back up (class is like 6 hours on a Saturday...and is downtown in the city, which is some 50 miles from our house). I'm wondering why her emo girlfriend can't take her. Did HHB get grounded from her, too? If so, poor princess won't be going to the prom!

At least I don't have to worry about DH wanting to take my car!! That problem is now fixed! His little 2-seater sport car decided it was going to break AGAIN! This is the 3 major break in the last year, but I had a feeling it was going to crap out on him again. I told him "we" didn't have the money to fix it, and he would need to finally figure out what the hell he was going to do with that car! I wasn't about to pay for a car we couldn't drive, and he sure as hell wasn't going to start driving mine for work and stuff. Thankfully, he figured it out...caused him to lose more than his little sports car because he had to include his motorcycle on the deal (which he hasn't ridden in 2 years because he can't use it for work like he used to with his current job...he got it when gas prices were over $5/gallon to save on gas). He got himself a nice little sedan, that he is surprisingly very excited about. Same car payment as he had. Best thing for name is not on the note of his car any more! I made him get it all by himself! So, he will be taxiing the princess around in his new wheels!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I don't know, but I peeked at the records today, and it is still on the no call list, it appears. Every morning, there are usually a ton of texts in and out to folks from the moment she gets up for school (the real reason it always takes her forever to get ready). Nope...not a single one again this morning! I'm just shocked that it got taken away, though, step-dad may have insisted it when the grades came in, because I don't think he is about to have that girl under his roof any longer than he has to, either. Poor thing...wonder where she is going to go in a couple of years! Neither step wants her, and I'm highly doubting she will go to college! She isn't getting any kind of scholarship the rate she is going, and dear daddy can't pay for that!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I would say more power to them! If it goes a while with no activity, maybe I should report it stolen and change the number! }:) That would deactivate the SIMM and I could just get a new one for my old iPhone 4 and use it as a business number for my PT stuff...since it still has contract on it.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, I'm not happy about it! Agree with you 100%. BM doesn't drive...doesn't have a license even. Can't really say that step-dad should take her, because I know if the tables were turned, I'd be saying, "Hell no! Not my kid!"

Of course, we both know that DH is going to jump on a chance to spend even a bit of time with his dear daughter, because she won't come here for visits any more it seems...and she doesn't return his texts or call any other time.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh...she may still make other arrangements. She did that with court originally, and didn't tell DH until the day right before court. Was actually shocked that she gave him that much notice! I seriously doubt the girl wants to spend any time with DH if she doesn't have to! I'm thinking her plan is...well, call dad and make sure that is solid before I call anyone else, just so I'm not left without a ride.

Of course, these days, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If we insisted that BM pay for a taxi, she will have more reason in her mind to demand more child support. I've already warned DH..."Seriously? You want to show up to BM's in your new car (it's used...2-years old), after last weekend? You know that she is going to use that as ammo that you can afford more child support! Just like scoping out your watch that I gave your for our anniversary!" He immediately replied with his middle finger, "She can sit and spin! I'll tell her that it's none of her business, but the car payment is exactly the same, and at the rate the other car was going, I was about to not afford to pay her any child support!"

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, that would really chap her hide! As it is, we know she doesn't realize how much money I actually make...she thinks it is DH that makes the lion's share in this house. I mean, I'm certain she thinks I just have some crappy secretary job or something. Ha! Joke is on her! Some of us actually worked to make something of our lives. Didn't use being a woman or having kids as an excuse to sit in front of the TV eating ice cream all day!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Went online to work this morning, and the boss was like, "What are you doing? I have you off today since you are working Saturday." I knew I was working Satrurday, but thought my alt day off was next week. Soooooo, just spent the last 2 hours cleaning my car inside and out! First time I've done that in quite some time...rarely did it with HHB around, because she would sit her nasty self in my car every weekend, and DH kept taking my car to take her places...especially all the problems he had with his! DH is also bad on interior...he vapes, and is always trying to refill while driving...dropping nasty nicotine juice everywhere! Figured now that he has his bigger car that he currently seems to love, love, love, maybe I have him out of mine for a while! And yes...I wore gloves! Had to get into all those cracks of the back seat where HHB used to sit! Girl was stuffing wrappers in my seat it seems after I started getting on to her about leaving them in the door! Why is the girl so against putting trash in the trash? Seriously...there is a clear plastic bin in her room that if DH ever lets me clean it out, I'm not even gonna go through it...just put the whole thing on the curb! It was bought for her to put her makeup and hair stuff in. Nope...left makeup and hair stuff everywhere and stuffed the bin with trash!

Sun is out. Temps are mild. Car is clean! May have to take a drive with the tunes blaring and the sun roof open!

UPDATE: Fun day! Went to the mall and walked around...picked up a couple of pair of earrings for about $20. So nice to not have to worry about HHB being around and noticing every single new thing I ever wear...and yes, girl is that perceptive. I swear it is a skill BM taught spy and report back that we spend money on ourselves! Oh my word, we have jobs! We do that kind of thing! LOL

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I do and I don't care what HHB reports, if that makes sense. I'm going to spend my hard earned money as I want, but at the same time, I hate dealing with BM calling DH cussing him out, demanding more money, etc. Sure, doesn't affect me directly, but I do then have to deal with a grumpy DH whenever she does that crap.

HHB would get upset all the time if I bought ANYTHING for BD24 or BS20. Even if it was a single pair of jeans for BS20, because he had none that fit, and he was required to wear jeans to an athletic function (like their banquets or for those "meet the team" nights)! I used to hate when I wanted to go to the mall, and DH would insist that I take HHB for some "girl time"! She would ask for everything in sight...gauges, makeup, clothing that she didn't need. When I told her no, it was a trip to Fitsville! I got to the point I would stop planning my shopping trips for any day that she would be near me, as DH would ALWAYS demand I take her (so he could sit on his couch and not have to deal with her). When I would have leave to burn or lose, I would take days during the week while HHB was in school, and not even tell DH I had a day off!

I do have to say that I'm enjoying the cleanliness and fresh smell of the inside of my car after all my hard work yesterday! Got rid of all that crap stuffed in the cracks of my seats I didn't know was there, so I'm certain my vehicle is HHB-free now!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yes...she does live with BM, but BM's driver's license expired some 10 years ago, and now she claims she is afraid to drive. I suspect that much like me, the stepdad is also saying, "Not my kid, not my problem! Tell her dad to do it!"

Rags's picture

I gotta go with the "You live with your mom, you and your mom figure it out. Have fun riding the bus and good luck on staying in compliance with your probation. Buh-bye." perspective.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

That IS funny...mainly because there is no bus service to their house. The town/suburb they live in...council voted against the city bus service because the people didn't want to pay the extra taxes. So, since the town doesn't pay, the city will not include them in their routes!

Rags's picture

The town we used to live in for more than 15 years had that same issue. They refused to join the metro transportation taxing authority and the Community College taxing authority and did not get those services. Interestingly once they did join the CC taxing authority the CC moved its headquarters and built there flagship campus there. They light rail already ran through the town and the CapMetro had already built a big commuter rail terminal there they just never opened it. It had parking, a beautiful terminal building with a food court, etc... They just did not cut the access road to the terminal or staff it until the city joined the taxing authority.

My parents still live there.