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Theater auditions today

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Is it wrong for me to hope that HHB does not make advanced theater? Personally, I think her time is best spend on her school work, so DH doesn't get stuck paying an extra year of child support due to her being a 5th year high school senior! And no...extra activities don't encourage her to do better...she will still fail classes, but then cry to teachers that she has a performance and must get her grade changed! That is what she did with color guard.

The other thing that scares me is something I saw on the web site for theater at this school. If she makes it, she will be eligible to go to Scotland this year, which you know she will want to do! BM will scream at DH that princess really, really wants to go, and he needs to take her to get a passport (and pay the $150) AND make hm find a way to pay for the trip. She will make his life hell, because he just can't give princess what she wants!

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

"Ooooh, Go Fund Me! Go Fund Me!"

Oh wait, didn't we discuss this before and HHB didn't do a damn thing with raising money (for whatever it was that she so desperately needed)?

LOL I agree, Nessie could use a snack...... }:)

~ Moon

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Well, supposedly results of the auditions won't be for a couple of weeks. Looking at the web site, they were required to fill out an application and have two letters of recommendation. One had to be from a school employee, and the other could be from someone on the outside. I have no idea who HHB would have gotten at the school...but she hasn't been there very long, so I'm sure she was able to sweet talk someone. Outside...she probably got emo's mom to write her a letter. If those responsible for theater production were smart, they would take the time to check in with each of the teachers of those they are considering (as after the audition, I'm sure they have already cut those that were totally a no-go). If HHB even made that cut, that would be the smart thing to do. Her phone records show she texts all through class. We already know she doesn't turn in her work on time, if at all. Theater means putting in work...learning lines, building costumes, etc. They have to know that the people they chose will be dependable, which HHB is not...especially being the diva she is! She tends to throw a fit and not want to do things when she doesn't get her this case, the lead! Yeah, I really hope these people are smart enough to talk to the teachers and look at her grades if they are considering her!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yeah...apparently it is this that they have to get invited to:

If she doesn't beg for this year, IF she makes it, I can easily see her begging for next year. Oh hell no, princess! Nothing in the court order says that DH has to pay ANYTHING for these kinds of expenses! HHB is 16 now...get a frackin' job! Time the girl learns that DH doesn't have ATM tattooed across his forehead! I even told him when BM bugged for more child support a couple of weeks ago, "The two of them see no use for you until they need the 'Bank of {{last name}}'!" Funny thing was, he didn't argue or deny this point.

Back in the summer, HHB thought she wanted to join a drum corp for the summer...cost was $150 to even try out, and if you made it, it cost some $3,000 for room, board, uniform, etc. HHB thought DH would just magically come up with the money! We told her to set up a GoFundMe page...she did. But we also told her she had to write a compelling argument why people should pay for her to go to this...why is this so important to her, etc. She just basically put on her page "I would really love to do this", and that was it! We also told her that she would have to promote her to friends, relatives, etc. when 2 weeks passed with no one donating anything, she gave up.

My standard answer these days when HHB asks for crazy money these days is, "She's 16...she can get a job!" Both my bios worked...didn't kill them. They wanted stuff, they worked for it.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

She is supposed to do the class this Saturday, though she has not called DH to work the details out with him, or let him know if she needs a ride still.

You cracked me up with the whole lesbian/thespian thing! Girl has been "doing drama" since she could talk...seriously! Now, I didn't say it was good drama...over-theatrics does not a good actor make! But everything has always been drama!