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So tired of her laziness...

007Lostit's picture

I swear she is trying to get fired...i am not feeling well today, and I went back to my room and took a nap. I woke up at four, because she needs a ride to work. I go and wash up and wake myself up. When I come out of the bathroom the phone rings...its in the other room and she answers right away...tells them she is on her way.
She is already late for work!! She was supposed to be to work at 4. Instead she chose to take advantage of my not feeling well, and not do the dishes in the sink, and watch cartoons!!! WTH??? She is almost 19 and she still wants to watch cartoons!!! OMG!! I could just scream!!! This is the third time she has done this...once each week.
She does not tell me her schedule...he dad has told her to write it down etc....but she doesn't. I hate giving her a ride to work.
If i am not out her riding her ass telling her what she needs to be getting done, then she is watching cartoons or reading. Nothing else!

I end up feeling guilty about talking to her dad about it because he gets weird about it. I would rather have her out of my house and not have to deal with what she doesn't do, and the non stop laziness. She has not saved a damn dime from her job and is looking for one with better i going to have to deal with this crap until she does save any money??? I don't think its possible...she just buys crap all the time that she doesn't need. She wants to get a "new phone" because she is claiming hers doesn't works fine! She just wants a new one. She is still buying books all the time, dropping like 30-70 dollars a week on them.

Don't even get me started on how she treats her siblings...she is always arguing with our 8 year old...over would think she was 8 too! She is always yelling at our 4 year old. I am just so sick of it all.

I thought her graduating high school would be the end of it for me....I mean she ran away cuz her dad wouldn't let her go on a date because he had not met the boy yet.....why doesn't she just leave now??? Oh thats friends and since she is not in school she has no people to lie to and manipulate into feeling sorry for her and buying her poor pitiful me routine. You would think that someone who has such an AWFUL stepmother wouldn't be able to move out fast enough to get away.....I should be so lucky....


j-dog's picture

While I get it that this is frustrating, and, sorry, no good advice.
But, reading a lot, and blowing her money on do see how much worse it could be, right?
Srsly, you need to INSIST on a schedule or you're NOT her ride, period.
Still, books are better than meth...

j-dog's picture

While I get it that this is frustrating, and, sorry, no good advice.
But, reading a lot, and blowing her money on do see how much worse it could be, right?
Srsly, you need to INSIST on a schedule or you're NOT her ride, period.
Still, books are better than meth...

007Lostit's picture

Really? I have been dealing with my step kids for 16 years now. I could not wait till graduation. She was supposed to be gone finally! But noooo....all of a sudden she doesn't want to go anywhere.
After years of lying, manipulating, whining, bitching about me and how awful I am to anyone who would listen to her....she decides to stay put. It is because she NEVER had any real friends, and now that she is out of school she has no "social life" at all...if you can call school a social life.
I would rather she be on least she would be out of my house!
There are many types of step children hell...and meth is just but one...
I said I can't stand her laziness and inability to save her money so she can get the hell out of my house.
She can read and blow her money on whatever she wants when she is out of my house.

007Lostit's picture

Yeah, I am thinking of just letting her keep the next two to three paychecks and saying hit the bricks