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have attorney appt for new CO need help

12yrstepmonster's picture

SD20 (almost 21- like in days) has dropped out of college and moved out of BMs house. Last month we did the court thing to reduce support to one, bm was making some unreal demands- in the end her attorney was to write up what was agreed upon.

When we got the new order, it was worded wrong, we told our attoney, it was changed.

However Bm wants it court ordered we maintain insurance on SD until she turns 26!, we agreed to keep SD on insurance she found a job with it. But we a) didn't think this should be court ordered. And if it is going to be we need to have an out. If SD does not pay for her Rx, it will stop us from getting our meds, AND dh gets turned over to collections.

Has anyone been in this position?


12yrstepmonster's picture

I understood the new law giving an option to the parent to add them. Not mandating parents cover them.

12yrstepmonster's picture

We wanted it added that SD had to keep the copays cuerrent to remain on our insurance. We've already paid 90 dollars of Rx that Bm should have covered.

We have no issue with keeping her on ou DH policy. But to habe it mandated by a CO we have an issue with. Both SD and BM think she can remain on DHs insurance. In fact his policy reads that if her employer offers insurance she can not be covered.

We told our attorney coverage needs to be based on his companies policy, and that SD keeps her copays current. Bm blew up stating HE will not dictate and put strings on things.

Our attorney said she is crazy in her demand

12yrstepmonster's picture

So given all this, in the initial go around we agreed to pay a portion of her attorney fees, we are now going to ask that she pay all her and a portion of ours. She also changed things that were originally agreed to- we knew the error of the thinking so when they caught on to their error we politely agreed.

Has any CP been ordered to pay attorney fees for being unreasona?

HadEnoughx5's picture

My divorce decree says "the father will provide health insurance until the children are no longer eligible" which now is until age 26.

StickAFork's picture

Why did you want your XH to insure them for so long?
I never even requested XH cover them...