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ot- i just found out bad news about my mom

12yrstepmonster's picture

I've had 3 really bad years. My sdad died in 2009. My mom crashed, depression overtook her life, then she started drinking. Early 2012 she was diagnosised with a terminal disease- life expectancy 5 yrs. However, Thanksgiving I found out that she also has cirrohsis of the liver.

Yeah its been one shitty year. She doesn't know I know. The symptoms make total since now.

It breaks my heart, she's my beat friend and I have to watch her die.


Most Evil's picture

Oh that is terrible. I am so sorry and can relate. Sad

Just try to be there for her. Do everything you can for her and talk to her, as you will remember this period your whole life.

Hugs to you dear

hereiam's picture

I am very, very sorry. I have been there and all I can say is, make some great memories. Like Most Evil said, you will remember this period your whole life. You don't want there to be anything you regret.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

I'm so sorry your going thu this!!! My heart is heavy for your tragedies. I lost my dad to cancer 3 &1/2 yrs ago. Try to spend as much time with her as you can. If she's well enough & can travel- I'd suggest doing so with her. Make all the memories you can with her. I wish I would've talked more with my dad about his younger years & more about my Grandparents as well. I just didn't think to at the time, wish I would've taken just a day to hear more stories about my family

Again, I'm so very sorry you are going thru all this!!! ((HUGS))