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Not going to be one big happy family - sad to admit it but can't be helped.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

It would be really nice to be one big happy family but that just simply is not possible. SD has too many negative critisisms and opinions for us to really ever get along. As long as I feel dissected on a regular basis I will not participate in the game.
This Is my life to live and I do not wish to be subjected to the stress I have been in the past 3 years or more.
She is a grown woman with a husband and children, a mom and DAD and plenty of friends and family, she does NOT need me, nor does she really want me. This has been made very clear to me time and time again, and I kept trying to be “nice” and please everyone for the family. Nothing will ever be good enough, so I give up.
I also feel like I come in 2nd place in DH’s life since her wishes and wants ALWAYS take priority. He could never say NO to her or reprimand her when she bad-mouths me. This is a situation I DID NOT EVER FORESEE as DH and I were always number 1 to each other. I KNOW I am number 2 and no words from DH can convince me I am wrong. It is the actions that show me where I stand. It is unhealthy and unnatural for a couple together for 20 years are being pulled apart by an ADULT child. The only one who could change this is DH and he obviously wil not do it for his own reasons. I am trying to salvage some happiness in my life now and live a separate life from SD. I love the grandkids but this situation is too absurd and unhealthy for me.
I know sweeping everything under the rug used to work for us but I can no longer do that as the stress is becoming more frequent and more intense. My health is more important and I cannot subject myself to unnecessary stress any longer. It hurts and I just don’t think I can ride the emotional roller coaster anymore. If I try to down play the troubles caused then the least this is then is a HIGH MAINTENANCE relationship – this relationship with SD is just too hard - there is no pleasing her and the baggage she is carrying around about the past is just way too overwhelming for me to deal with at this stage in our lives. She is grown up for petes sake!!! She has a lovely home and family – LET IT GOOOOOOO!


beyond pissed-off's picture

When you are right, you are right. The skids act this way because guilty daddy allows it. Period. I dislike being around them but I don't blame them. He did it and it is him that I am furious at.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

I do get it and I do understand what you are asking? I am furious at DH - don't think I am not. I am on the verge of divorcing him over this. The thing is he just started being her puppet in the last 3-4 years. Prior to that we had a great "normal' couple relationship (or as normal as can be in a mixed / dysfunctional family Lol). It was shortly after gkids came along that he got all weird about her. What he is doing is mainly listening and letting her bad mouth me. Now that really wouldn't be a huge concern except that DH thinks she is right most of the time and then comes home from visiting her and telling me how to be a better step-mom, better grand step-mom and more family oriented - as in SD's family. So DH and I have these huge fights because SD has an issue of some sort at least monthly. She spends almost her entire summer at our cottage with all the step Gkids and is disrestpectful - but if I say a peep it is WW3 with DH and I so i keep my yapper shut these days. I hope this explains a little better what I mean. If SD didn't start the trouble DH wouldn't finish it. So I guess they are both equally to blame.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

You bet she is too old to be reprimanded but SO AM I, and DH thinks nothing of reprimanding me if so much as say a peep about SD. They are both f#$#$cked in the head as far as i am concerned.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

i have asked DH to stop telling me about her petty issues and I am working on staying away from her as much as i can. Not sure how long this will be acceptable though since DH wants us to be together as much as possible. ie. every weekend in the summer at least. Once I start truly disengaging by staying home from my own cottage and DH is up with our BS and SD and her family maybe he will figure it out. If not, it may be the end.