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Way to go DH, I knew you could grow a pair!

3bk1sd's picture

What a weekend! SD called on friday just before DH was to pick her up. He forgot his cell phone at home and she wanted to know if her friend could come spend the night. I said it was fine with me but she had to ask her dad when he got there. I knew he'd say yes so I got supper ready with one extra plate. The friend came and the evening went pretty good.
Saturday morning didn't go so well, SD told DH to "shut up" at least 4 times and kept making comments about him not "liking her". She's usually quite rotten when she's tired Sad SD asked if her friend could stay for another night. DH said no, we need to go out around 3pm and we'll drop her at her house then. SD continued to ask and DH said no, I'm not changing my mind.
Earlier I had been downstairs to collect laundry and later on I decided to clean the bathrooms. I walked into the downstairs bathroom which had been fine 4 hours earlier and the towel bar was ripped from the wall, it was bent so this looks like it was done with force, also the screws holding it in place had been used to poke other holes in the wall.
The baby can't get downstairs and DH or I didn't do it and the other kids are at their dads.I went to find SD, the conversation went like this:

me "SD, why did you rip the towel bar from the wall?"

SD "I didn't, it was like that"

me "no it wasn't, I was just down there a few hours ago."

SD "you don't believe me"

me "no I don't, either you or your friend did it, there has been no one else here"

DH "SD you need to stop destroying things when you don't get your way"

SD "I didn't do it"

DH "yes you did, and you'll pay to fix it"

SD "I'm calling mommy, give me the phone"

DH "go ahead and get the phone yourself"

So she called her mom who things we're so mean and then her and her friend left. We had a lovely saturday and even went out to dinner. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come and DH will continue to have balls.


KJMom's picture

Best feeling in the world isn't it?? when DH does not guilt parent! I think my DH finally "got it" & has stopped babying my SD & it seems like yours has too Wink