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Okay, he was right, that was fun.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

BM scowled the entire time she was here. GBM and I chatted about the kids, BM, DH, child support being cancelled, the new house that they are hoping to get, GBM's new job, BM going back on state assistance, and my house. GBM came up stairs and took a look at the girls' rooms. She thought BD1's (which is obviously more finished since she lives here) was adorable (Pink and white all around, even a pink and white doll house I got at a garage sale). SD's room is green and yellow and GBM thought it was "precious" and that SD would love it. SD came upstairs with DH (BM sat her happy butt on my couch) and SD was really excited about her room. She kept saying "Look at the green, Nana! Look at the yellow! I love it! It so pretty!" I'd asked SD what colors she liked best in the rainbow a few weeks back and she told me "The yellow and the green" and I guess that didn't change since.
BM is having another girl and is thoroughly disappointed that she doesn't get to get all new stuff. She was complaining that she'd wanted to get a new car seat and bassinet and clothes but GBM says they won't need to, just get a sweater and a few pairs of sweatpants for the winter and a new coat. BM has NO concept of the value of money. Drives me insane. Thank GOD we don't have to pay child support for her to go get her nails done anymore. However, she thought that by getting back on state assistance, that the state would insist DH start paying child support to her. NOPE! Sorry, you don't have guardianship of your kid, DH isn't going to have to pay a dime to you until you do. We got a "refund" check from the state for over paid child support last week. Paid bills with it like the money is supposed to be used for.
Overall it was pleasant and GBM privately let me know that she has people watching BM all the time so I don't have to worry about her acting psycho for a while (Apparently her doctors have said she's not allowed to be left alone and unsupervised until after her child is born, at which point she is being put back on heavy medication and monitored regularly until such a time as the doctors decide she is stable). I thanked GBM for that. Swear that woman can read minds some days.


3LittleDragonflies's picture

ROFL! I wasn't going to mention it because I thought it made me sound a little nuts but... yeah, sprayed down the couch and all of BD's toys with disinfectant. Made DH sit alone on the couch instead of in his recliner all night. My pregnant but relaxed in the Big Man recliner.