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She's his

3LittleDragonflies's picture

He wants to go for 50/50 custody now.

Pray for me... I hope I can handle this.


3LittleDragonflies's picture

Of course I'll keep posting... I've got another 14 1/2 years of insanity to deal with.

I'm... A part of me is relived. The other part is being a toddler pouting in a corner and stomping her feet going "BUT I don't WANT to deal with BM's insanity for the next 14 1/2 years!"

I love SD. I was actually going to miss her if she wasn't DH's.

I read the results first (they were sent to my email because DH checks his about as often as Hailey's Comet visits...) and my mind flashed with 100 different things. Proms, Birthdays, Christmases, Baptisms, Dedications... And it was like suddenly there wasn't a hole where SD was supposed to be, but instead she was there, happy and smiling and normal. Idk... I really hope we can have that come true.

LaLaLaaa's picture

On the Bright side: You get to Stay here on ST and get support from all these awesome people anytime you Need it! Smile

3LittleDragonflies's picture

You'd be amazed at how happy I was that I get to keep my steptalk. I swear this place is like a drug! I've been here since July of 11 under a different name.

Anon2009's picture

I'm glad you got answers and was also anxious to know the results. That must be a relief to know SDs paternity.

kathc's picture

aw, I was hoping so hard she wasn't his...I can't believe you're so optimistic. I really, truly hope it's not a bad thing for you.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I have to be optimistic. If I'm realistic, I'll just end up depressed thinking about how insane BM is going to be in 14 1/2 years.

SD isn't necessarily a BAD child, she just is being raised by psychotic imbeciles...

Lalena75's picture

I have been waiting on the results too. I really am not excited about being a SM. But I think since your DH wants 50/50 just make sure that the agreement is crystal clear, all communication is solid (you guys were going with OFW right). then beat her with the CO. Our BM tries to pull stupid stuff, and at first it frustrated me to have to tell SO make her follow the CO. Now I literally have a rolled up copy of the CO I keep near where I sit (and a digital copy on my phone and kindle and laptop so I can answer his questions) but if he starts to slip or get wishy washy on BM and the CO I bop him on the head with the rolled up copy. I don't even say anything anymore (I had been saying "since I can't hit her with it I'll hit you with it, we didn't work hard to get that for you for nothing and you just let your kids suffer if you let her get away with it.)
Were almost to the point where he just goes "I'm not sure how to word my saying no to this?" or "She is trying to do xyz how do I handle that?" he's getting simple standard responses memorized lol. I think you'll be okay, in a way I'm relieved that little girl has a daddy and she knows who he is Smile