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The Story of How My DH was a Felon for 5 Years and Didn't Even KNOW It

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Looking back, this is a slightly funny story, but it's worth putting the warning out about.

When DH was 18, he was giving a ride home to a friend (P1), friend's 16 year old sister (P2), sister's 18 year old friend (P3), and sister's friend's boyfriend (P4).
Needless to say, he barely knew P4.
DH ran a stop sign he didn't see, and was pulled over. Cop asked for everyone's IDs. They gave them up, except P4. Cop asked P4 for his name. Turns out, P4 was a sex offender on parole and wasn't supposed to be around minors. Note, P2 was 16 at the time.
Cop called for back up, had P4 arrested for breaking parole, and asked DH if he could search the vehicle. He asked DH if there were any weapons in the vehicle. "Yes sir, there is a knife under the driver's seat that I was taking to the pawn shop tomorrow. I received it as a gift from a friend earlier today." (The friend is a girl we like to call "Stalker" because she would randomly leave gifts for DH, including cell phones that would ring when he picked them up, on his front porch. DH had never told her where he lived...)
Cop retrieved the knife and measured it. It wasn't within the legal limits. Cop bagged it and gave DH a ticket for running the stop sign, told him he was free to leave.
DH went to pay his ticket about a week later, and was arrested for Carrying a Concealed Weapon. DH's grandma bailed him out, he went to the pretrial talk with the DA and struck a deal. They would destroy the knife and the charges would be dropped. DH was all for it. He offered to take it to the incinerator himself.
I did a background check on him when he and I got together. No felonies.
Fast forward 5 years. DH and I moved back up here after BM went Crazy. DH was going to work for "Local School District" and was all ready to go to work... then bam. Sorry, nope, we don't hire felons.
Turned out that, while they had dropped DH's CCW from the local police records, FBI records, and TSA records... no one had told the state police... which is who the "Local School District" used for their background checks. We cleared it up, but Local School District still refused to hire him. :/

Moral of the story: Do a background check on yourself and make sure EVERY agency is informed when charges are dropped against you.


Justme54's picture

WOW! That sucks....losing out on a job offer. How did that work out? Did DH end up with a better job after all. It is sad that they would not hire him after it was cleared up. It is like my dad told me once...sometimes, there is not alot justice in this world.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

This really hurt us for a long time but DH just got a better job offer a few weeks ago. If he had been working for that school, we would never have gotten that offer. Plus, knowing a couple other things I know now, it wouldn't have been a good opportunity for DH.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

My husband is NOT a felon. I believe I just cleared that up. As for the other stuff, thanks so much for reading my bio. Sorry my life seems a little crazy to you, it seems a little crazy to me, that's what brought me here.

I'm unsure why you are so angry with me, but I'll pray for you.
And I'm very glad I won't ever be your daughter in law. You son is probably much too immature for me.

Willow2010's picture


3LittleDragonflies's picture

Does believing you're the last sane man on the planet make you crazy? -- iRobot

I've thought about this quote more in the last 3.5 years since I met DH than I'd care to admit. It seems like everyone in my life has gone off the deep end.

misSTEP's picture

My DH got picked up and hauled off to jail twice (almost three times) for the same damn thing because they kept forgetting to close it out and mark it as paid (he wrote a bad check when he was a teen and had gone to court and paid it off the first time).

The THIRD time they came to grab him, it turned out it was the cop who accompanied him to court the previous time and couldn't believe that had happened to him! He talked the cop out of arresting him as long as he went directly to whatever agency it was and got it straightened out!

Lawyers said that since he did commit the crime, they couldn't do anything about the arrests after that, even though he almost lost a job because of it.

Personally, I think that BM must have known someone and was deliberately making things difficult. I would never think that of someone except someone who has repeatedly shown me her crazy and vindictive side for years.